Day 033 – The need for control

2 February 2021

Day 033. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Ordinariness. 2 is Influence, card is Sorrow. 3 is Goal, card is Postponement. 4 is Distant Past, card is Possibilities. 5 is Recent Past, card is New Vision. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Rebel. 7 is Feelings, card is Experiencing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Moment to Moment. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Master. 10 is Outcome, card is Control.


Welcome to Day 33!

Well it was another work day and I had a bit of trouble focussing on the tasks I needed to accomplish.  Part of this was because I only have access to so many systems from home and the other is because I was too preoccupied with my foot.

Throughout the day I started to think on the Control card and what that might mean to today.  My first thoughts were logical ones, I’m used to being a Project Manager and therefore like to control the aspects of what I work on and those elements that people are working on for me to deliver my goal.  Quite often I see the role as a communicator and hussler. 

Then Audrey rang at lunch at I noted that I suggested she visit my website to see the beautiful flowers my mum gave me on Day 30.  At that point, I realised that because I hadn’t fully worked out the socials yet for my website, I was trying to steer friends to the website when perhaps it might not be there thing.  

Luckily for me, it kind of is Audrey’s thing.  Nonetheless, I don’t want to force the site onto people who do not wish to view it – husband excluded *smile* (love you, honey *kiss, kiss*). 

So then the Control card was about this aspect of me today.  

With respect to healing my ankle, I’ve decided to conduct a personal experiment when it comes to “frequency healing”.  In YouTube I discovered a number of sites that would help with bone healing and regeneration.  Before I went to hospital on 27 Jan I had tried a three hour one a couple of times.  The result was undefined and as the nurse in the hospital said, “it’ll heal anyway”. 

Under the mantle of HippiMikki, I posted my experiment.  To play nothing but this track against my leg until 9 February 2021 a couple of times a day.  At the review I will post my progress.

I should state that at one stage of my life, I fought hard against the medical profession in my personal life.  Always believing – even if I didn’t show it – that there had to be a harmonious and complementary relationship between the naturals and the medicals.  

Part of the reason I fought hard against it was that the reflection of my stubbornness was exhibited by my mother and father to the contrary.  The more they pushed the more I fought against it.  Hmmm…. just realised that’s another form of fighting for control.

These days I have mostly diffused the triggers that set off the full push back.  It’s not what I really believe and exhibiting it makes me look like a radical.  That causes the same fight response against me the other way.  It’s that vicious conical spiral of antagonism.  

I’m working on myself not to be a part of that.  More of a “live and let live” kind of attitude, meaning accept that people are different and that alternates have their place before and after the medical profession.  

Before as in seeking prevention of illness in the form of vitamins, minerals, immune boosters and minor ailment treatments like aloe vera for sunburn.  After as in when the medical profession is unable to help any further or like in my case.  

Frequency healing, if it’s baloney it can’t hurt.  At worst, you’ve wasted your time.  If it’s psychological and it’s all in my mind and it works, I’m pleased.  If it’s vibrational and it works, I’m pleased.  If nothing happens, I’ve lost nothing – “it’ll heal anyway”.   There is a part of this that requires you to know yourself and how you might sabotage yourself – but that’s true of any situation.

Anyway, lets’ see what the cards have to say! 

Today's Cards

Day 33 Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Ordinariness. 2 is Influence, card is Sorrow. 3 is Goal, card is Postponement. 4 is Distant Past, card is Possibilities. 5 is Recent Past, card is New Vision. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Rebel. 7 is Feelings, card is Experiencing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Moment to Moment. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Master. 10 is Outcome, card is Control. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

The Now position is occupied by OrdinarinessOrdinariness is a beautiful card, it’s peaceful and relaxing finding comfort and beauty in routine.  Not seeing it as a humdrum affair but seeing it as something to be treasured.  After a year like 2020 with Coronavirus (COVID-19) the routine of settling back to work is something beautiful.

Being the second day back from leave is essentially the first day back to a semblance of routine.  The first day back is usually about talking about your leave, catching up on emails and getting back up to speed.

The Influence position is occupied by Sorrow.  Slightly tainting the feeling of rejoicing in Ordinariness is the realisation that this IS back to usual conditions and a loss of the freedom of being on leave. Hence, the Sorrow card. 

Coming back from vacation or extended leave is like the transformation of one stage to another, or more simply a small death.  The Sorrow reflects that transition and influences the normal routine.

Goal is position three and the card of Postponement. What I like about the Osho deck is that Osho can be blunt around some of the areas where I’m a little softer.  The book frankly states that, “Postponement is stupid.”.  Indeed it is.  

However, that doesn’t make it easier to tackle what needs to be tackled.  There are some work activities that I am reluctant to face on the second day back but I am hoping to delay them just a little longer.  Seeing this card reflects my goal so accurately is quite eerie.

Distant Past is position for and has the Possibilities card.  In the past there have been many Possibilities.  These I am viewing as the many possibilities or synchronistic events that have allowed me to get back to work.  

Recent Past is New Vision. New Vision usually happens after a breakthrough of some kind.  For me that’s taking healing into my own hands and using the frequency healing – regardless of its outcome, it is still empowering me.  Being in the Recent Past position makes sense since it was only yesterday that I threw myself into the frequency healing experiment – radical or not!

Future Energy is The Rebel. The Rebel card is about breaking free of your old constraints, doing things your own way.  Perhaps that’s the frequency healing that might be perceived as incredibly radical.  I don’t really mind.  Another way I am endeavouring to heal is by trying to accept and deal with the pain as it appears.  

By dealing with my pain this way, rather than always masking my pain with painkillers (I do if I need to get to sleep or the pain is unbearable – to-date most of it has been manageable without painkillers).  This helps me gauge how the healing process is going.  It also allows me to occasionally breathe into the pain like in a yoga pose and move through and past the pain it.  Part of me hopes that this will help the healing too.

Feelings is Experiencing.  My Feelings are that by Experiencing the pain I am dealing with the reason that I attracted the broken ankle in the first place – metaphysically speaking.  

For your information, I see the right as that of physical direction and the right ankle as capability of moving toward it. Invariably, people questioning the direction of their jobs, cars or their homes may find themselves with a broken right leg thing.  Of course, that’s not all the time.  I’ve had many jobs and lives in many different locations and moved states three times without an issue.  It’s more around two equal directions of uncertainty.  

This time for me, it was me questioning whether I should go back to work.  Vacation and everyone around me talking retirement has gotten me thinking of retiring.  Many times through my life, while on vacation, I’ve wanted to chuck in the towel and work in that new location.  The difference this time is that I wouldn’t be throwing it in to work elsewhere, it would be to do and be someone else.  But I knew I wasn’t ready yet.  Breaking my ankle provides me with time to figure it out, if I haven’t already.  

In essence, my healing won’t happen while there isn’t a plan for my spiritual self.  Guess it is time to embrace my soul and have a chat.  It’s all about Experiencing feelings as a physical manifestation.

Other People’s Views is Moment to Moment.  To be completely honest, when I dealt the cards I had not taken a lot of notice of this card.  Since I have just started to record my dealings, so I remember my first impressions of the cards to type up.  

Once I turned off the voice memo, I gathered the cards without taking the day’s photos.  When it came to finding the cards and putting them back for the photo, I had glossed over this position completely and did not remember what the cards was.  

So, I simply grabbed another card from the deck and put it into the place.  Very much along the lines of “it’s meant to be what it’s meant to be”.

While I love this card, when it’s in the Other People’s Views position it might be concerning.  Do I look like I’m not following and off with the fairies? Or, do I look like I’m easy going?  Guess we’ll just have to take each moment as it comes – Moment to Moment.

Hopes & Fears has the card of The Master.  To become The Master is to break free of constraints to truly live in the moment and experience everything.  This is an alluring hope but also really scares me.  What would it be like to be so intune all the time?  How would you act?  That’s just it I suppose, there would be no “act” it would just be being.

Outcome is Control. Control is almost the exact opposite of The Master.  Rigid, unyielding, yet fair.  It’s the attempt to keep justice balanced.  It lacks the warmth and free forms of acceptance.  Holding on to the situation and trying not to react to what is thrown very much like a rock.  However, too much Control can make one unapproachable.  Finding the balance between Control and Moment to Moment is my balancing act at work.



1. YouTube, A Soundworker, -45Hz Resonant Frequency Healing,

Day 033 – The need for control
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