Day 036 – Working in the Office

5 February 2021

Day 036. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is New Vision. 2 is Influence, card is Celebration. 3 is Goal, card is Rebirth. 4 is Distant Past, card is Maturity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Understanding. 6 is Future Energy, card is Healing. 7 is Feelings, card is Possibilities. 8 is Others’ views, card is Politics. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Thunderbolt. 10 is Outcome, card is Postponement.


Welcome to Day 36!

Well today was my first big day in the office.  Once again I did not reveal the cards until the end of the day.  Glad I did to, because otherwise I would have obsessed over the Postponement card in the Outcome position all day.  Turns out the thing that I wanted to postpone because of the big day was writing my blog.  Darn. I didn’t even manage to skip the Postponement step.

As I mentioned, it was a big day for me with respect to getting around on my own with just the knee walker.   After being dropped off at the office around 7:15am it seemed the morning inched by quite slowly.  

There was a lot of retelling of how I broke my ankle but there was one moment when I described the incident in a short sentence that had two people that overheard wince before I’d finished.  For some reason the two of them got an incredibly clear image of what had happened in their minds.  It was unusual to get such a response from them when they explained their reaction.  

At night, my ankle or the lower part of my right leg just felt restless.  If it had its own mind, it would have gotten up and paced back and forth trying to sort itself out.  Consequently, it was frustrating me.  It wasn’t sore or aching, it’s like it didn’t know what to do to get comfortable.  Again, the positions didn’t hurt sometimes it felt like it was hollow and at others really heavy.  Perhaps it was being out and about had me and my leg remember that it had another purpose rather than sitting on an ottoman elevated all day.  We (my leg and I) wanted to move.  Nonetheless, all that activity with the kneeling walker, which proved quite exhausting. So exhausted I began to doze off at around 9:00pm.

The perceived incident with my coworker and the one that got my Fighting hackles up yesterday was nowhere to be seen today at work.  Proving to me that I was reading more into the situation than was there.  Perhaps me working through the situation in the daily blog helped me deal and I managed to diffuse myself.     

Let’s see what the cards have to say.

Today's Cards

Day 036. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is New Vision. 2 is Influence, card is Celebration. 3 is Goal, card is Rebirth. 4 is Distant Past, card is Maturity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Understanding. 6 is Future Energy, card is Healing. 7 is Feelings, card is Possibilities. 8 is Others’ views, card is Politics. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Thunderbolt. 10 is Outcome, card is Postponement. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

New Vision in position one, the Now position is a wonderful card.  It’s powerful, dynamic, & beautiful.  Going to work was all about the title of the card in terms of seeing how I could do things differently moving forward. It helped me understand that although elevating my leg was awkward at work, it could be done.  

The point of visiting the office was to go to a meeting around the new team structure.  Part of that would involve new work and a new role.   

Celebration is the Influence card in position two.  There were a number of celebratory factors today that influenced the New Vision or perhaps stopped it from being realised fully.  These factors were a birthday celebration for a fellow worker and me celebrating, actually getting to work while obeying doctor’s orders.  

Rebirth was the Goal in position three.  Believe me I know this day sounds so incredibly boring, big whoop you went to work!  Under the influence of Coronavirus going to work is a big deal!  Going to work when you thought you were going to have to work from home for six weeks is even more exciting.  It was a very nice feeling to connect again in a working atmosphere.  It really was a little bit of a Rebirth and of enthusiasm and a part of me saw that for the moment at least I would miss it if I retired too early.  

Oh.. and where does the Goal component come into play.  It was exactly what I was hoping to achieve by heading into the office.

Maturity is the foundation which sits in position four known as the Distant Past. The new role seems exciting.  While I thoroughly enjoyed the role I was in, I had begun looking at different types of projects just to spice things up for myself.  This to me is that Maturity level reached in the job I was in.  Without the possibility of progression because the Team Leader was great at his job and wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, I needed to branch out. 

Understanding is in the Recent Past position and the fifth card to appear.  The meeting today helped develop an understanding of what the team was about and the role it was to play in the organisation.  

However, since my day was about more than just work it was about my ankle too.  Upon visiting the kitchen I ran into Jonesy (not his real name).  Jonesy is in a wheelchair and he asked if I was trying to take over his turf with the kneeling walker.  Of course, the answer was no.  I did explain that I had a deeper understanding of how hard getting around is for someone with a disability, albeit mine is minor compared to someone wheelchair bound.

Jonesy is jovial and funny and was telling me about how he loaned his old wheelchair to Bazza who had had a temporary back problem.  Jonesy mentioned that Bazza too had developed the same deeper appreciation.  Simple things like loading and unloading a dishwasher were complex activities.  Easy for someone who, when pulling down the door to the dishwasher can get out of the way and lean over to stack it.  Jonesy mentioned that he had learnt to do a lot of things one-handed.  

Then Jonesy mentioned at the place where he used to work there was one toilet for people with disabilities in an office building with 12 floors.  This single toilet also catered to  members of the public that may also have had a disability.  The solution to when there was a lineup to use this facility was to go out of the building and two office buildings down the street to the corner pub/ bar to use their facilities!  

Anyway, after Bazza had discovered how difficult things were and gaining the understanding he had learnt from his experience.  He petitioned to have Jonesy bring in his old wheelchair to give every staff member a day in the chair.  The day would entail a mission to complete a couple of simple tasks.   For instance, simply going to the coffee shop and back wasn’t a simple task, it requires forethought and planning on say how do you carry your coffee back if you’re using both hands to wheel the chair?

So, that’s more Understanding of others’ situations rather than my own. On my individual front, my own understanding paves the path for healing.  Metaphysically, my body aching all over from exertion it hasn’t done in two and a half weeks means that my mind and body has begun to shift toward healing. 

Possibilities is the seventh card and occupies the Feelings position. With respect to work, this is ability to make the new role my own and adapt it to my skill set and what I would like to do.  My problem is that I usually like doing most of everything.  I don’t exactly know what those possibilities are at present, but they are there.  

With respect to the ankle Possibilities for healing seems quite limited but I’m secretly still hoping that the cast will come off sooner than I thought. 

Position eight shows Other People’s Views and has the card of Politics. The joy of going back to work is that you have more options for Others People’s Views of you.  Interestingly, it appears that I looked like I was playing Politics.  If I were to look back at some of the meetings, there are moments if viewed in a cynical way that I might be perceived as “sucking up”.  Although, for me it was genuine if perhaps a little over enthusiastic due to the excitement of being let off the leash like a puppy.   

The Politics card is implies inauthenticity, which is what I aim not to be. There are times when putting on a face is better for all concerned than revealing the other. Especially so, if the inner face revealed is in a state of fluctuation or undecided or revealing it would prove counter-productive or destructive.     

Hopes and Fears is Thunderbolt and position nine.  The thing I fear the most in the work situation is that I will move into a situation where the “building is burning” and no help is on the way.  The thing I hope for most is that the move will be like an Australian bushfire where while destructive is needed for the forest to regenerate healthier than before. 

On the healing front, I fear that my foot will need longer than the standard length.  My hope is the complete opposite of that healing will be at the stage where I should be putting some weight onto it to begin to strengthen the bone.  My ideal situation would be that from break to cast removal is six weeks. 

Finally the card of Postponement.  Because of the big day the temptation was for me to delay writing the blog and leaving it until the morning.  This is right after I got up to date on my writing yesterday.  Not wanting to let Postponement get the better of me when it came to writing, I postponed my sleep to write it.  Oh darn… why did that just hit me now that I should have thought of what else postponement might mean.

It appears that there wasn’t a way around Postponement this time! (Ineffectively waves fist at empty air!).   Oh!!!  Argh!



Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 036 – Working in the Office
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