18 January 2021

Today's Cards

Welcome to Day 018!
The day was a little overcast but the weather outlook didn’t seem promising. Our plan was to go for a walk up to Point Danger, pack and then home for the day.
To save stressing, we booked another night’s accommodation so if we went for a swim we could come back to the hotel room for a shower. Basically, it’s an extended late check-out.
It would also give us the time to casually pack and get things together. We both had arranged to have Tuesday off to have a relaxed welcome home.
The water in the James Evans Boat Harbour looked amazing and inviting. After the walk I suggested to my husband that we go for a swim after lunch before the 100% chance of storm hitting the region at 4:00pm.
Into the water we went and the water temperature was perfect for swimming. Today we swam the length of the harbour there and back. Very proud of myself even if my muscles protested too much on the return lap. Each way is about 350 metres, so it’s a good swim.
From there decided to head back to the hotel room, shower and head home. All we wanted to do was rinse the sand off our feet and away we would go. Handily there were some steps by the water so you could rinse your feet in the harbour without your feet getting sandy again on the way out.
My husband went down to rinse his feet, ignoring my instinct to not worry about getting clean feet, I decided to do likewise. My husband mentioned the steps were slippery and while I was a little cautious I wasn’t aware of just how slippery and in a split second fell in a crashing heap onto the leg I had placed on the second last step.
Snow ski falls probably helped control the fall a little because I landed sitting and saved by both my hands. After some cursing and deep breaths, I gathered my thoughts and looked at my right ankle. It looked swollen and not like the other one.
The toes could wriggle and I was able to every so gently move my foot. The knees and thigh seemed good and apart from a couple of grazes on the foot and hands. All seemed well. All I thought about was elevating the foot, so I pivoted on my backside and moved the damaged leg to the step above where I was sitting.
Having a towel handy, I further supported it by putting the towel under the ankle as well. My husband sat supportively at my side and we wondered whether to call an ambulance. In the meantime, I decided to send my husband off to get some painkillers – not too far away.
At that moment, a lovely woman with her son arrived. There names were Alicia and Lewis. After explaining to her what she’d seen and when she saw the ankle, Alicia and I decided that an ambulance was wise. This meant calling back my husband who was making good speed to get painkillers. Alicia’s son, who at a guess was about eight or nine years old went racing after him and caught him up at the lights.
Mark and Sam were the amazing ambulance drivers. Professional and courteous to the end and handed me into competent hands in Emergency. There really were some beautiful people at the hospital.
My husband was amazing and wanted to be by me side unfortunately he wasn’t allowed in the hospital because we was from the Greater Brisbane which was classified as a COVID UK strain hotspot. For three hours he waited outside in the under shelter watching the rain patiently waiting to find out what was happening.
The whole incident helped highlight to me aspects of me I wasn’t sure about; basically, how I would handle pain. I hoped never to find out. For some time, I imagined I would turn into a screaming diva and the world’s biggest baby but when tested by this incident I was amazed by how I didn’t. Let’s face it for normal aches and pains, I am a baby.
The Cards
When you first look at the cards today, there’s nothing in the cards that says, “broken ankle” on the horizon. This is where you would typically need a reader with some intuition to pick that up. That aside interpreting the cards as they are and overlaying what I know… let’s go!
The Lovers was the first card out in the Now position. The Lovers has shown up in my life when I have been about to embark on a change of life. Different to that of say Thunderbolt, The Fool or Change where things are a bit more “upheave-ily”. No, The Lovers card made its appearance when I first started trialling the “365 days of Tarot” and keeping a record. The card was a constant appearance leading up to my husband entering my life.
Naturally enough it appeared to have romantic consequences. When I wasn’t reading it as a change to my romantic life, I was reading this as an amicable unity that facilitated love beyond sex and would one day foster compassion. Beyond that I have dismissed it and not made the association of a major change.
When you think about the possibility for learning from a broken ankle though, I am developing a deeper appreciation for people who have experienced disability. Whether that disability is temporary or permanent in nature. When viewed that way, The Lovers card could be pushed into saying that. However, it sits in the Now position at the beginning of the day and not the Outcome position at the end.
The Lovers are influenced or blocked by We are the World. Which is about bringing humanity together for the same purpose. Perhaps it could simply be that getting out and about is influenced by the very act of being out in the world. The people that work, live and visit Cooloongatta and Tweed Heads have been nothing short of amazing during our stay. The “vibe” has been awesome.
Traveling being in the Goal position early in the morning is of no surprise since the goal for the end of the day was to travel home.
Trust being in the Distant Past position implied in the morning that typically we would trust that we would be traveling home as per usual. On retrospect, it could have been read that in the past the trust earned by the medical profession and people when in a dire circumstance has always been sound.
Understanding is in the Recent Past position and is about, had the broken ankle not occurred I would have read as we needed to get out and enjoy short breaks. By the end of the weekend we were completely relaxed and feeling free.
Ordinariness is the card in the Future Energy position. It certainly the predicted that there would be a time of sticking to and focussing on the everyday activities in your life. It’s the not taking things for granted card. While there are a lot of things that I take for granted, walking was right up there, until of course, I couldn’t do it easily anymore.