Day 040 – Fracture Clinic Update

9 February 2021

Day 040. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Trust. 2 is Influence, card is Conditioning. 3 is Goal, card is The Rebel. 4 is Distant Past, card is Courage. 5 is Recent Past, card is Traveling. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Fool. 7 is Feelings, card is Intensity. 8 is Others’ views, card is Consciousness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is We are the World. 10 is Outcome, card is Possibilities.


Welcome to Day 40!

If you have been following the daily posts, you will be aware that I have been trying to accelerate the healing of my broken ankle in any way I can.  The upping of the colloidal minerals and the discovery of sound healing for bone regeneration.

Of course, there’s some skepticism around the anecdotal evidence.  However, given that there is nothing else I can do to accelerate the healing apart from follow doctor’s orders, what have I got to lose?  I’m sitting here with my leg up anyway.   One of the YouTube results claimed that it was proven to regenerate bones.  The track was about 20 to 25 minutes in length.  There were positive comments about how it had helped various individuals so I thought – “what the hey?”.  

In a bid to help the site confirmed it’s statement I put down my plan to reduce the cast wearing weeks by a week by using nothing but the track.  Unfortunately, my comment seemed to have been deleted. That aside, I am writing up the healing ankle experiment in a separate post.  It will have everything I can think of about the incident in it.  Fair warning – it will be a long post!  

Regardless of whether my post is published or not published the intention was the same; live my life as normal and add the regeneration track to my day and reduce the “six weeks from permanent cast setting” (10 March 2021) to “six weeks from break” (1 March 2021) like normal fracture cast removal projections. 

Temporary cast was on for two weeks and when the permanent cast was applied it was going to be a further six weeks from that point.  The expected date for cast removal was projected to be 10 March 2021.  The doctor wanted to check on progress a week following cast setting to ensure nothing moved and to confirm that surgery would not be necessary.  This date was 9 February 2021.  This was the only day that could change the original prognosis of six additional weeks on top of the temporary cast time.

That day was today.  It appears that nothing has moved and that I get to have the permanent cast removed on 1 March 2021!  So does this mean that it worked.  There is now no other opportunity to see if the sound has actually helped.  However, I’ll take the victory.  Reducing the cast wearing time by ten days is exciting!  Goal achieved.

Today's Cards

Day 040. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Trust. 2 is Influence, card is Conditioning. 3 is Goal, card is The Rebel. 4 is Distant Past, card is Courage. 5 is Recent Past, card is Traveling. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Fool. 7 is Feelings, card is Intensity. 8 is Others’ views, card is Consciousness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is We are the World. 10 is Outcome, card is Possibilities. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

Trust in the Now is about believing that everything will work out well.  Since the cards were dealt prior to going to the Fractures Clinic I had to rely on Trust to work in my favour.  The complete letting go.  Very similar to The Fool card where The Fool is wearing rose coloured glasses and stumbles unwittingly off the cliff, the card of Trust is fully aware of the step and the leap being taken. 

It’s a little bit nerve racking to go to the clinic to see if the additional healing activities are bearing any fruit.

Conditioning in the Influence position is a reminder that my conditioning in believing that standard medicine is the ultimate authority in my health, when I am the ultimate authority.  The health industry are highly trained subject matter experts to which I choose to take advice from.  Today, it made sense to follow their direction and it was good to know my additional healing activities appeared to pay off for me.  

The Rebel in the Goal position is about breaking the constraints, strangely similar in energy to Conditioning in breaking free from the ultimate authority.  Perhaps, I’m not reading the situation right but I don’t feel that I am pursuing anything contrary to what I have been advised to do.  This, of course, is because it all makes logical sense to me.  

Depending upon how my ankle feels moving forward I may begin to put a little pressure on it as the “cast off” date gets closer.  We’ll see.  For the moment, I’m staying true to advice.

Courage in the Distant Past position to change up traditional healing.  I know this sounds bizarre that I keep on about it, especially since it’s a low risk to be taking.  There is the risk that I overdo some aspect and put myself into a healing crisis.  A healing crisis is where you push your mental or physical self to the point of causing yourself more injury rather than healing because you are not emotionally ready to make that shift yet.  Basically, it’s overdoing something to the point where it.s no longer serving the purpose which you are endeavouring to achieve.  

It’s doing gym work to the point of exhaustion the day before going on a half day hike. Thinking that the gym work will improve your ability to do the hike but the gym workout either proves twice as difficult or your muscles are so sore you’re unable to do the hike at all.  This analogy only works if you’re not someone super fit.

Traveling in the Recent Past would apply in Coronavirus days as the trip to the hospital.  Let’s face it it’s the only Traveling I’m doing at the moment.

The Fool in the Future Energy position. Well back in the Now position I was writing about The Fool without fully acknowledging that The Fool was in the reading.  It’s important to note that the card of The Fool does not mean stupidity, although you could wise up looking a little foolish if where you were heading doesn’t pan out.  How big that is depends upon the drop and you won’t know that unless you go over the edge.  The card shows the drop to be obscured by clouds, meaning there’s no way of knowing.

Intensity in position seven picks up on the energy reflected in the The Rebel and Conditioning.  It’s about blazing your own path.  I wish I knew what this new path was that I’m blazing down – then I can get more excited about it!  If I were to be kind to myself, and it’s something I’m trying to be .. I’d say that I’m in the midst of doing it and not able to get the best perspective because of that.

Consciousness is the card reflecting Other People’s Views in position eight. Indicating that I am perceived as being fully aware of my mind and that I have that overarching perspective that I’m complaining to lack.  Wow!  If this is true, I’m flattered.  If not, it probably means that others believe that I should take stock and look at the situation I’m in more clearly – both can be true, right?

We are the World is the Hopes & Fears card in position nine.  This always reminds me of the U.S.A. for Africa song “We are the World” released in 1985. The card similarly depicts imagery to match as well.  It’s that working together for a beneficial outcome for all.  This is my hope when it comes to me and any healing avenue.  My fear is that I will stumble across the wrong one and sabotage myself. 

It appears that the Outcome is full of Possibilities.  The eagle flying over the horizon has a good understanding of the lay of the land and only has to survey it to identify the possibilities upon it.  Certainly, now that I have confirmation that everything is on track I can lead up to experimenting in a few weeks time.  The subtle but consistent pain needs to go before any of that begins to happen. 



Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 040 – Fracture Clinic Update
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