Day 065 – Catching up

6 March 2021

Day 065. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Creativity. 2 is Influence, card is Laziness. 3 is Goal, card is Control. 4 is Distant Past, card is Flowering. 5 is Recent Past, card is Going with the Flow. 6 is Future Energy, card is Sorrow. 7 is Feelings, card is Morality. 8 is Others’ views, card is Friendliness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Postponement. 10 is Outcome, card is The Outsider.


Welcome to Day 65!

Today I was reading through Facebook, scrolling past the ads and noting various tidbits of information posted by family, friends and friends of friends, a couple of times removed.  It’s interesting, because I stumbled across a random person posting on why buying locally was a good thing.  The way the post read I was actually unsure of the point that was being  made, all I knew was that there a point trying to be made, but wasn’t very successful at it – a bit like this paragraph really.

Anyway, not knowing the person who posted it (friend of friend), I shrugged it off, scrolled a little more, got bored, and decided to invest my time in working on how to do some stuff on the website.  

For instance, trying to getting a post/ page with dynamic tarot days stats information, or adding a “like” button and socials to the page.  Yes, I’ve banged on about the socials before, I’m not sure about the socials.  At present, the site has been steadily increasing its readership (thank you) and it’s been beautiful.  The enjoyment of not feeling like I’ve got to have adverts or to push the site.  Now, it’s not apparently great business sense to avoid them.  

You see, I enjoyed it when a kinesiologist (muscle analysis to tap into the psyche) used to send me her occasional email on her life and how she was building up her business.  It was relaxed and easy.  Then, she went “business” and I began getting emails more frequently, as well as daily Facebook notifications.  In the end, I needed to unsubscribe.  Too many emails from the same source is annoying. By the way, if you subscribe here you might get daily notifications because I don’t know how to modify it yet to do otherwise – yet.  A side-effect of me doing my own development is that I need time to investigate how to do stuff.     

My friend Audrey is an absolute whiz at anything technical when it comes to technology.  This isn’t the shiny surface level technology stuff, it’s the deeper stuff like … code!  Audrey reads code like someone might read a good book, it just makes sense to her.  With some effort and concentration I can grasp the outer edges, which is a bad place to be.  You know the saying, “enough knowledge to get into trouble but not enough to get out”.   The other thing that happens when I begin to try to improve the website, is that I avoid the hard bits, and focus on the fun bits.  Fun bits being the figures stats – I love stats and gathering data, but like a dog chasing a car wouldn’t really know what I’d do with it once I got it. I’m not great at the uber technical details just the pretty layer, structure and method-like stuff – just not the code bit 🙁.

Next topic. Swapped out the moon-boot I got from the Fractures Clinic, which was part of the treatment to get me out of the hospital.  The boot was too big.  From the very first walk from the clinic to the car, my right knee began to hurt.  After a day, I preferred to walk without the boot to wearing it.  Walking around without the boot was incredibly painful, but it was preferable to wearing the boot.  

My husband, ever concerned about my lack of protection for my ankle, at least in the first couple of weeks, suggested we look at buying a more comfortable boot.  We drove to the Aspley Day Night Chemist (the pharmacy/ drugstore), the staff were amazing, the boot they had was amazing with a pump thing that would adjust the boot allowing it to be more comfortable on the inside as well.  Amazing!  From the instant it went on, the boot was magical.  The pressure on my knee eased and while there was a limp because of the height difference from boot to shoe, I could almost run.  Okay, let’s not get too excited… running is at least a couple of hours away! 😏

The chemist was so cool for me, as I discovered they had cauliflower puffs,  as well as avocado and almond chips.  Yeah, yeah – my husband doesn’t get excited by this stuff either, but I love them.  Yum! Yum! Yum!

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis

Oh, here we go!  My nemesis card of Laziness is Influencing Creativity.  You know how I mentioned that bit about getting sidetracked from what I’m supposed to do and focus on “pretty stuff”.  These two cards say that.  Creativity is in the Now position and it speaks to itself.  In Osho, it speaks to abandoning yourself to the divine and working with it in the direction you’re meant to go.  

The problem, in this case, is that Laziness hovers. Suggesting either that in surrendering to Creativity today, I am relying on existing achievements to get me through to the next point of activity, or failing to give proper attention to my creativity and taking for granted the elements already in place.   

The Goal of Control arose from a time in the Distant Past where the expansive nature of Flowering possibly – I’m going to say that it’s like when a flower garden becomes overgrown.  Control is what is felt is needed to rein Flowering back into its box.  Flowering is also what fostered the birth of Creativity in the Now.  It is that feeling of generosity or the attitude of plenty.  Relating that back to the situation above, there were no specific plans for the weekend, plenty of time for Flowering and the growth of ideas.  Then there was the challenge of reining creativity back, but that’s as easy as getting six cats to do what you want at the same time.  It’s easy to lose yourself in creativity. 

Creativity is all about Going with the FlowGoing with the Flow is all about not putting restrictions or plans in place.  It’s what I call giving yourself “drift time”.  Drift time is about not having a plan, it’s seeing where the mood takes you, checking in with your feelings and not fighting or controlling them.  It’s a fitting follow on from both today’s Distant Past and Now position cards. 

The natural follow on from that seems to be the Future Energy card of Sorrow.  Whenever the Sorrow card appears, it reminds me of the story of Ananda, Gautam Buddha’s companion, “enlightenment through tears” or Sorrow for those not enlightened yet. Wonder which one it will be…

If Laziness did (it had) take hold, then doing the right thing makes catching up such a chore. Like the Morality card in the Feelings position, the fun of Creativity is lost because the pressure to do the right thing weighs heavily on the emotions.

From an outside perspective, Others’ Views, that would be the staff at the chemist with the fitting and sale of the moon-boot.  This is the same place where I had gotten the kneeling scooter when I had the cast.  So, the interaction would quite adequately be summed up in the Friendliness card.  A state where there’s a nice conversational dynamic, more than simply service but not as much as friendship.  

Hopes and Fears fittingly has the card of Postponement.  This time Postponement is on my side, sort of.  Postponing completion or doing something is silly, particularly when the number of opportunities to make up the time are few. My wish/ Hope is that I could have a Postponement of demands I made for myself.  The Fear is that Postponement would be incredibly silly and make life harder for myself.

If no-one can share in your idea, you become The OutsiderThe Outsider who is focused on being outside and accustomed to being there, could change the situation with a simple reassessment of the situation. It could show that The Outsider status is self-ascribed and an avenue to become an insider is open.




Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day
Day 065 – Catching up
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