Day 050 – Pushing too hard

19 February 2021

Day 050. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Innocence. 2 is Influence, card is Patience. 3 is Goal, card is Intensity. 4 is Distant Past, card is Stress. 5 is Recent Past, card is Receptivity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Experiencing. 7 is Feelings, card is Guilt. 8 is Others’ views, card is Letting Go. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Friendliness. 10 is Outcome, card is Playfulness.


Welcome to Day 50!

It was experiment time!  Not feeling any pain in my broken ankle for the past couple of days, it was time to test the waters on how far it had healed.  You’re asking, “what does that mean exactly?” or perhaps, “what does that involve?”.  At this point, the difference between the village wise-woman and the village idiot is great.  Since wise-woman I am not, you’ll figure out which end of the spectrum suits.    

Back to what it means to experiment.  This test would involve putting additional pressure onto the leg with the healing ankle. I know! You’re rolling your eyes, I am too as I write this.  This is how the experiment went.  Hitching myself between the ensuite bench and the ensuite wall (it’s a small ensuite), I began to shift the weight from the good leg to healing leg.  

The process was slow and incremental, promising to stop if there was pain.  There was no pain.  The only thing left to do was trying to make the ankle load bearing. Still cautious, with gritted teeth I shifted my weight.  The weight was there for a second.  There was still no pain. Hurrah!

This act of foolish bravery triggered a silent vow, that this process would not get repeated again anytime soon. At least, for a few days until any repercussions could be assessed.   

The downfall of pushing too hard is that by evening my injured leg was sore.  There was pain where there had been none.  It could be the result of not having put any weight on the leg for four and a half weeks, so there’s bound to be some muscular pain. Right?!  For the night, I’ll take some mild painkillers and see how it is in the morning. 

At work, progress was being made, even managed to make some headway at work. Some of the older emails that had been weighing on my mind disappeared.  A clear approach on how to methodically get on top of things brought back a positive feeling o the work front. 

ZeZee, long time friend since kindergarten, touched base due to timing, and a fuller catch-up would happen tomorrow. It was great to hear from her. 

Speaking of hearing from things, let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 050. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Innocence. 2 is Influence, card is Patience. 3 is Goal, card is Intensity. 4 is Distant Past, card is Stress. 5 is Recent Past, card is Receptivity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Experiencing. 7 is Feelings, card is Guilt. 8 is Others’ views, card is Letting Go. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Friendliness. 10 is Outcome, card is Playfulness. Shuffle Method used was Fan Selection.

The Cards - Analysis

It appears that today is the beginning of a new cycle since there isn’t a single carry over card from yesterday or even the last couple of days.  This is a surprise that I wasn’t expecting.  A fresh spate.  Something must have moved.

First card in the Now position is Innocence. Innocence from letting go, not from not knowing stuff.  Innocence from striping away airs and graces and simply being.  This is what makes a wise person wise.  Having made mistakes and accepting that they have brought you to this moment.

The second card is Patience in the Influence position.  Perhaps it was patience that saw the act of curiosity around testing my ankle’s healed state.  It’s probably more the lack of patience.  Patience if used as a blocker influencing Innocence.  Funnily, it wasn’t my impatience driving the test.  There’s nothing to be gained by proving it has healed now, no doctor to say, “well done” we’ll remove it immediately.  The appointment to remove the cast is in ten days and therefore the test was purely for my own benefit and curiosity. 

Intensity sits in the Goal position, and was the third card selected.  Intensity is about breaking new ground and doing things your own way.  Wanting to experiment with a new direction and trusting in your intuition.  Quite possibly this could have been an unconscious goal.  How else could I test how the ankle was going?  It felt fine *grin*.

In the Distant Past is Stress.  Stress is certainly something that has been playing on my mind. For me, Stress is about having the cast on and in place, it’s about the skin crumbling off the toes.  It’s really gruesome years of hard earned protected underfoot, peels away to leave raw baby pink skin beneath it.  Walking bare-footed again is going to be challenging.

Perhaps, being receptive to new healing techniques has encouraged thinking of accelerated healing working miracles.  This might be what Receptivity in the Recent Past position indicates.

Ah… Future Energy is occupied by the Experiencing card.  It will certainly be an interesting experience to see what happens with the few seconds of testing.  Even as I write this at, about two hours ago, I was having serious doubts about the wisdom of putting my full weight onto the healing ankle.  Regret is certainly a word that comes to mind.  

Regret would fit nicely into the Feelings spot which is position seven.  In the absence of a regret card, Guilt appears in its place.  When the pain was at its high point in the ankle, there was concern that I’d done more harm than good.  Logically, there should be no harm.  the cast is secure, the ankle secure within it and the pressure was purposeful, controlled and short.   

See what’s happening, it’s called “justifying” (yes, you can say it slowly “just-i-fy-ing!).  I’ll volunteer for the role of “village idiot” today.

Other People’s Views is position eight and has the card of Letting Go. Given that the only reactions that have occurred have been with people from work, and the main discussions occurred with that of the big project I was off-loading, the Letting Go card totally fits that bill.

Hopes & Fears is Friendliness in position nine.  Quite simply, the Hope is to develop amicable relationships for the project to transition smoothly.  The Fear is that the incoming project manager will want to prove themselves and not listen or even be pig-headed.

The Outcome position has Playfulness in it.  If all goes well with the ankle and nothing worse than a little pain was felt in something that hasn’t been used to any pressure in over four weeks.  Then I will be very happy and playful. 


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 050 – Pushing too hard
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