29 January 2021

Today's Cards

Drift Day Context
With limited capacity, there is not much I am anticipating will happen in the day. Perhaps I will manage to whittle the day away, bingeing on some TV shows successfully. It’s a good opportunity for a drift day.
This bingeing will probably impact anything and everything that is going on in my life.
On the upside, there is the possibility that my mother will ring me to see how I’m going and seek help setting up her new printer. All I can say to that is, thank goodness for TeamViewer! TeamViewer has made tech support a lot easier.
You may be asking what is a “drift day”? When I speak of drift days, I’m talking about a day where you don’t have anything. You know, when you’ve done everything, you need to do. For instance, when the housework is complete, I don’t have any shopping left to do. There are no outstanding projects, like changing the fish tank water, sweeping leaves off the deck or raking the grass.
To be clear, it does mean ignoring things like tidying up inside the cupboards, cleaning the windows, or even cleaning up under the bed. It’s just about getting to a specific point. It’s a day that becomes yours to do what you want without the guilt.
Sometimes that means you’re a little bored or might be suffering a few moments of apathy. For me, it’s moments where I might get away with having a nap.
Let’s see what the cards had to say about the day.
The Cards - Drift Day Analysis
Carryover Cards
Yesterday No-thingness was in the Now position, and today it’s in the Influencer position. Does this mean that yesterday’s situation is influencing how I started looking at it today? Let’s take a look.
Cross - first three
The Intensity card was the first out and is in the Now spot. Interestingly, Intensity was also in yesterday’s reading but in the “how other people saw me” position. Intensity is about setting your boundaries and your path. It sometimes means ignoring good, sage or expert advice and trusting what you judge to be valid and applicable to you. It also means accepting responsibility for veering off the advised path.
Just a quick disclaimer, for those who love me, it is not my intention to veer from medical advice – so don’t get nervous *smile*.
No-thingness was the second card and has appeared in the Influence position. No-thingness or potential is influencing or blocking my ability to connect with myself. If read as a blocker, it would read as me overawed by the scope of potential.
What was boundless optimism yesterday is perhaps too many options today. Too many options are certainly the case when it comes to writing and ideas on improving the website. There was a moment when I found some code on how to upload a font I like. Maybe it means going rogue with the theme coding?
Participation was the third card and is in the Goal position. Participation in the Osho deck means embracing life and being a part of it. Note, this card also appeared in yesterday’s reading but was in the Influence spot of position two. It has moved from simply influencing my potential to becoming a goal.
In the Goal position, I would like to get out and about and interact with people and has become a focus. As mentioned yesterday, getting back to work and participating in my everyday life has been on my mind, even while being a little on the scary side.
Cross - next three
Control was the fourth card and occupied the Distant Past position. Its image is of a stern man, and everything about the card speaks of inflexibility. This inflexibility can form a basis for rebellion.
If I were honest with myself, and I am certainly trying to be with everyone. I felt deflated by the amount of time the medical profession advised me to wear the cast. It just seemed very inflexible to me. Sadly, there’s very little I can do about it except take care of myself in the recommended manner.
The Dream has shown up in the Recent Past position and is card number five. The Dream card is that of having romantic and/or unrealistic expectations of a particular scenario. In this case, it might be my expectation that I will heal quicker than the professionals think.
As mentioned in the Distant Past position, I was crestfallen when I had six weeks of resting my foot in the elevated position prescribed. Stubbornly, I am still of the (possibly unrealistic) view that I will recover quicker than anticipated.
This unrealistic romantic notion makes way for a new Innocence. Innocence is the card that appears in the Future Energy position and was card number six. This position moves the reading from the known into what is likely. The Dream may gain a measure of reality and appear as Innocence. It is stripping back expectations and experiencing the circumstance with a pureness of heart instead.
It is essential to make a distinction between Innocence and naivety. Naivety is the lack of experience. The Osho deck depicts an older person beneath the heading of Innocence. Showing the man certainly has the experience, but he has shed expectations. He engages the interaction with a praying mantis with pureness of heart.
Base 1 - Feelings & Others' Views
Position seven is about the Feelings I have toward Intensity. Card seven today is Suppression. Suppression over Intensity, or it’s the Suppression of my path and my vision. Is there a part of me that might be feeling like going rogue? Definitely. But how? Everything the medical professionals have said about what I need to do to heal makes sense, except maybe the six weeks. For now, follow as required.
Oh, dear. I’m falling into the trap everyone falls into, seeking the quick fix.
Perhaps, I simply cannot relate to this card at the moment. Hmmm. Having written that, I don’t have any ideas about my health. Could kinesiology do anything? (No friends, it will not conflict with medical advice).
Other People’s Views is the eighth position, and its card is The Creator. The Creator is about connecting to the source within and manifesting its radiance outward. Considering I spent most of the day socialising with my mother and my husband, I’m uncertain of whether they think this or not. So, I’m just going to let it drop there.
Base 2 - Hopes, Fears & Outcome
The ninth position is Hopes & Fears, and Guilt is its card. Guilt is the card that spells out the “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” situation, which means that no matter the choice, the result will have a toll on personal agony.
It’s a strange card to appear in the Hopes & Fears position but going with the “hope” aspect of the coin first. I hope not to feel guilty about going my own way and healing the way I need to feel; sometimes, this means that those around me find me frustrating and stupidly stubborn.
As for the “fear” aspect, if I choose to go with Suppression of my way of doing things and pleasing those around me, I fear that I might manifest something else in my body. I was storing anger which might reveal itself in a misdirected situation at a later stage.
Since today was a “mild” day, and my rebellion is minor – if any – I’m hoping that I’m not suppressing something meaningful from myself *smile*.
Today’s Outcome being position ten has Rebirth as its card. Rebirth is about letting go of ego, the mind, washing away old ideas. It’s the beginning of a new life or chapter – on a minor scale. It’s one of those moments when you look back in years to come and realise that the fractured ankle was ages ago.
The fractured ankle is associated forever together with the launching of the website My Soul Embrace. Many tiny little learnings amount to a significant transformation that isn’t necessarily seen at the moment but appears only on reflection later.
Link to References
Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen