Day 066 – Family Diversions

7 March 2021

Day 066. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Outsider. 2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough. 3 is Goal, card is Past Lives. 4 is Distant Past, card is Control. 5 is Recent Past, card is No-thingness. 6 is Future Energy, card is Ordinariness. 7 is Feelings, card is Going with the Flow. 8 is Others’ views, card is Consciousness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Celebration. 10 is Outcome, card is Conditioning.


Welcome to Day 66!

Last night I had a late night.  Submitting to Creativity and being lazy take a toll.  It becomes a vicious cycle, late night creates late morning which translates to another late night et cetera.   Or, there’s the late night and early morning with a nap in the afternoon, providing enough energy for another late night.   With laziness, you work hard to compensate for the loss of effort plus over-compensate which then leads to another bout of laziness.    See! Incredibly vicious.

At least today I made a little more progress on the website.  Progress wasn’t as far as I’d hoped, but some learning did happen and that’s a bonus – trust me!  It got as far a publishing the stats to a html file and linking it in to the website, however, the data didn’t stay in format, I was fortunate to get a chart to jpg to use.  This was really cool.  The file size was smaller and the clarity of the image on the website is better. The chart is a little quirky and is missing its complementary data format.  That will take a little longer, maybe next weekend – before my family arrives for a visit.  Until then, it’s more experimenting.  

Around lunch we needed to get groceries, after lunch I was focussed, had a clear plan of action, words were ready to flow through my hands onto the keyboard.  The temperature in the study had cooled and the temperature was perfect.  I limped to my study chair, did the equivalent of the piano finger stretch and crack to begin typing.  Just about to type my first word and … the phone rang.

“Hello? Oh, hi sis.”  Aha, yep. … Got it. … Okay.”.  This was in response to questions for celebrating my mother’s 80th birthday.  It meant that I wasn’t going to get any writing done.  The topic that had been sitting at the back of my mind completely vanished. My mother’s birthday needed coordination since she and my sister’s family were visiting for Easter.  Mum hated growing up with a birthday around Easter.  It meant it, like those born around other festive events, that the focus was on the festive event and not the person’s birthday.   

This year was going to be a big year for the birthday.  COVID put a spin on things last year which forced the rescheduling of flights for both my mother and sister. Previously, their visits had been planned for separate parts of the year, the COVID shuffle saw the two separate trips now coincide for Easter 2021. Adding a level of complexity to the “Michaela” time both had hoped to individually receive without the other present.  Some “tap” dancing created time for one before the other arrived, an overlap, and some time for the other after the original one left.  Each gets their separate time with me, and because our mum also likes to spend time with both her daughter’s families this happens too.  

Add to this, the 80th birthday request to catch up with some friends while visiting.  This included many phone calls to many people and many places. Some of the calls included planning accommodation, meals, and participants.  It is nice to see that the hotels, once so strict and foreboding when it came to cancellations are now flexible with accommodating.   (Oh, come on, “accommodating”, too good to not address it). In the end, there was a plan that suited all participants.  

Progress on what was going to be a productive afternoon for the website turned out being a productive afternoon sorting out my mother’s 80th birthday.  I love my mother, family and friends but … Timing, Universe!  Timing!

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 066. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is The Outsider. 2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough. 3 is Goal, card is Past Lives. 4 is Distant Past, card is Control. 5 is Recent Past, card is No-thingness. 6 is Future Energy, card is Ordinariness. 7 is Feelings, card is Going with the Flow. 8 is Others’ views, card is Consciousness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Celebration. 10 is Outcome, card is Conditioning. Shuffle Method used was All Methods.

Day 065

Day 066

Day 066. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Outsider. 2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough. 3 is Goal, card is Past Lives. 4 is Distant Past, card is Control. 5 is Recent Past, card is No-thingness. 6 is Future Energy, card is Ordinariness. 7 is Feelings, card is Going with the Flow. 8 is Others’ views, card is Consciousness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Celebration. 10 is Outcome, card is Conditioning.

The Cards - Analysis

While it would be great to talk about today’s cards and hopefully I will get to it, it would be more interesting to talk about the progression of three cards from yesterday’s reading.  Namely the movement of The Outsider, Going with the Flow and Control.  Yesterday I spoke to the aim of Control was the want for discipline on the Flowering Creativity so that something “meaningful” could be achieved on the website.  A reining in, if you will.  

Well, last night was a very late night as I caught up, somewhat.  Control achieved.  In today’s layout, Control was in the Distant Past position.  Making a beautiful transitional sense from Goal set, via goal fulfilled, to being the root of the next Now. While Control was being fulfilled or occurring, the Recent Past position, card of Going with the Flow looped back around to today’s Feelings or Immediate Future position indicating that Morality has been dealt with and Going with the Flow has resumed.  Yesterday I mentioned that Going with the Flow supported Creativity, as it turns out it also supported Control because it’s back – that’s the good thing about the easy going nature of Going with the Flow, comme ci, comme ça. 

Then, how beautiful is it that The Outsider card moved from yesterday’s Outcome position to today’s Now position?!  This is amazing, it’s something that shows the transition and movement of cards from position to position and day to day  on relatable follow through topic – however, didn’t think it would happen.  

For The Outsider to transition from the Outcome to the Now means that the status hasn’t changed or has taken longer to change than originally anticipated.  Why do I say that?  When we left The Outsider yesterday, she needed to perform a reassessment on the situation on how it could no longer be on the outside but to be included.   The topic of yesterday’s post was about catching up and this is the area that needed to be assessed.  

The Breakthrough card having an influence on The Outsider would indicate that there have been some adjustments.  The Goal position has Past Lives, seeming to indicate that I need to revisit something I’ve done before to help with the website elements I have in mind.  Whether this is information or whether it is revisiting my technical side, I don’t know yet. 

We’ve already spoken of Control and how it was about reining in creativity which primed the situation for The Outsider in the Now and more recently had provided the potential creativity inherent in No-thingness (Recent Past).  It looks like tomorrow will focus on getting back to basics in the card of Ordinariness.  Nothing fancy, just keeping the lights on. 

We also spoke of Going with the Flow.  That means it’s time to look at Others’ Views.  Others’ Views is that, I have awareness and am keenly aware of how I’m feeling in the overall context of the situation, which is what Consciousness indicates.   

The Hopes & Fears position has the card of CelebrationCelebration in the context of today’s topic might have many meanings.  Because yesterday, I so wanted to catch-up, the Hope was that I would catch up which would give me pause to celebrate – only a short pause.  The fear is that I remain constantly behind until I once again become exhausted and crash. 

Breaking away from conditioning is what the Outcome position reflects with the card of Conditioning. It’s about realising that what I am is not what I’ve led myself to believe. Is it me, or is this very similar to The Outsider card?  The lion in the picture looks very much like an outsider.  Unlike The Outsider card, desire and the reassessment of the situation won’t change the gap between lion and sheep. 


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day 066
Day 066 – Family Diversions
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