Day 074 – Jenny’s Reassurance

15 March 2021

Day 074. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Guidance. 2 is Influence, card is Integration. 3 is Goal, card is The Source. 4 is Distant Past, card is Intensity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Rebirth. 6 is Future Energy, card is Existence. 7 is Feelings, card is Success. 8 is Others’ views, card is Sorrow. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Mind. 10 is Outcome, card is Moment to Moment.


Welcome to Day 74!

Had a satisfying day.  Out of the blue, a phone call advised that the lounge we were getting recovered was ready for delivery.  Delivered.  Looks fantastic!  New lounge popular with both cats and a quick scratch by one of them confirmed that the fabric is unaffected by cat claws (initially, at least).  

Obviously, we would prefer it if the cats kept their claws for the scratching beds and mats provided for them.  For a while discouraging clawing worked then we became less diligent in putting the tape up on the lounge because we kept getting stuck to it.  Rather than trying to take the mountain to Mohammed we moved Mohammed to the mountain.  Basically, find furniture that wasn’t going to look frayed within five minutes of buying it and a cat discovering it.  

We found a velvety IKEA “throne” chair for the lounge, that I just had to have, and it didn’t fray at the sight of a cat.  So, we reupholstered the existing cheap but comfy lounge with a similar velvety fabric.  Today’s delivery confirmed that the new velvety fabric holds its own when it comes to cat claws.   

Usually, the cats stay away from new furniture for a day, seems that they changed their habits.  Five minutes!  Yes, we will still discourage clawing, but we have stubborn cats.  By the way, the stubborn streak comes from my husband’s side of the family 😉. What?  Surely you don’t always want to hear my husband being wonderful – you’d think I was making him up!

Health update.  Still sore. Still exercising. Still living and laughing!

During the course of the workday I contacted Jenny about this and that work thing but we sometimes drift off into a five minute coffee chat.  It was a lovely chat; she has two young under school aged children and has recently discovered that her place needs some unplanned remodelling due to the previous owner’s “handiwork” not being so handy anymore and causing issues where the family need to move out while repairs are carried out.  

Anyway, Jenny broke her ankle about two years ago and had we spoken earlier about her physio appointments, I wouldn’t have had the level of anxiety about seeing one either.  But that would’ve robbed me of something to write about – right!  Jenny reaffirmed that physios were there to help get you better and not to torture you.  Really good to know.  She did then go into a story where after another incident that moving the muscles at that point was incredibly excruciating.  Not the physio just the exercises the physio gave her. 

Jenny stressed, like others, that doing the exercises are the key to good recovery and full range of movement.  Talking about an elderly couple where both had various needs for surgery and an exercise regime.  One with replacing both hips and everyday they religiously pushed themselves to go for walks.  They made full and pain free recoveries.  

Instead of writing this all now, let me wander off to do just that.  Oh, quickly.  Woman in New Amsterdam (Netflix) with similar leg injury.  Dr Bloom has ligament damage, no wonder the physio was pushing her through her pain.

Before I do that, let’s see what the cards have to say!  

Today's Cards

Day 074. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Guidance. 2 is Influence, card is Integration. 3 is Goal, card is The Source. 4 is Distant Past, card is Intensity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Rebirth. 6 is Future Energy, card is Existence. 7 is Feelings, card is Success. 8 is Others’ views, card is Sorrow. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Mind. 10 is Outcome, card is Moment to Moment. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

There’s only the one card that is in today’s reading that was in yesterday’s and that’s the card of Guidance.  Yesterday, it was in the Feelings or Immediate Future card.  The Now could be the Immediate Future spoken about yesterday.  Yesterday I mentioned Guidance was about taking the physio’s guidance and incorporating that into my immediate future until my ankle has recovered.  

The Influence position and its card of Integration.  The words above of embedding it into my routine lends support to the Guidance card not starting a new cycle but continuing the last run of the physio’s impact. 

The Goal of The Source is about getting back to basics and new ideas at the heart of the issue. 

Distant Past has the card of Intensity which is embodies another fire element card.  Fire representing creativity power of the mind and showing the inspiration The Source.  The Intensity card could relate to the enthusiasm I have about displaying my spreadsheets to the world.  They’re not that fantastic, but for me they’re cool.  Just need to make a couple of areas a little more user friendly 🙂.

The Intensity gives rise to the Recent Past card of Rebirth.  As mentioned in the paragraph above, there’s a new enthusiasm for progressing the spreadsheet to public viewing.  Not that it was ever not going to happen, just need to do it cheaply. 

Future Energy is about Existence.  This is just being who I am where I am.  Sneakily looking ahead the Moment to Moment card is in the Outcome position and it looks as though Existence is going to happen from Moment to Moment – taking just one step at a time.

Success in the Immediate Future or Feelings position? I’ll take it!  There were a couple of things where I thought the day was successful.  Kept to exercising the ankle.  Finally sent off documentation to finalise a project that just seems to love me more than it should have – meaning that I hadn’t taught the project to fend for itself in the big wide world.  There was also the Emergency response processes we needed to complete – done!  Now it was a Successful day!

Others’ Views has the card of Sorrow.  Jenny probably did see me as sorrowful because of the way my personal pain barriers were being pushed before seeing the physio. Come to think of it, it was probably also the naivety around physio capability.  

Mind in the Hopes & Fears position.  Simple. My Fear is that I don’t know where to draw the line with my exercises and this lack of clarity pushes me to do something silly.  My Hope is that like learning new things the mind in a state of confusion can still make clear choices.

The Outcome is Moment to Moment, since we spoke about this up earlier.  Moment to Moment is about taking one step at a time while being fully aware.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Netflix, 2018,2019 New Amsterdam, TV Series
End Day 74
Day 074 – Jenny’s Reassurance
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