Day 031 – Scooting around ….

31 January 2021

Day 31. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Laziness. 2 is Influence, card is Rebirth. 3 is Goal, card is The Lovers. 4 is Distant Past, card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past, card is Healing. 6 is Future Energy, card is Totality. 7 is Feelings, card is Consciousness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Experiencing. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Silence. 10 is Outcome, card is Conditioning.


Welcome to Day 31!

Wow!  The end of the first month of Tarot Days.  It seems a little surreal getting to this point.  So much has happened and so little at the same time.  By that I mean, my life changed part way through the month and forced some internal reflections I hadn’t planned on.

Summary of today (retrospectively speaking).  I woke up late, I only do that these days when I visit my friends or family.  Basically, it’s like the only time I get to heal.  I’m safe and cared for in their homes and it gives me a warm feeling to be in their energy.  Late mornings also seems compensate for the lack of nap-ability through the day.

Not that I don’t feel safe or cared for at home, I do.  However, when at home there’s usually something that needs doing.  Some project or another that I’ve cooked up.  These things disappear when I visit family and friends.  There is an exception to this if the households have children in which case you’re greeted with the, “are you awake yet?” question.  The question doesn’t stop being asked until you say “no, go away!”. *grin*

Today, I figure my body must have needed the rest – this healing stuff takes its toll.

The other exciting thing that happened today was that I got a SCOOTER!  This is amazing, I’m hoping it will make mobility easier when venturing outside the house.

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 31 Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Laziness. 2 is Rebirth, card is Courage. 3 is Goal, card is The Lovers. 4 is Distant Past, card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past, card is Healing. 6 is Future Energy, card is Totality. 7 is Feelings, card is Consciousness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Experiencing. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Silence. 10 is Outcome, card is Conditioning. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Almost an Analysis

Laziness was the first and sits in the Now position.  For those that have read previous posts, you will have realised that I don’t like this card very much.  Before the day even begins seeing this card in the Future Energy, Outcome, Now or Feelings positions stoops my shoulders.

By waking up late and then seeing this card, I felt I was already on the back foot for the day. And the truth is that I did want to take it easy today.  I’d gotten a little ahead or at the very least caught up with some of the activities I wanted to complete by today.  There was a part of me that today went … “what the hey?”.  I’m going to be lazy.

Perhaps that’s the whole point of the card’s continual appearance.  Learn to recognise it perhaps rest for a few moments but don’t let what you’ve worked for crumble – monitor the relaxing you do.  Especially, if Laziness appears in the Now position.

Rebirth Influences the Now position and was the second card today.  If read at the surface level it could simply mean that it’s the Rebirth of Laziness.  But it could be that the Rebirth card is preventing or blocking Laziness take a full hold.  This could be the monitoring I just spoke about.

Rebirth then is about taking time to heal and “rebirth” the molecules that need to mend the cracks in the bone.

The Lovers is in the Goal position and was the third card.  The Lovers card is all about reconciling the change made within yourself and about recognising that others around you act as a reflection of you.  My husband is patient and amazing.  It’s good to have someone representing the traits I aspire to have in my life around.

Comparison was the fourth card and sits in the Distant Past position.  Again, another card I sometimes struggle with when used in a negative light.  This is not so when the card sits in the Distant Past position.  In the past, I may have compared myself to others but that comparison now falls by-the-by now.  The measuring stick has dramatically shifted.

Healing was the fifth and is in the Recent Past position.  The cards today seem to be reflecting the face value meaning – love it!  The longer sleep, the waking up late… all to do with healing.  It’s too good to not use in this manner in this position.  It ties in the with Laziness card being in the Now and the Rebirth card sitting in the Influence position quite nicely.

Totality was the sixth and is in the Future Energy position.  In the Osho deck, this card represents immersing yourself and committing to the course at hand.  Of course, Osho is about totally being in each moment fully.  However, this could be about committing wholly to the healing process.  This means accepting that Laziness may play a part and that some things won’t get done while Healing is undertaken.

Consciousness was the seventh card and sits in the Feelings or immediate future position. Consciousness is about full awareness and has a similar message to that of Totality.  My feelings toward resting on my laurels and the eroding of progress is something I am aware of have made a conscious choice to follow.

Experiencing was the eighth and sits in the Other People’s Views position.  This could be when we were picking up the mobility kneeling scooter.  I was new to the experience and simply enjoying the newness of the experience.  

Silence was the ninth and is in the Hopes & Fears position. Beautiful and blissful silence.  Of course, this can’t simply be about silence as the absence of physical noise.  This Silence is about blending into the universe and being one with it.  

The interpretation today is simply that I hope to reach this point constantly like represented in Totality.  Fear being the other side of that coin is that I fear that I will lose myself in the absorption process.  Although I know that I won’t.

Conditioning was the tenth and final card and sits in the Outcome position.  Based on the cards sitting in the Now, Influence, Recent Past, Future, Feelings positions it’s clear to me that this card is wanting me to condition or school myself into developing a mindset away from self-recrimination every time I need to heal.  It doesn’t do me or anyone else any good – which is what is reflected in The Lovers card.



Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, ISBN 0-312-11733-7 (St Martin’s Press)

Day 031 – Scooting around ….
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