Day 053 – Consequences

22 February 2021

Day 053. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Existence. 2 is Influence, card is Schizophrenia. 3 is Goal, card is Ice-olation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Harmony. 5 is Recent Past, card is Conditioning. 6 is Future Energy, card is Integration. 7 is Feelings, card is Traveling. 8 is Others’ views, card is The Miser. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Creator. 10 is Outcome, card is Guidance.


Welcome to Day 53!

This post began with me wanting to write about that unreachable itch and the satisfaction you get when you are able to scratch it.   However, the words for that post are still in the ether or in my brain percolating.  So, instead, the post is about lack of motivation and consequences.

There was a very cheeky part of me that wanted to just leave it at the end of the last sentence.  That would communicate the concept of a lack of motivation and consequence quite clearly.  However, it’s not a lack of motivation it’s more a lack of doing.   

For instance, if I chose not to wash the dishes – they’d still be there tomorrow.  In addition, there would be the additional day’s worth of dishes.  The additional dishes further discourages me to do the dishes.  It can be a vicious cycle.  Likewise, in the workplace, if you leave something until later there’s the added stress of disappointing the boss.  The consequences of that can vary greatly!

When did this sense of duty become part of us?  Many times I’ve heard, myself, friends and colleagues lament about the loss of our teenage daring.  With the lamenting inevitably came stories of our teenage bravery.  The stories of our stupidity from those same years weren’t far behind after the bravery ones ran out. 

Clearly, when we are children or have children it’s clear that they get a sense of consequence when they are being disciplined and tend to avoid some of the greater punishments.  Although, when two of my godchildren were 9 and 11 and asked to do the dishes (one to wash the other to dry), the stalling and avoidance went on for so long that it was time for bed when they finished.  

Unfortunately, this further increased their dislike of doing the dishes the next time and created more reluctance.   The two would then turn washing the dishes into a passive-aggressive game; the washer would drop dishes into the sink to splash the other and the dryer would flick the tea-towel at the washer.  

It wasn’t always the same actions, the dryer would occasionally put a “dirty” dish back saying it needed rewashing (particularly when he noticed the washer was outpacing his ability to dry).  The bickering would not stop until adult intervention, usually in the form of a frustrated raised voice, refocused the activity.  

Those with adolescents will be very well aware of similar style incidents.  In the end, it proved to be a good bonding experience for them as they are able to laugh about it today and even re-enact the tea towel flicking “competitions” on the odd occasion.  They’re now aged 30 and 32, but the difference is they no longer need adult intervention to refocus them to get the job done – mostly. *grin*

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, it has to do with the development of the amygdala which doesn’t fully develop until well into adulthood.  Full development occurs in women about 1.5 years sooner than that of men (reference 2 & 3).  So, the fully developed amygdala is what happened to prevent further stories of bravery and stupidity, of the teenage kind anyway.  

What happens then when adults enter dangerous situations understanding there could be dire consequences.  There is so much in this space, however, it suggests that those workers on the frontline tend to suffer more greatly from PTSD, depression or other mental health issues brought about by “triggering” the amygdala.  The amygdala is the thing in our brain that tells us that we’re in danger (reference 3).  

There has been quite a bit of research into dealing with this but the parts that attract my attention is the research into mindfulness for frontline workers. The Huffington Post reported that the Peel Regional Police Force, were participating in mindfulness research (reference 4) and The BMC Psychology had conducted research on Australian Firefighters both with positive results.  

An article I read a little while ago when I was researching for support to help me establish a space for meditation at work, was also incredibly interesting.  It was about reducing crime in the District of Columbia.  The District of Columbia conducted a project where transcendental meditation was practised for two months to see if there was a discernible impact on the crime rate.  The research showed there was, which I thought was truly amazing.  

In short, taking the time to practise some mindfulness and/ or meditation will help deal with stressful situations.  Whether those situations are on a large scale or a small scale.  Who knows just one person practising in the household may make the household want to do dishes… Too much to hope for?  Okay, maybe the reason the amygdala hasn’t fully developed is so that sibling bonding can occur!

Now, there’s a small thunder and rain storm which I am going to safely enjoy listening to and after the hot and muggy day, the relief is a balm for the soul.


Today's Cards

Day 053. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Existence. 2 is Influence, card is Schizophrenia. 3 is Goal, card is Ice-olation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Harmony. 5 is Recent Past, card is Conditioning. 6 is Future Energy, card is Integration. 7 is Feelings, card is Traveling. 8 is Others’ views, card is The Miser. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Creator. 10 is Outcome, card is Guidance. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

The first card in the Now position is Existence. Existence is about being one with yourself and simply being still.  It’s also about understanding and appreciating your own uniqueness in reality.

The second card in the Influence position is SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is that two minds thing that I was talking about.  Fortunately, in this case, if I let go of writing I still get to listen to the rain.  Perhaps, the card is telling me to go to bed earlier.  This way I would miss out on the storm and not get the writing done.

In the Goal position is the card of Ice-olation. When I’m lacking motivation, I tend to want to be alone.  It’s usually a sign that I’m going through something emotionally that isn’t meant to surface but needs to resolve at a deeper level.  Withdrawing a little helps the process.  It may only need half an hour but it needs to happen.  

The Distant Past position has the card of HarmonyHarmony is another card saying something similar to Existence.  The past experience of having harmony in my life has led to the Now experiencing of Existence.

In position five, the Recent Past, is the card of Conditioning.  Yesterday’s card of Intensity has led to a change in how I see my own Conditioning and ego.  As the card Intensity possibly suggests the act was intense and yesterday’s intensity and change have probably triggered a shift in how I see things and is possibly why there was a lack of motivation today.  It was possibly more exhaustion. Every period of intense change needs a spate of rest afterward, even if you don’t know what the change was.

The Future Energy position has the Integration card.  This suggests that the lack of motivation has something to do with taking on a new concept or idea which will become integrated into my being moving forward.

In the Immediate Future position (or Feelings), is the card of Traveling.  When Traveling shows up in this deck, for me it means that I will be busy running around from physical location to physical location.  This is true, as tomorrow it my husband’s first day off work and there are a few things we need to do before his father arrives for a visit.

Aside:  normally I would use this position as a Feelings position, however, the Traveling card is more conducive to being read in the physical sense and therefore more receptive to being interpreted as the Immediate Future.

The How Others See Me position is the card of The Miser.  This is a fair assessment since today, I was talking finances with the air-conditioning servicing company.  It was an area where I could certainly appear miserly, particularly when they quoted the amount for the service!  *Smile*  See what I mean.  Now you too, can see me as The Miser :).

In the Hopes & Fears position is the card of The CreatorThe Creator has the power to use their inner strength to manifest energy.  Oh, please!  It’s certainly my Hope.  The Fear is that I won’t be able to and that I’ve burnt myself out.

The Outcome position has the card of GuidanceGuidance is about that inner drive that pushes you even when you feel you don’t know why you’re doing something. It’s about connecting to your dharma (soul’s purpose) at the deepest levels.  Perhaps that’s where motivation comes from.

End Day 053
Day 053 – Consequences
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