Day 015 – The Burden of Laziness

15 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Healing. 2 is Influence, card is Schizophrenia. 3 is Goal, card is The Burden. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Thunderbolt. 6 is Future Energy, card is Integration. 7 is Feelings, card is The Source. 8 is Others’ views, card is Politics. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Adventure. 10 is Outcome, card is Laziness.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Healing. 2 is Influence, card is Schizophrenia. 3 is Goal, card is The Burden. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Thunderbolt. 6 is Future Energy, card is Integration. 7 is Feelings, card is The Source. 8 is Others’ views, card is Politics. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Adventure. 10 is Outcome, card is Laziness. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.


Welcome to Day 15!

Have you ever wondered why we go on vacation/ holidays?  This isn’t a question about the mental or physical health benefits of taking a break away from known environments.  It’s really just a playful question on the stuff you need to do before you go on even a weekend vacation.  

It might just be me, but before I go on vacation I like to make sure the house is tidy so when I come back the coming back is like a refreshing view from vacation.  Let me explain.  If the homecoming is to a messy house, the break feels like it might as well not have happened.  

If the place is tidy upon returning home, it’s like an angelic choir sings as I walk through the door and the peace gained from the break continues for a little longer.  The stark reality can ease its way back into existence rather than the instant plummet of coming back to housework. 

Today is the day when we go to the Gold Coast.  Due to some learning I was doing last night with respect to certain aspects of development, I got to bed later than anticipated.  This meant that I woke up later than anticipated and I was also tired.  This warranted a longer than usual breakfast.

Then I did the cards and saw the Outcome of Laziness.  This is like a red flag to a bull.  Not wanting to be seen as lazy, I over compensate and push myself to do everything. Of course, that’s not the real cause of the laziness.

Read on to today’s card analysis to find out more about the difference between healing and laziness – that’s if I can work it out!


The Cards

The first card is Healing.  In the Osho book Healing is about being less in the mind and more in the now.  Letting go of the ruminating thoughts, like in the situation with Betty.  

In the past I agonized about whether a person would contact me or not contact me. Not in the “never speaking with you again” situation more if we’d hurt each other, along the lines more of a romantic relationship break-ups situation – I’ve had a few of those.

Fortunately, I was busy focussing on not being lazy.  And really, there was nothing I could do about any of it, anyway.  All my analysis had happened yesterday, I’d talked it out in the spirit of compassion and could do no more.  Personally, I was over thinking about it – it’s never helped me in the past and it wouldn’t change whatever Betty was feeling or going through.  From my analysis, it seemed to be that I was the trigger for a whole lot of things busy being avoided.   

The Healing had certainly begun and I was strangely at peace with it all.  Maybe that’s what the healing is all about.

Then we have Schizophrenia as the Influence on Healing.  This makes sense, if you then factor in whether I was in two minds about whether I was being callous in letting it go and not letting it bother me.  Or whether the right thing to do would be to reach out.  If I indeed was a trigger for her issues then my contact would raise them again.  If in truth, we had just grown apart again I would be making things worse.  

The Goal of The Burden makes sense when I time is typically my burden when it comes to everyday social activities.  My family and friends were stoked when I met my husband and he was an “early/ on-time person” because we arrived at events on-time.

The Burden of time and the getting away is a double whammy for me today.  My burden was to pick up my husband at 3:30pm.  Of course, you will have instantly spotted the weak-point; my husband was not there to prompt me to get away on time to “pick up my husband”.

Then there was the Laziness card driving me not to be lazy, and everything including the kitchen sink got done – except maybe the post I was writing for the day.  Sitting down to do that would have taken more time than I had.  For that I need to allow what I call “drift time”, which I didn’t have because I had a “pick up husband” deadline!

In Distant Past is the Friendliness card and its is a lovely card.  The Osho book (see References) speaks of the independence of being. I’ll think I’ll quote it: “(f)irst meditate, be blissful, then much love will happen of its own accord.  Then being with others is beautiful and being alone is also beautiful.  Then it is simple, too.” You don’t depend on others and you don’t make others dependent on you.”.

Most of my friendships are like this.  We help each other out and even if we don’t speak to each other for years, when we pick up the phone the time that has elapsed has made no difference.  

Sitting in the Distant Past simply highlights this style of friendship and forms the basis on which to base today’s card of Healing.

The Recent Past position has Thunderbolt.  Thunderbolt is the change of circumstances and the destruction of a structure that has been in place.  I usually view this card as one of the few “everyday” cards in the Osho deck.  

It’s the change in physical location, the change of work, physical circumstances or other more tangible aspects.  Or should I say that the internal shift is so great that it manifests physically or even vis-a-versa.

‘The Recent Past position is the now or just passing.  Since we will be relocating to a vacationing spot.  This is certainly an accurate reflection of the physical.  

The Future Energy position has Integration.  Integration it’s the consistency of the warring elements within your mind.  It’s when what’s inside is what’s outside crystalises into a whole or a stronger bond.

In the Feelings position is The Source.  The Source to me is about connection to yourself and a vacation is very much about removing external objects and reconnecting with that centre.  It’s like hitting the reset button or if you play or have watched console games, its like sitting at the last checkpoint before beginning again.

Politics is an interesting card to show up in the Other People’s Views position.  Mainly because I didn’t interact with anyone except my husband.  And I’m pretty sure that my husband didn’t see me as being political.  

The Politics card is about being two-faced and having to do what you need to do even if it is unpleasant.  

Sorry, don’t having anything else on this one today.

Today’s Hopes and Fears position has Adventure.  Apart from being and going on adventure it has the ability to link with the freshness and wonder of a child playing with a “light switch for the first time”.  It’s that sense of wonder.  It doesn’t have to be about anything big but seeing things anew.  

Yes. I’m hoping that the vacation will certainly put a new shininess to things.  The fear is that it will be the “same old thing” or as we say in Australia “same ol’, same ol’”.

Right from the start I’ve mentioned the Laziness and here it is in the Outcome position!

As we have discovered that healing doesn’t mean sitting around on my butt going “woe is me” – that probably laziness (which I’m sure if they handed out awards, I would have a couple).  

No, Laziness is about resting on your laurels and your successes.  It’s about putting something in place and then neglecting to perform maintenance.  

While the it will seem everything is fine there are tiny signs of things starting to deteriorate.  

Following on from the activity of the day I noticed, little things in the garden that need to get looked at, which we have been neglecting.  Basically, if I’d gotten to it in a timely manner I wouldn’t be running around doing that as well as just cleaning basics right before going away!

Laziness (not the card) is what made me late for picking up my husband.  

Neglecting household stuff and relationships could also apply.  Since this is an Outcome position card, we can only what happens.


Day 015 – The Burden of Laziness
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