Day 022 – The end of the beginning!

22 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence, card is Rebirth. 3 is Goal, card is Understanding. 4 is Distant Past, card is Slowing Down. 5 is Recent Past, card is Ice-olation. 6 is Future Energy, card is Completion. 7 is Feelings, card is Sharing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Integration. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Fool. 10 is Outcome, card is The Rebel.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence, card is Rebirth. 3 is Goal, card is Understanding. 4 is Distant Past, card is Slowing Down. 5 is Recent Past, card is Ice-olation. 6 is Future Energy, card is Completion. 7 is Feelings, card is Sharing. 8 is Others’ views, card is Integration. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Fool. 10 is Outcome, card is The Rebel. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.


Welcome to Day 022!

Wow, just going through my posts and discovered that I hadn’t written anything for this page.  At least, the read was quick for those jumping in to see what had happened.  Luckily, I was taking a couple of scribbly notes on the day.

This was four days into my broken ankle and things were pretty busy.  On top of being busy trying to see doctors to consultations to get my ankle looked at I’ve been petrified of moving anything below the knee for fear of increasing the damage.  

Bear in mind, I’m experiencing frustration at not having seen the xray photos to know where the break is.  If the break is all the way through, I also don’t want to start any accelerated healing options – just in case they work and heal the bone in the wrong location and it needs to get rebroken. 

There are a lot of things that I’m learning about myself.  For instance, I can be playful and compassionate to the people providing assistance to me!  My goal is to make their life as easy as possible.  In return, I’m hoping that by not stressing them I’ll get better care.

The medical staff have not been exhibiting an signs of concern, not even in the slightest.  This means to me that everything is “normal”. Well, as normal as it can be for a broken ankle – right? 

I also realised that I’m in control of the healing process.  I’m awake, feeling pain and when I’m in pain I’m able to manage it more than I thought possible.  At every stage, when people have warned me of the come down from pain, I was expecting a massive increase in my inability to deal with the pain.  It was not so.  Not at the 30 minute mark after the incident when the adrenaline was meant to drop off nor the next day.

Hmm. Surprisingly tough. Happy with that!

What did the cards have to say.  The analysis isn’t going to be very detailed because I’m just going off memory for the analysis, so I’ll probably just use the names of the cards to trigger what I can remember of the day, based on my notes above.

The Cards - Almost an Analysis

Playfulness card was the first and is in the Now position.  Ha. You see!  I used playfulness in my notes.  There’s a nice bit of banter with the medical staff and husband.  

Rebirth card was the second one today and is in the Influence position.  This type of playfulness is something that I feel is a part of me that I haven’t seen since my teenage years.  It comes with confidence and assurance of who I am in and of myself.  Like an inkling of purpose.  Influencing Playfulness means it’s enhancing the play.  If this is a blocker card or if we look at the not-so silver lining, it could be that there might have been a reason this went to ground.  

Understanding card was the third one today and is in the Goal position.  This card in this position simply says, I want to understand what I need to do to heal in order for that to happen I need to gain an Understanding of what my fractures look like.

Slowing Down card was the fourth one today and is in the Distant Past position.  For me, I wanted to come back from vacation and go straight in to see my doctor.  The having to sit and wait until I saw someone even if it is reasonable seemed too long.  

The relief from yesterday’s visit to the clinic at least put my mind at ease and that’s it’s okay even if I still don’t know what the fractures look like.  The Slowing Down is required to let the swelling go down.  It also gives me a little bit of time to settle.   

Ice-olation card was the fifth one today and is in the Recent Past position.  Yep. In my haste to do things, I feel alone.  Although everyone has been quite amazing with their support.  Still feel, that my lack of asking the right question on the day has prevented me from knowing what my ankle looks like.  Yep. My own doing.

Completion card was the sixth one today and is in the Future Energy position.  The card of Completion seems to indicate that for the moment at least, there is nothing else I can do to accelerate my healing.  It’s that moment when you’ve put the cake batter into the over and there’s nothing left to do than wait for it to finish cooking.  In a sense, it’s the end of the beginning.

Sharing card was the seventh one today and is in the Feelings or immediate future position.  This is the compassion for the healers I was talking about in the Context.  Sharing my information and not arguing with them to get information or abusing them when I was inwardly impatient at times – not often – but at times.

Integration card was the eighth one today and is in the Other People’s Views position.  I’m pleased to see this card in this position.  To me it means that what I’ve been setting out to portray as being cooperative with those around me, including my husband, is working.

The Fool card was the ninth one today and is in the Hopes and Fears position.  The Fool card is not about being an idiot – although sometimes that can be a consequence of the decisions made *smile*.  This card reflects my tentative research on sound/ frequency healing and hoping that it will work.  At the same time fearing that it will do nothing.  But hey, what have I go to lose?

The Rebel card was the tenth one today and is in the Outcome position.  It’s about breaking free of boundaries because I trust in my process because in this regard I know myself – mostly.  


Link to References

Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Day 022 – The end of the beginning!
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