Day 048 – Clarity of Mind

17 February 2021

Day 048. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Awareness. 2 is Influence, card is Moment to Moment. 3 is Goal, card is Participation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is The Source. 6 is Future Energy, card is Patience. 7 is Feelings, card is Healing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Possibilities. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Dream. 10 is Outcome, card is The Creator.


Welcome to Day 48!

Today was the first day of taking advice from the cards.  Yesterday’s Schizophrenia and No-thingness cards left an impression.  I needed to pull myself together.  Being viewed as sorrowful and expressing my overwhelmed impression, while productive for me was detracting from those around me.  If I needed to speak to someone, the office provides access to specialists to help deal with stress and mental health management.  That’s where my attentions should have been directed.

Unable to sleep because of a restless leg with a cast. An upside of technology is that access to the following day’s events was easy.  There was a lot on but regardless of all of that there was nothing immediate in the morning.  An email to the boss to let him know of my whereabouts and estimated time of “arrival” (online) was sent. This was the controlled letting go of everything.

It’s amazing what a difference it made.  There were tasks on the home front that needed doing and they got done – mostly. At some point, some of the work dilemmas seemed to have solutions and the fogginess that had been hanging around was lifting.

Guess what?!  I meditated today!.  On went the Headspace app and selected a 20 minute meditation. Okay, it was a “tipple” of meditation and it was semi-guided.  As expected, the mind was a little raucous, after all its had free rein for the past couple of weeks.  

As you may remember, the roadblock that to meditation was that sitting cross-legged with a cast meant meditating couldn’t happen.  We know that was “baloney”.  However a solution had to be found; it was one leg in the half-lotus position while the other lay straight.  Instead of the floor, meditation happened on the bed.  It worked and satisfaction was the reward.  

By mid-morning, the mental fogginess being experienced had cleared.  Now, in the spirit of oversharing, my pee was smelling better too. That can only mean that the “Bone” stuff had left my system.  Thank goodness!  Such concentrated meat protein into a body unused to this density for 26 years was probably asking too much of the body. 

It was this clarity of mind that prompted the realisation that, last time such high doses of protein were consumed and although vegetarian in nature caused erratic moods.  The promise of a diet high in protein and low in carbs to lose weight had the reverse effect on my body. It was a key lesson in, what works for someone else may not work for you. 

I was so disappointed that my body couldn’t become an automatic “weight loser”.  Even after four months of trying I couldn’t make it work. You’d think that the lesson would’ve been learned.  That’s what you get for trying to accelerate the thing that will simply need time. 

There are only 12 days before the anticipated cast removal.  I’m super keen to commence the next stage of healing – some have said it’s the moon boot and physio. Bring it on!  I know, I know … this is what’s known as wishing your life away.  My argument to that is that, that only applies if you solely focus on that single point without living your life in between.  That is definitely not my intention!  After all there is a some fun in wheeling backwards on an office chair down the hall to see how fast you can go *smile*.

Let’s see what the cards had to say.

Today's Cards

Day 048. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Awareness. 2 is Influence, card is Moment to Moment. 3 is Goal, card is Participation. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is The Source. 6 is Future Energy, card is Patience. 7 is Feelings, card is Healing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Possibilities. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Dream. 10 is Outcome, card is The Creator. Shuffle Method used was washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

The Now position has Awareness. Based on my day, this card seems appropriate. Awareness is that state of coming out of a fog and moments of clarity begin to unfold.

With the Influencer card in position two being Moment to Moment supporting the emergence of Awareness, I would put this down to taking the morning to get the sleep that the night didn’t fully afford.

The Goal has the card of Participation This might be because of my desire to more fully participate in my work than I had been. Taking the morning off was like resetting my focus. It’s not completely back yet, but the morning went a long way toward greater productivity.

Friendliness in the Distant Past, would be the support of the new manager when I broken my ankle. He let me know that if I needed something, I just needed to ask. The offer felt genuine and proved true to form when the offer was taken up.

Recent Past has The Source card. This is about getting back to your core. It was exactly what this morning was about. It was about getting back in touch with my motivation and connecting with me.

Future Energy has the card of Patience. Patience is also something mentioned in the context above. Healing will take time. You can bolster and support the process which will of itself allow healing to occur optimally. Even optimally, some things will take time.

Oh, and look! It’s Healing in position seven in the Feelings or immediate future position. The awareness gained this morning has had a healing effect. The Healing card in this position also seems to indicate that the lack of awareness was preventing healing happening optimally.

Possibilities is in the Other People’s Views spot. From a personal perspective, it’s a much better card. Discussions with my boss also hinted at another couple of things on the team’s plate which needed doing. Although yesterday, this would have been the camel that broke the straw’s back. Yes, it’s intentional – you have to admit it makes more sense *smile*. Today, this news only phased me a little but the Possibilities for managing this were easily identifiable. So, yes Possibilities is how others might have seen me.

Oh dear, what could the matter be! Hopes & Fears is occupied by The Dream. The Dream is the card that says “traditional fairytale ending” or the desire to have one like it. Indeed, the excitement felt by the new found clarity can be a heady mix of thinking that everything has gone away. It hasn’t no matter how much it is Hoped for. Then the Fear is that my bubble will be burst and the fogginess will return.

The Creator sits in the Outcome and final position. The Creator is about using the connection to The Source to make things happen which reflect you. The Creator is also all about energy, he is known as the trail blazer or artist of his own destiny.  That also fits with getting back to me.


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End of Day 048
Day 048 – Clarity of Mind
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