Day 028 – Not getting things done

28 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is No-thingness. 2 is Influence, card is Participation. 3 is Goal, card is Clinging to the Past. 4 is Distant Past, card is Abundance. 5 is Recent Past, card is Schizophrenia. 6 is Future Energy, card is Exhaustion. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Intensity. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Ice-olation. 10 is Outcome, card is Laziness.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is No-thingness. 2 is Influence, card is Participation. 3 is Goal, card is Clinging to the Past. 4 is Distant Past, card is Abundance. 5 is Recent Past, card is Schizophrenia. 6 is Future Energy, card is Exhaustion. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Intensity. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Ice-olation. 10 is Outcome, card is Laziness. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.


Welcome to Day 28!

Today was the first day with the new cast on and I’m already experiencing some minor benefit.  I was able to lie on my side for a short period of time this morning, which was pure heaven! Of course, I needed to keep the leg elevated.  Worth it!

When the cards were being dealt, I dismayed when the Laziness card appeared in the Outcome position.  Normally it’s such a trigger to get me active on all the outstanding tasks around the house.  Not this time.  

This time was different because the restrictions I was feeling with the new cast were certainly affecting my mood.  Perhaps it was because regardless of the news from the hospital being positive, the whole process of swapping casts was exhausting.  The exhaustion was causing me to be apathetic and certainly brought out my inner procrastinator.  A sure sign that the Laziness card would prove a self-fulfilling prophecy today. 

Most of the day was spent sitting with my leg elevated wanting to sleep and not being able to get to it because sleeping during the day is something I struggle with. It requires a massive mental letting go from me that despite not having anything on my mind keeps me awake.  

It’s probably because the sun is up I feel I need to be up.  I imagine that if I were ever to travel to a place where the sun is up for days and days I’d struggle initially.

By the end of the day the list of chores I wanted to get done went undone. Even when I tried to focus on the things I needed to do I let myself get distracted by one red herring after another.

In the end my laziness didn’t pay off and I ended up working later than I needed to.  All because I let myself get distracted.  Luckily there wasn’t too much damage and the Laziness card provided a warning not to get to it.

The Cards - Almost an Analysis

No-thingness was the first card in the Now position and sets the outlook for the day.  Nothingness translates as “potential” to me, as opposed to reading it as “nothingness”.  It’s the vacant lot waiting for an idea of what it could be used for.  It’s a good card to start the day with and certainly reflected the grand ideas of what I would have liked to achieve for the day.

My problem was where to start.  So much I’d like to do.  None of it immediate.  All of it important-ish and would need to get done at some point.

Participation was the second card and is placed in the Influencer or Blocker position. It reflects what might be encouraging me or discouraging me from fulfilling the day’s potential.  This card can be seen that if I’m participating in life activities I’m ignoring the day’s potential – another way of saying that I could get distracted by participating in diversions.

The Goal position has the Clinging to the Past card. There is certainly an element of truth to that today.  I miss full use of my ankle, my walks, my attempts at yoga and crossing my legs to meditate.  Me behaving myself today by sitting with leg elevated although feeling like doing nothing is me doing my darndest to get back to that state.  

Of course, this ties in nicely with the Distant Past card of AbundanceAbundance in this situation being when I was able to do all the things I missed, partially unaware of their value. 

Schizophrenia is in the Recent Past position and was the fifth card.  Schizophrenia possibly signifies the break between Abundance (being able to do things freely) and Clinging to the Past (wishing I could do things freely again) to the “break” being the cause of the change in attitude.

The sixth card in the Future Energy position is Exhaustion.  To be quite honest I would have expected this card to show itself sooner than at day 28. But Exhaustion is just about physical exhaustion it’s also about mental and spiritual exhaustion too.  It’s constantly trying to live up to ideals that are constructs of a persona that doesn’t work anymore.

It’s trying to live up to self-imposed or perceived impositions that can wear you out if you’re not prepared to let go and adapt. I’m hearing ya!  Things for me have to change but fighting it will breed exhaustion.

The seventh card is about Feelings toward potential and today it’s reflected in the card of RipenessRipeness is the perfect time to pick fruit or to make a change and while I’ve enjoyed my pity party, I’m about ready to let it go – if only I wasn’t Clinging to the Past!

The eighth card reflects Other People’s Views and has the Intensity card.  The Intensity card is about finding your inner core and inner strength.  Thankfully, my pity party appears to just be taking place on the inside.

Hopes & Fears is the ninth spot and has the Ice-olation card occupying it. When I see this card I always feel a little sad.  Not in a pity kind of way but more like when you have to tell a child they’re not allowed outside because it’s raining.  How does that relate to the overall layout or even reflect a hope or fear?  

The thing that has been playing on my mind is work.  Mainly the fact that I need to go back to work next week.  I know I’ll cope.  There’s certainly a part of me that is looking forward (hope) going back, or would have been had it been in the office.  

There were many years where work followed me home, the way I was able to shut off was the second I walked in my front door at home, work was forgotten and home life began.  Working from home, while at times I love it, has its drawbacks.  I don’t like mixing work life with home life and the physical separation makes it easier to draw the line.

My fear then is that work will consume too much of my home life.  Let’s face it I envy people that are able to look at the clock at X o’clock and just pack up and go home.

The Outcome position is position ten and is occupied by the Laziness card.  Needless to say I have already spoken about this card.  Reflecting back on the day, Laziness did certainly feature as an outcome because I needed to play a lot of catch up to get things to a state where I like to leave them at the end of the day.

Tomorrow’s another day right … hope to see you then.


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Day 028 – Not getting things done
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