Day 025 – More Change!

25 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Adventure. 2 is Influence, card is Experiencing. 3 is Goal, card is Existence. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Master. 5 is Recent Past, card is Healing. 6 is Future Energy, card is Compromise. 7 is Feelings, card is Trust. 8 is Others’ views, card is We are the World. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Rebirth. 10 is Outcome, card is Change.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Adventure. 2 is Influence, card is Experiencing. 3 is Goal, card is Existence. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Master. 5 is Recent Past, card is Healing. 6 is Future Energy, card is Compromise. 7 is Feelings, card is Trust. 8 is Others’ views, card is We are the World. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Rebirth. 10 is Outcome, card is Change. Shuffle Method used was Standard Shuffle.


Welcome to Day 25!

This is going to be short and sweet.  The day was pretty much spent on the lounge or a chair all day keeping my leg above heart level.  This for the most part meant lying down.  

While this is doing wonders for the swelling, when you do finally move around to get lunch or relieve yourself, the rush of blood back to the previously raised limb heightens the pain.  

Another thing that heightens the pain is the bandage has gotten a bit looser and with the swelling going down theres more movement within the cast too, which means friction. There even feels like a heel blister on the inside of the cast just to add another dimension to the spectrum of various pains. Like the half cast rubbing again the calves.

That aside, apparently my neighbour’s grandson had been influenced by seeing me on crutches and when he feel off his trike insisted on walking around with a cane until it got better at the end of the day!  It’s incredibly sweet to hear.

The Cards - Almost an Analysis

Adventure card was the first and was in the Now position.  Maybe the Adventure card is more about what I want to be doing than what I’m doing.  Having said that although this whole experience comes with it frustrations there are certainly a lot of interesting and wonderful things being experience.  That leads nicely into the next card of ….

Experiencing card was the second one today and was in the Influence position. Looking at the various days and expecting that they will be simply a cookie cutter copy from the day before has been surprising.  

Each day, although from the outset seems like there is little to write about seems to have its own unique characteristics.  For instance, I do not expect tomorrow to be much different than from today.  Yet, my husband will be home and by that simple variable, it cannot be the same as today.

Existence card was the third one today and was in the Goal position.  The Existence card is about appreciating that there is no one like you or that can ever be you, and that you matter and are necessary as you are and where you are.  Existence is about awareness of this relevance.  As a Goal, it’s always there.

The Master card was the fourth one today and was in the Distant Past position.  In this position in the layout, it indicates that I have been able to exist outside of the cyclical daily grind even while being apart from it.  The Master or this feeling is the foundation for seeing this experience (including my gripes) as and Adventure.

Healing card was the fifth one today and was in the Recent Past position.  This card and this position get a “oh, dah!”.  It’s all I’ve been focusing on and all you’ve been reading about.  The pain of the healing process.

Compromise card was the sixth one today and was in the Future Energy position.  This card is one of those cards that happens as part of life but it’s really fun.  So, what was today’s compromise? I don’t have one for you.  The card hasn’t eventuated or I’ve missed something, both of these options could apply.

Trust card was the seventh one today and was in the Feelings or immediate future position.  This card does apply.  The cards itself means that I need to trust the healing process and that everything will work out.  

My mum rang today to remind me to be patient during these days of temporary cast wearing as she’s aware that I’m not particularly good at sitting still not getting anything done.  Even typing these posts are a no-no.  Surprising since it’s an ankle injury not a brain one.  However, between the pain and the odd angles at which you need to type if you’re raising your leg, it would be easier not to do them.  

We are the World card was the eighth one today and was in the Other People’s Views position.  Okay, the only people I could gauge this from is my husband and my mother as my only contacts today.  We are the World is about working together for a common goal.  Thinking about this, my mum might think that husband and I are working well together and husband might think that mum and I are doing likewise.

Rebirth card was the ninth one today and was in the Hopes and Fears position.  An easy one!  Rebirth at face value restoring what you once had.  Healed ankle, able to move around again freely, sounds like a good “hope” factor.  The fear factor is that it will take longer than expected because I’m older.

Change card was the tenth one today and was in the Outcome position.  Sounds like things are moving.  In other tarot decks this card is known as the “wheel of fortune”.  This is the turning of start of an experience, through the growth, descent and finally death elements.  The card is a reminder that the pain of the situation depends on how you view the changes that are occurring.

Reminder to embrace the change regardless of form – noted.

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Day 025 – More Change!
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