Day 044 – The dilemma

13 February 2021

Day 044. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Innocence. 2 is Influence, card is The Burden. 3 is Goal, card is New Vision. 4 is Distant Past, card is Turning In. 5 is Recent Past, card is Inner Voice. 6 is Future Energy, card is Friendliness. 7 is Feelings, card is The Master. 8 is Others’ views, card is Existence. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Awareness. 10 is Outcome, card is Sorrow.


Welcome to Day 44!

It was a beautiful Saturday.  The sky was blue with lovely puffy clouds which looked like some decent rain would join us some time over the weekend.

The day was uneventful, as we focussed on household chores and some grocery shopping.  Nothing too eventful.  The cast is still in place and the bone presumably doing whatever healing a bone has to do. 

Back in 1994 I started to become a vegetarian.  What I mean by started, is at the time I went to my first Vipassana meditation retreat in Medlow Bath, NSW, Australia. The beginner Vipassana course is a ten day silent retreat, meditating for 14 hours a day.   The 14 hours was broken up with breaks for: breakfast, lunch, fruit juice or soup masquerading as dinner, shower time, individual check-ins with teach and the evening discourse.  Days started at 4:30am and finished around 9:30pm.  

The monk that ran the course I attended was wonderful.   He was softly spoken, told cute stories about his early experiences into the world of meditation – which were oddly inspiring. Warmth, happiness and assurance emanated from his presence.   

During one of his stories from days one to three (the hard core meditation starts on day four), he responded to a question about whether being vegetarian was a mandatory requirement for life outside of the course.  His reply was surprising in that he mentioned that it was not.  Of course, he recommended that if you were able to live without harming a sentient being then you should do so.  If you weren’t sure, you should watch your actions and reactions to when you eat food provided by sentient beings and not.  Basically, listen to your body.  He mentioned that even the Dalai Lama had to occasionally eat meat for his health.

Following the retreat, I felt amazing!  Full of energy and so connected to everything.  Taking onboard the monk’s advice.  I decided to test my energy levels without meat.  I also decided to do it gradually.  First, I would stop eating red meat.  Both my parents came from landlocked countries where seafood was scarce which meant it didn’t become part of our family’s evening meal rotation and therefore easy to give up.  

After about six months of no red meat, my energy levels were still up.  So, it was time to give up chicken.  My last chicken meal was a KFC Zinger burger.  Years later I thought I really wanted to try one.  After all, I didn’t give up meat on a moral premise, it was a lifestyle choice.  I took one bite and realised that I didn’t enjoy the taste as much as I remembered.  From there, it was easy to not eat meat anymore.  

If my energy hadn’t dropped when I was playing squash three nights and going to the gym five mornings a week, over a period of six months, I was pretty confident that I could survive without meat.  However, vegan was a step too far for me.  The parameters were too confusing.  Ovo-lacto vegetarian was easier for me.  It was difficult enough to be a vegetarian in those days.  It meant that a lot of restaurants would serve up a token bowl of hokkien noodles with soy sauce and maybe a couple of florets of broccoli. 

For 25 years, I have been vegetarian, for the last five I’ve been weaning myself off milk.  Especially since vegan alternatives to cheese are becoming better, all the time. With my mother being Swiss, fondue and raclette are cultural foods not just something that happened in the 70s.  

Today when I went to the health food shop I went with the purpose of gaining something that would help support the healing process of my broken bone.  My thoughts were leaning toward something with calcium.  The shop assistant, who’s advice I have taken many times, recommended this product called Bone.  I wasn’t paying too much attention to what that actually meant because I take so for granted that the majority of stuff that the shop sells is plant-based that the thought of getting something called “Bone” didn’t hit my radar as not being plant-based.  

Before you go, “oh der!  What did you think you were getting?”.  I don’t know, is my answer.  However, you’re speaking to a person who about 18 years ago had to go find liver for my sick cat.  When I went to the supermarket I was stumped.  The whole meat section had become invisible to me, so much so that I didn’t know how to get to it, how it was sorted.  If it wasn’t with the cat food, it was “dead to me”, and that was 18 years ago!  The word “bone” no longer has the same meaning to me because I so rarely encounter the word, it’s become something in the abstract. 

When I got home, the abstract registered as I read that it was gelatin.  Gelatin is a weird thing in my diet.  Because I didn’t become vegetarian for moral reasons, it was more that I did not like the taste of meat.  At this point, I’ll mention the story my father liked to tell people when I said I was vegetarian and that was that at the age of seven he and my mother would have to fight me to get me to eat meat. 

Stuff like gelatin in foods, didn’t or doesn’t bother me.  I cannot change the fact that animals are going to be killed for food.  Grinding up the bone makes a more honourable use of the animal’s sacrifice than discarding it.   The changes I make are only those that affect me and hope that others will join me and do likewise.  Force, guilt trips, emotional blackmail do nothing for the moral cause.  

Being an example of physical and mental health as you age are better motivators.  It’s that whole lead by example thing.   It’s been my birthday wish to have my family eat vegetarian with me for my birthday for twenty years.  

By the way, my husband eats vegetarian dinners with me, cooking two meals each night isn’t practical.  He does however, have lunches to himself and the occasional breakfast with friends where they cook up meat products.       

Despite me not having an issue with gelatin in sweets such as, snakes, raspberries or hard jelly type sweets or candies.  I had an issue with this quite obvious flouting of my vegetarianism.  I felt like a hypocrite, when had I begun to take the moral stance on begin vegetarian?  Could it have been all the jibes that assumed that I was vegetarian because of that?  Had that pushed me unconsciously into that stance?  

Anyway, there was still the opportunity to take it back to the store unopened.  This is bigger than I thought, I’d been hoping for plant-based aid.  There is the situation where it came to me for a reason and got it all the way home before I realised.  Or is there?  There is so much of it too.  Do I take the advice from Laura Zerra in the TV reality series of, “Naked and Afraid”, and thank the animal/s for giving of their life so that I may further or improve mine?  Which I have already done.  Anyway, I’ll have to sleep on it.

Let’s see what the cards have to say. 

Today's Cards

Day 044. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Innocence. 2 is Influence, card is The Burden. 3 is Goal, card is New Vision. 4 is Distant Past, card is Turning In. 5 is Recent Past, card is Inner Voice. 6 is Future Energy, card is Friendliness. 7 is Feelings, card is The Master. 8 is Others’ views, card is Existence. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Awareness. 10 is Outcome, card is Sorrow. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

In the Now position is Innocence.  Following from today’s story, it was my Innocence that prompted me to purchase something which I hadn’t registered the implications of until after I purchased it.  

The Influence card in position two suggests that The Burden is influencing my Innocence.  The temptation is for me to say that The Burden is the actual purchase, yet it’s more likely to be The Burden of the cast that I’m wearing that has influenced the decision to promote my healing to ensure that the cast is able to come off and that my bone has healed so much that I can do what needs to be done to be able to get back to “normal”.

New Vision being the Goal position means that I want to go my own way on the issue.  Finding the balance between my priorities and values.  The whole thing is a bit of a shock.  

Distant Past has Turning In as its card and suggests that at some point, and I’m guessing that it was when I was meditating, my stance had subtly shifted but my awareness of it hadn’t triggered.  Even if I was slowly moving away from some of the foods.

Recent Past has the Inner Voice which is surprising considering that I had such a reaction to finding out what it was I had purchased.  Nonetheless, I felt that I was in the moment when I was purchasing it.  Leading me back to thinking that I was listening to my Inner Voice, but to what end?

The Future Energy position has the card of Friendliness.  Entering future thoughts, if I decide to take the Bone mixture back I’m sure that the shop assistant won’t have an issue directing me to a plant-based version.  Thus, Friendliness comes into play.

Feelings or Immediate Future, is that of The MasterThe Master according to Osho sits outside the cycle of guilt and joy.   Totally balanced and at one with his being.  As a Feelings position, I do not feel remorse for purchasing the product in my innocence.  Which is what the position reflects what my Feelings are to the incident reflected by the  Innocence card in the Now position. 

Other’s Views has the card of Existence and it is the eighth card.  I’m not sure how to read this one.  Is it that like Existence, I am one with my decision or my process? Or is it, the driving force of Existence that has prompted the circumstance in which I find myself?  Suppose it could be a bit of both. I’ll leave that for your to decide.

We reach position ten and that of the Outcome and view the card of Sorrow.  Enlightenment through tears and the final letting go of suffering.  The message is to pursue the course of action until such a point finds its break point and at that point you will know.  However, there are no shortcuts to the discovery.  



Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 044 – The dilemma
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