Day 032 – The new leaf….

1 February 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Harmony. 2 is Influence, card is Courage. 3 is Goal, card is Conditioning. 4 is Distant Past, card is Sorrow. 5 is Recent Past, card is Intensity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Awareness. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Control. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Ice-olation. 10 is Outcome, card is Consciousness.


Welcome to Day 32!

It’s a new month and I can’t believe that we’re here already!  It was the first day back at work after vacation and sick leave.  Initially I was overawed by the thought but it wasn’t long before I got into the swing of things.  

It appears that the rumour mill had been a little slow with respect to my circumstances as I needed to explain the broken ankle a couple of times.  Given the response, it’s going to happen a few more times yet.

Getting up to speed with email is the usual task of the first day back.  Filtering through 600 plus emails, albeit by the time I get to read them are no longer relevant. There were a lot of COVID restriction changes both enforcing and easing of emails.  Usually from different management sources heading up the hierarchical tree.

Apart from that not much else happened today.  Just a few phone calls trying to change some appointments that had been made while being physically capable of driving.  Oh. It’s all those little things that have a bigger effect when mobility is impaired.  This is not whinging, it’s simply pointing out that while you know this would be an inconvenience if it ever happened to you, the full impact cannot be understood until you’re in the situation. 

On the healing front, I decided to try and find a Bone Healing Frequency on YouTube.  It’s just a way for me to feel better or at the very least act like I’m contributing to the healing.  As one guy at the hospital said, you’ll heal anyway regardless of whether I meditate or pray for the healing.  

Of course, he’s right.  Nonetheless, this makes me feel like I’m contributing to my recovery waiting for healing to happen.  Six weeks is a long time just to get to the point of removing the cast – that was the optimistic time frame.  That’d be eight weeks if you include the two weeks in the temporary cast. *frowny face*.

Anyway, let’s see what the cards have to say today.

Today's Cards

Day 32 Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Harmony. 2 is Influence, card is Courage. 3 is Goal, card is Conditioning. 4 is Distant Past, card is Sorrow. 5 is Recent Past, card is Intensity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Awareness. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Control. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Ice-olation. 10 is Outcome, card is Consciousness. Shuffle Method used was Standard Shuffle.

The Cards - Analysis

First card in the Now position is Harmony.  The card has dolphins on it and I love dolphins the person in the picture is listening to their heart and following it. Although it’s a myth that sharks don’t exist when dolphins are around, they avoid each other but it’s not a guarantee.  

In this case the dolphins protect the person because to be in harmony is to drop all pretence and simply be one.  Like swimming with the dolphins.  

The second card in the Influence position is Courage.  It takes courage to let go of pretence and it takes courage to try new things without pretence.  The card in the Influence position seems to implies that courage is influencing the harmonic state.

The third card in the Goal position is Conditioning.  Breaking free of the conditions of my current constraints regarding the healing time frames for my bones and ankles is going to be a challenge.  

As a project manager, I tend to take onboard the subject matter experts’ (SMEs) opinions as fundamental truths.  There is one factor that these SMEs don’t know that that’s me.  I know, I’m one of hundreds that have thought this before me and I certainly won’t be the last to think they’re different.  Nonetheless, I have to try.

Hence, breaking through my own Conditioning is going to be tough.  Goals are cheap *smile*.

In the Distant Past position sits SorrowSorrow sat in the Goal position on Day 30 and the fact that it now sits in the Distant Past seems to imply that the goal was reached and has formed the seed for today’s Goal of Conditioning.  

Day 30’s Sorrow was about feeling sorrow about the time frames for healing.  Sorrow is about deriving a clarity through or from tears.  Perhaps that was the frequency healing discovery.  Or should I say a particular one that caught my eye.

Recent Past is position five and has the card of Intensity. Intensity is about breaking new ground and pursing your own path.  It has been around for some time if the post dates of the frequency healing videos are anything to go by.  I’m going to attribute that as my going my own way toward supporting my healing.  

There was also a work problem that required a different approach to the previous conventional one.  I discussed this with a fellow worker who agreed the idea had some merit and we agreed put a plan together to raise at the next meeting.

Awareness is in the sixth position of Future EnergyAwareness is about that idea that was being worked on by the back of your mind but you’re just starting to grasp on the edges of awareness.  For me that’s the realisation that ages ago, someone had mentioned something about frequencies and its healing potential.  There’s a slow awareness in the healing fields both medical and natural that frequencies play a part in healing.

Together with Awareness comes the Feelings position seven and the card of Ripeness.  Just as an interesting side note, of the five times Ripeness has appeared in a reading three of those times has been in the Feelings position.  Does this mean that I’m in tune when a mood or idea is about to come to fruition?

Anyway, that’s its interpretation.  Awareness is the idea being recognised and Ripeness is about putting it into practise.  It also means the its the right time for me to pursue the course of action I’ve discovered.

Other People’s Views position eight has Control.  The only time I’ve interacted is with people at work and the issue that required a different approach required me taking control of the situation – or so it seemed to me.  

In position nine of Hopes & Fears is Ice-olationIce-olation is the freezing and pushing others away to gain space.  The hope is to gain the space, the fear is that if you do this too many times people stop trying to communicate with you.  This is especially true of working from home.  It requires a constant self kicking to reach out to discuss matters.  Particularly, if you’ve been absent for a period of time.  

Finally position ten the Outcome and card of ConsciousnessConsciousness is the state of being fully awake and fully awareness.  The awareness of the situation at work and giving frequency healing a shot without any expectations one way or the other is about to be undertaken.


YouTube, Cosmic, Bone Healing Frequency,

Day 032 – The new leaf….
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