Day 038 – Not my fault

7 February 2021

Day 038. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Postponement. 2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough. 3 is Goal, card is Ordinariness. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Compromise. 6 is Future Energy, card is Celebration. 7 is Feelings, card is Traveling. 8 is Others’ views, card is Totality. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Flowering. 10 is Outcome, card is The Fool.


Welcome to Day 38!

The day started as predicted and continued as predicted.  Although my energy was quite low.  All I felt like doing was sleeping.  You may or may not be aware that sleep is part of the healing process.  My husband is able to nap through the day when he’s sick and recovers quicker than I do – and I heal pretty quickly anyway.  The frequency healing seems to be helping somewhat because I’ve been really tired.  More than I would expect, definitely more than I was before I began the frequency healing.

It’s not all healing though, I have been up later than usual but also getting up later and figure the two balance each other out.  However, when I was growing up there was a common belief that an hour’s sleep before midnight was worth two after midnight.  Not sure how true that is either.   

All my life I’ve been using myself as a Petri dish for alternative healing.  Initially, I eschewed allopathic medicine (“the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e. with drugs…” and surgery – refer references Apple Dictionary).  Following in part the philosophical principles of yin-yang to find a balance, I considered myself to be more on the fence on the subject than actively against it – although there were times.  This is part was also a subtle rebellion against my father who was a nurse and worked for the medical profession, at a time when my father and I did not get along.

What I used to do, in trying to find a balance against people who thought the medical profession was the answer to everything, was over-correct to the opposite extreme just to balance the argument.  The greater the bias the greater the correction. It was that whole equal and opposite reaction law thing emerging in an argument rather than physics. Later, I realised that this wasn’t balancing or accomplishing anything except getting people off side.  It also made me look like an extremist.  With the help of meditation I learnt not to react to the extreme end of the discussion if it didn’t align with what I actually believed.  

For the record, my belief is there is or should be room for both medical and alternative forms of healing. You just need to be smart about the alternative method you select for yourself.  This means knowing yourself, in particular your own weaknesses.  My weakness has been that I tend to subscribe to the principle of “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing!”.  Sometimes when it comes to healing, this is a definite disadvantage! 

Each body organ has a different resonance. But like with anything, do some research and although anecdotal evidence isn’t the best source because of its subjectivity, sometimes it’s the only thing available. In those circumstances you might try going with quantitative data from different sources to form a picture of possible outcomes.    

Alternately, you have to accept that you’re the head of the spear pioneering along the path less taken and accept the risk.  If it doesn’t work out well, own the decision. This is the toughest part and where most people come a-cropper and hand out blame in all directions.  Do this when you are clear headed and sure of your action, play out worst case scenario and imagine how you’re going to react if it’s that.  Also play out what you’ll do if you get an unknown and unexpected scenario because that’s the likely scenario where you’ll want to shift blame and responsibility.  It is for me anyway. 

Speaking of lashing out when making a poor decision.  Today had one of those moments.  There’s a certain smoothie company that has an app that lets you place your order in advance of your arrival to save queuing time. Every time I’ve used the app in the past, I’ve been in the carpark of the shopping centre/ mall. The app defaults to the store closest to you. 

Thought I would get ahead of the waiting to make waiting time, so my husband didn’t have to leave halfway through his lunch to grab my smoothie.  Instead of waiting to get to the carpark, I decided to order on the way  So, I opened the app, selected my smoothie, selected the what I thought was my default store, paid and voila!   When arriving at the allocated pickup time, my smoothie wasn’t there or on their docket order.  Huh?

Looking at the receipt, its gone to another store!  The app must have taken the “closest” store from when I opened the app.  This is what you get when you don’t double-check. Both stores are on the same road, just different suburbs.  I made an assumption that it would default to my usual store and because I never go to the other store, it didn’t even enter my mind as a possibility.  

Annoyed that I had to buy another smoothie.  I rang the other store, due to noise on both my end and that store’s end we had difficulty communicating.  Still more annoyed that I couldn’t advise that I wouldn’t be able to pick up that smoothie, I gave the store a mediocre review on the feedback that just popped up in the midst of my annoyance. 

As you can see, the feedback was unwarranted and I felt remorse the second it had gone.  Now to compound everything I had made another mistake. Darn, then I felt bad, all because I reacted because I didn’t want the error to be my fault.  Hopefully, there’s some resilience in the feedback numbers to balance my feedback.

Anyway, let’s see what the cards had to say.


Today's Cards

Day 038. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Postponement. 2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough. 3 is Goal, card is Ordinariness. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Compromise. 6 is Future Energy, card is Celebration. 7 is Feelings, card is Traveling. 8 is Others’ views, card is Totality. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Flowering. 10 is Outcome, card is The Fool. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

Now is the first position has Postponement.  So glad, I didn’t see this card at the beginning of the day!  Yet, it may have helped stop me from postponing some activities like learning about creating socials for the website.  You see, I’m scared they’re going to be hard to do.

Influencing the Now is the second card, Breakthrough. Breakthrough is the “light bulb” moment.   You know when you’ve been struggling with idea and suddenly you realise what you need to do.  Breakthrough during the day helped shift the mood of Postponement.

In position three the Goal card is Ordinariness.  Wanting things to just be simple and normal.  At the moment with the broken ankle, normal is not something to be sniffed at.  Normal means going for walks, going swimming, cleaning the house, making the bed and mowing the lawn.  These are all simple ordinary activities which become complex feats when you have limited mobility.

Distant Past has the card of Friendliness in position four. I always imagine the Friendliness card as two people waiting for a bus or a train and strike up a lovely conversation.  Names are not necessarily exchanged but each gets on their respective transport and in all likelihood never see each other again, but it was a beautiful friendly moment.  

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a mode of transport, it could be waiting in line to enter a supermarket when COVID restrictions were announced and you went in unaware that there were going to be queues.  You wait in the queue making amicable conversation with your in-line temporary neighbours.  Or even the person tracking the number of shoppers coming into and out of the store.  This is all Friendliness.   Going to the smoothie scenario above, in the Distant Past I’ve always had a friendly relationship with all the store and staff.

The Recent Past reflects the card of Compromise. Suggesting that, from my perspective at least, I had to Compromise.  The Compromise was buying another smoothie because I/ we didn’t want to travel to the other store to collect the original order.  I did choose to compromise otherwise there was a lot of effort to go to the other store, it was time and more money in petrol in addition to the inconvenience.  Nonetheless, it wasn’t a win!

The Future Energy position has the card of Celebration, seeming to indicate that I triumphed in the end.  Looking back on my day the only thing I can think of, not mentioned above, was the learning I gained from reading up on the socials.  It didn’t look too difficult to create the accounts.  So, that was a good thing.  

Also, we managed to successfully download ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ from Apple/ YouTube.  We’d never done that before and watched it at home.  On a side note, I do miss going to the cinema.  Watching it didn’t feel special as we stopped to do the dishes during the movie.

Position seven is my Feelings about Postponement and the card to answer that question is Traveling.  Perhaps my postponing things had to do with me using Traveling as an excuse.  There were so many things I was postponing today, it would be difficult for me to pin down which one I felt would be resolved by Traveling.  Atlhough Traveling could certainly solve my restlessness.

Position eight is how other people see me or Other People’s Views and has the card of TotalityTotality as the name implies requires a leap of faith to work.  Unlike the card of The Fool, there is some idea of what lies ahead and beneath you and expects courage and full commitment regardless. Could this relate to my smoothie? Do others see me as already having totally committed or something that I need to embrace?  Too many questions on this today.

Hopes & Fears has the card of FloweringFlowering is about a fully embracing your own feminine side.  In Greek Mythology she’s Demeter, caring, loving and nurturing. My hope is to emulate these characteristics and today’s smoothie lash out is the embodiment of my fear if I am unable to stay in the moment.

The tenth card of Outcome has The Fool.  While this card always elicits a giggle from me and my friends. It’s the card of beginnings and blind courage.  I guess, for me that’s getting the Socials onto the website.  It will mean a bigger audience, which I have no expectations around what that might feel or look like – let alone the ramifications.


Incidentally, from a stats perspective, there’s only one card yet to appear and that’s the card of Guidance.  During my trial run of this last year, it took 38 days before all the cards had decided to make an appearance – I wonder how much longer before Guidance makes her appearance.


Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Apple Dictionary on Mac, Version 2.3.0 (268)

Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, Sound Therapy

Day 038 – Not my fault
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