Day 039 – Going nowhere? Guidance needed!

8 February 2021

Day 039. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Sharing. 2 is Influence, card is The Creator. 3 is Goal, card is Control. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Master. 5 is Recent Past, card is Abundance. 6 is Future Energy, card is Innocence. 7 is Feelings, card is Thunderbolt. 8 is Others’ views, card is Harmony. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Guidance. 10 is Outcome, card is The Lovers.


Welcome to Day 39!

Today was another work day and the cards reflected the focus point of the day – meeting breaking new ground with new people.  But first, we’ll quickly look at the morning.

This morning I woke up incredibly tired, so much so that by 10:00 AM I advised work that I would be unavailable until lunchtime.  At which point, I went to bed and slept for another one and a half hours. I know!  What’s wrong with me lately?  Is it a case of a “lack of doing” breeds a “lack of doing”?  Or is it the healing I’ve triggered with the frequency healing?  In any case, my energy revived itself after lunch.

A side effect of having a broken bone that is healing, physical resources seem to be re-prioritised.  What do I mean by that?  Under healthy circumstances, all your blood and cell generation would have an even spread and that keeps everything working smoothly.  When you have a broken anything, the body re-prioritises its resources to those areas that need healing letting the others take a lower priority until healing has been accomplished.  For instance, the toes on my right foot below my broken ankle are sporting terribly dry skin.  No matter what cream I put on it, the skin appears just as dry.

Sharing my situation with others at work who have experience broken body parts too, have confirmed that flaky or dry skin is normal.  They also mentioned the joys of potentially frustrating itching.  Oh no!  Yuk.  In that case, heal, heal, heal and be quick about it!

Now, let’s get to the cards’ focus for the day, a particularly challenging work meeting. The meeting saw me brush off skills I hadn’t used in some time. All the while putting my ability to stay centred and in control of my frustration to the test.  There’s always the balance of trying not to lash out, and staying true to the your views while respecting those put forward by others.  It’s a little more challenging when emotions around ego and conflicting agendas also appear to be in the picture.  

Additional agenda items puts time pressure around the originally planned items.  It’s so easy in those situations to go off topic.  In the end, the meeting kept looping around to the same points and a tangent was needed.  When everyone recognised that the meeting was not going to progress beyond the discussed boundaries, I realised the circuit the meeting had taken had provided clarity around what was missing.   

The good thing about meetings like that and the apparent waste of time is that if you look closely you’ll discover that the discussion boundaries.  If you look even more closely, the gap the loop creates also becomes clear.  Of course, you don’t want all meetings to go round and round and feel like they’re wasting people’s time. The occasional one can prove useful.

Switching topics again, tomorrow is Fracture Clinic appointment day!  The verdict on whether my cast stays on for the additional time will be determined by the x-ray results.  

Let’s see what the cards have to say…


Today's Cards

Day 039. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Sharing. 2 is Influence, card is The Creator. 3 is Goal, card is Control. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Master. 5 is Recent Past, card is Abundance. 6 is Future Energy, card is Innocence. 7 is Feelings, card is Thunderbolt. 8 is Others’ views, card is Harmony. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Guidance. 10 is Outcome, card is The Lovers. Shuffle Method used was Fan Selection.

The Cards - Analysis

The first card in the Now position was Sharing.  According to the Osho book, Sharing is about giving your joy, laughter and love.  Drawing the card suggests being in such a place within yourself that this is easy to do.  Indeed my workplace is a good opportunity to do so.  It usually allows me to diffuse a situation which is going off track.

The Creator is the Influence and second card.  The Creator when it complements the Sharing card, is about adding understanding to a situation.  In this case the understanding is about sharing kindness, joy and love to help those in the meeting today who were struggling to communicate because the words they needed to say would come out with an air of exasperation. 

It is of no surprise then that the card of Control became a Goal for the day or at the very least the meeting.  The Goal is the third position in the layout.  While Control appears to be  rigid and austere, sometimes this is what is needed in a situation.  It’s the impartiality or distance required to view a situation when emotions enter the scenario.  I certainly felt that I needed to step back from the meeting to be able to propose a way forward.

The Distant Past is position four and has the card of The Master occupying it.  Normally, I would speak of The Master card with reverence for the spiritual capacity to sit beyond the normal cycle of aversion and craving, but in this instance, it’s about the mastery over the skill he practised.  

If this is translated to me and my Distant Past, it might be that in the past the relationship had achieved a form of mastery.  Gone was the antagonism between the business areas and mutual respect had been developed for each other’s competencies.

The Recent Past, position five, shows Abundance. Abundance in this case serves as an extension of Sharing sitting in the Now position.  You share when you are abundant, so recently abundance has been forthcoming in terms of joy, laughter and love so giving it is easy.  It also makes sense that if a situation continues over a period of time and because there’s only one Sharing that a similar or like-minded card appear to reflect its continuation.  

Future Energy is InnocenceInnocence from stripping back everything that is known and beginning again.  In the context, I mentioned that there had been a good relationship established with this particular business area.  What I didn’t mention was that different people had been involved and have since moved onto different jobs.  So, in a sense the card of Innocence is advising to strip away preconceived ideas, use the knowledge that you have of how to establish a relationship but these people are new and new relationships need to be formed.

As for my Feelings on Sharing, the seventh position has the card of ThunderboltThunderbolt is realising what I just spoke about in Future Energy, about the pulling away everything you thought you had built and build again.  This is probably the best way forward for all concerned.  It should be comforting that in the past a similar hurdle had been overcome.  Now though, different people, different approach. 

The eighth position is Other People’s Views and has the Harmony card.  This is contrary to how I thought I was portraying myself but I am happy that some people thought that I was aiming at bringing about harmony to discussions. 

Inner Hopes & Fears is the ninth position and card GuidanceGuidance is the last card in the deck to make an appearance.  It’s about trusting your inner voice which seems to be whispering constantly to move in the direction that invigorates you.  Certainly, there have been moments where I recognise this in myself.  

When I was experimenting with the new healing method and capturing the event was very exciting.  Also, trying to build the new relationship is exciting but the project work which used to give me a buzz feels burdensome at the moment.

My fear is that following Guidance might lead me in a different direction to the one that I thought I was on.  Worse still, what if I’m misinterpreting it.     

The Outcome position is number ten and has the card of The Lovers.  Again, The Lovers implies a synchronicity and team work. It implies a naturalness in communication with each other.  Not that of manufactured or “finishing each other’s sentences” although the intent of a communication is known.  Hopefully, this is the Outcome eventually achieved by the end of the meeting for a future basis to work from.  

Until tomorrow….



Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 039 – Going nowhere? Guidance needed!
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