Day 016 – Weekend Break!

16 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Aloneness. 2 is Influence, card is Moment to Moment. 3 is Goal, card is The Rebel. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Outsider. 5 is Recent Past, card is Comparison. 6 is Future Energy, card is Celebration. 7 is Feelings, card is Slowing Down. 8 is Others’ views, card is Playfulness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Breakthrough. 10 is Outcome, card is Experiencing.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Aloneness. 2 is Influence, card is Moment to Moment. 3 is Goal, card is The Rebel. 4 is Distant Past, card is The Outsider. 5 is Recent Past, card is Comparison. 6 is Future Energy, card is Celebration. 7 is Feelings, card is Slowing Down. 8 is Others’ views, card is Playfulness. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Breakthrough. 10 is Outcome, card is Experiencing. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.


Welcome to Day 16!

Morning comment:  Finally away and finally checked in!  The accommodation, Mantra Twin Towns, is nice.  Despite all my clever planning to stay in Queensland and ensure we booked accommodation in Coolongatta (Queensland side of the border) so we wouldn’t need to get a border pass.  

Turns out the Mantra looks like it was two separate hotels at one time, one in Queensland and one in New South Wales.  Someone, presumably Mantra bought out one or the other and the two became one.  As luck would have it we’re staying in the New South Wales side the Harbour Tower.   Not that we would get away without a border pass if we were staying in the Ocean Tower.  Foiled!

Last night I got a call from another friend who I had been thinking about catching up with for about a week.  We had a lovely and amazing chat about anything and everything.  Four hours later, the phone call finished and life was very pleasant indeed.

Our plan for the day was to spend the day relaxing.  This included a walk along the mouth of the river, a trip to the local shopping centre for some lunch.

My mum texted me to give me the weather forecast for the area (she knew we were here) and she knows I don’t typically catch the news, especially the weather.  I mainly stick my head out the window to see what it looks like.  Nonetheless, it was useful information and lent itself toward some decisions made throughout the day.

End of day comment:

We managed to do the relaxing, the walk and trip to the shops.  The water in the James Evans Boat Harbour looked amazing.  

So, if the weather was going to turn bad, we thought we would capitalise on the beautiful conditions.  We then made quick time back to the hotel, got changed into swimwear and made our way back to the boat harbour.

The water was a touch chilly at first – when isn’t it?  It felt like forever since we’d had our last swim in the ocean. After a quick duck dive under the water, the water was amazing.  A quick swim some playful water splashing, followed by another walk along the channel with a sit on the side of the channel to dry watching the eddying currents play with a couple of leaves, really made the day.

On the whole it was just a beautiful day enjoying the sand and sea.  Fully recommend it to anyone.  Seize the day!

On that note, let’s see what the cards had to say about today.


The Cards

Position one is Aloneness. Aloneness should not imply lonely.  Aloneness is an inner peace with one’s own company.  This applies whether you are in company or not alone.  It’s about being comfortable going your own way.  

Some Lyrics from a Billy Joel song that come to mind, “Oh, but sooner or later you sleep in your own space | Either way it’s okay, you wake up with yourself” (My Life, see References).  Basically, within the context of this day, it means that your own views and path is strong enough to guide you regardless of other people’s opinions.  Okay, that’s probably not the gist of the song …. or is it?  But the extract just seemed to work here.

In the Now position Aloneness, influenced by the Moment to Moment card simply means enjoy being yourself.  Or should I say it implies that I will be comfortable being myself and doing what I need to do.

Position two is Moment to Moment. A lovely supportive card in the Influencer location. The card shows a person taking one step at a time at each moment.  It’s about being in the moment.  

Based on the day, outlined in the context these two cards accurately depict the kind of day I/ we had.

Position three is The Rebel.  The Rebel in the Goal position represents a desire to follow my own path and do things my own way.  Not separate from society but by being part of it.  Again, this harmonises with the the independence highlighted in Aloneness and the state of awareness indicated by the Moment to Moment cards.

Position four is The Outsider.  On the ‘About Me’ page, I indicated that I’ve always felt and have been seen as an outsider to the typical social groups.  I’m not free of it yet, I suffer severe FOMO (fear of missing out).  Yet, I’ve never really been able to change myself enough to become the person that would be accepted.  

It would go contrary to everything I am, nor would it be fair on the groups I’m trying to be included by.  This is separate to being accepted by the groups, I get along fine with the majority of people, I just don’t get the invites to things that I think I want to go to – although I know that I some of the time I wouldn’t  want to be there. 

This wanting to be included but fear that “they” are omitting me is really not something they have put on me.  It’s more that I don’t share the interests in the same things, and quite rightly am not invited.  So, the missing out is created by me.  I could get included  but it’s only me holding myself back.  The choice is mine.

Because of this I’ve had to make my own way and be my own light.  Hence, The Outsider card in the Distant Past position has influenced the Now moment in this layout reflected in the Aloneness card.

Position five is Comparison. That feeling of being outside and not included comes from an internal habit of constantly comparing against people who aren’t me.  Sometimes, it’s even comparing myself to myself rather than simply living in the now.

However, through darkness light arises and without experiencing the dark you might not know what light is.

So, comparison is necessary however judgement of the comparison is like comparing the bamboo to the oak – both simply are.

Position six is Celebration. The Future Energy then is that of Celebration.  Breaking through that comparison and letting go of constraints – simply enjoying the moment.  

Today, was a day of enjoying each moment and by changing routine you have the opportunity to figuratively clean out areas unreachable because of the daily rituals being present.

Position seven is Slowing Down. Today was a day of slowing down my Feelings were able to step back because there was no real place to go. 

The time differences between New South Wales and Queensland during the summer months is challenging if you are bound to a timetable, especially since the electronic devices show a different time depending on which cell tower you’re accessing.

If you’re not bound by a schedule from waking to sleeping this adds to the feeling of freedom.  It does take a little mental adjustment to let go of time and simply slow down.  

I may not have been able to “stop” like a friend of mine suggested but I was able to slow down and smell the sea breeze.

Position eight is Playfulness. It was easy to see what OthersViews of me today might have been and it certainly fit with the card of Playfulness.

From the cheeky interaction with the breakfast hosts to light water splashing in the harbour and playful chit-chat with people in the lifts (elevators), and food lines.

Playfulness and relaxation may very well have been how I/ we were seen.

Position nine is Breakthrough.  Position nine is the Hopes & Fears position and my hope is that my inner light will shine through and break out of the constraints that I’ve been keeping it under – at times.  Such a Breakthrough though would also mean that I would have to let go of some well worn comforts tropes. 

Here we are at the the Outcome card which is position ten and the card is Experiencing.  Looking back over the past 24 hours, it has been quite eventful and full of joyful experiences.  

None of the experiences were organised  or directed today.  I would have been comfortable and content going through the day simply reading a book; but I/ we just went where the mood took us.  That is what Experiencing is all about.

Day 016 – Weekend Break!
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