Day 073 – Connie’s Visit

14 March 2021

Day 073. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Dream. 2 is Influence, card is Playfulness. 3 is Goal, card is Ice-olation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Celebration. 5 is Recent Past, card is Breakthrough. 6 is Future Energy, card is Inner Voice. 7 is Feelings, card is Guidance. 8 is Others’ views, card is Courage. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Transformation. 10 is Outcome, card is Consciousness.


Welcome to Day 73!

My friend Connie visited today, and we realised that we had known each other for 20+ years.  We met when one of my contracting jobs was working with her.  Connie’s sense of humour, intelligence and matter-of-factness won me over instantly.  Prior to Connie, people who had a matter-of-factness usually confused me.  It was kind of Susie Dent to tweet just the word I was looking for to describe why it confused me.  Here’s the quote:

Word of the day is 'huff snuff' (16th century): one who shares their opinion far and wide but is quick to take offence if anyone disagrees.

Yes! Yes!  It’s a Twitter icon with a link to Twitter. There’s learning happening all the time.  Who knows? Soon there might even be an Instagram icon.  Remember, “patience is its own reward” 🧘🏻. 

Anyway, back to Connie. Connie is not a huff snuff, you could “matter-of-fact” right back at her and she would be totally fine with it.  This ability to roll with and the counter ‘punches’ I’ve going to put down to the large family she comes from.  Another friend of mine also has a large family and she too has a good sense of humour and tolerance.  

Not all large families fit this generalisation 🙂, because I haven’t been involved with that many large families myself. But from my limited exposure, I’m imaging that in large families it’s the natural nature of siblings to let loose on one another – verbally of course.  This happened between my sister and I – how could it not happen in larger families.  So, over the years that might foster a sense of humour and tolerance gained from the intense melting pot of personalities and inescapable circumstances (for a while at least). 

Depending upon the personalities and where the parents are at emotionally, spiritually and physically when it comes to disciplining the conflicts will depend on the outcome.  As I write it dawns on me there are a multitude of factors for it not being the case, so I’ve been over generalising.   

Nonetheless, we had a wonderful day.  Also found out that Connie is related to a physiotherapist, which is why she thought I’d be exhausted after the session.  Fortunately for me, I’d already been pushing myself too hard and the physio went easy on me 🙏.

Once Connie left, there was just a little bit of work on researching how to make the stats workbook available for viewing. In the meantime, the brains of the family (husband) worked out why one of my formulas wasn’t doing what it was supposed to be doing.  Looks like I may have found something, and my husband fixed the formula, win-win!  The only thing is that what I found was done in an earlier version of Excel and it needs to get checked against the current version in case Microsoft decided to “improve it away” 😏.  

On the health front, it’s been quiet; just ice packs on the knee ensuring that the recommended exercises are being done.  That’s it.

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 073. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is The Dream. 2 is Influence, card is Playfulness. 3 is Goal, card is Ice-olation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Celebration. 5 is Recent Past, card is Breakthrough. 6 is Future Energy, card is Inner Voice. 7 is Feelings, card is Guidance. 8 is Others’ views, card is Courage. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Transformation. 10 is Outcome, card is Consciousness. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine
Day 072. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Dream. 2 is Influence, card is Guidance. 3 is Goal, card is Stress. 4 is Distant Past, card is Transformation. 5 is Recent Past, card is Understanding. 6 is Future Energy, card is Sorrow. 7 is Feelings, card is The Lovers. 8 is Others’ views, card is Postponement. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Abundance. 10 is Outcome, card is Compromise.
Day 073. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Dream. 2 is Influence, card is Playfulness. 3 is Goal, card is Ice-olation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Celebration. 5 is Recent Past, card is Breakthrough. 6 is Future Energy, card is Inner Voice. 7 is Feelings, card is Guidance. 8 is Others’ views, card is Courage. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Transformation. 10 is Outcome, card is Consciousness.

The Cards - Analysis

There are three cards that have made a return: Transformation, Guidance and The Dream. Over the last three days Transformation has moved from the Now to Distant Past to Hopes & Fears. Over the last two days I’ve been treating Transformation as being the physio experience, I’m tempted to treat it in the same light – read below for its impact on the overall deck.

Guidance and The Dream are interesting.  Guidance has moved into the Feelings or Immediate Future position, but The Dream has remained in the NowGuidance representing the course of action provided by the physio means that by me adhering to the exercises provided, that Guidance is continuing. 

The Dream in the Now position yesterday was about unrealistic expectations on the physio and everything being miraculously healed. For a while, it certainly felt like it had but then reality came crashing down. 

Today’s The Dream in the Now would suggest that my perspective on the miracle of what physiotherapists can do has not changed.  I can say it’s true, more so than even before I visited the physio where the unknown created stress for me.  This time, the output and their skill is known.

The Influence card is PlayfulnessPlayfulness in the Osho book speaks to letting go of the burden, not taking life too seriously.  Certainly, when it comes to physios, I am unburdened and it probably is contributing to continuing The Dream perspective.  

Ice-olation sits in the Goal position and usually represents pushing others away believing they are unable to relate.  It’s quite similar to The Outsider card.  Personally, this card has me at a loss today, unless it’s when Connie and my husband went out to pick up lunch.  This is where I sat at home due to me not wanting to hassle with the moon boot. It’s a form of Ice-olation, certainly not a conscious Goal

A Celebration in the Distant Past giving rise to today The Dream might very well be that successful treatment the physio provided. As mentioned, my ankle and knee felt wonderful and if I’d been permitted to dance, you couldn’t have stopped me.  This could also relate to in the past coming up with some successful formulas in Excel around extracting daily tarot data into something fun.

Moving from the Celebration to Breakthrough in the Recent Past. Because of the positive mood and mental state, it was only a matter of time before a Breakthrough happened, fortunately it happened with the data spreadsheet.  Have you ever noticed how breakthroughs tend to happen when you’re in an extreme state, regardless of the type of extreme – happiness, anger, sadness, frustration et cetera?    

The Future Energy position has Inner Voice.  From the Recent Past of Breakthrough to the Now of The Dream into the Future of listening to Inner Voice.  Except in Osho world Inner Voice is about finding your inner truth.  Not a bad thing to move to from The Dream.

As mentioned above Guidance in the Feelings or Immediate Future position is about continuing to follow the advice provided by the physio. 

Others’ Views has the card of Courage.  Many movies mention that Courage and bravery are done in the face of fear or taking a step you know to be risky, but it happens to work out. Perhaps my stupidity around overdoing the exercises might be seen as courageous🤔

Hopes & Fears has Transformation.  My Hope is that the physio can see me again next week (currently booked two weeks hence) and that once again, miracle work will occur.  The Fear is that she won’t be able to see me or she will, and the “wow” factor only came about because I hadn’t really had physio before.  Thus, transforming my experience into a different perspective.

The Outcome of ConsciousnessConsciousness suggests that a clearer overall perspective will form.  Not one clouded by the unrealistic romance of The Dream.  Aha!  Found out how Ice-olation fits in! It can mean, being solitary for a while to get the distance for an objective perspective. 

Consciousness and Inner Voice are quite complementary as far as Future Energy and Outcomes go. 


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day 073
Day 073 – Connie’s Visit
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