Day 014 – Fallout

14 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Transformation. 2 is Influence, card is The Source. 3 is Goal, card is The Fool. 4 is Distant Past, card is Harmony. 5 is Recent Past, card is New Vision. 6 is Future Energy, card is Understanding. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Letting Go. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Intensity. 10 is Outcome, card is Success.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Transformation. 2 is Influence, card is The Source. 3 is Goal, card is The Fool. 4 is Distant Past, card is Harmony. 5 is Recent Past, card is New Vision. 6 is Future Energy, card is Understanding. 7 is Feelings, card is Ripeness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Letting Go. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Intensity. 10 is Outcome, card is Success. Shuffle Method used was Fan Selection.


Welcome to day 14!

After an intense emotional day yesterday, I’ve had some time to reflect upon the interaction and today things look in a different light.  The fourteenth of anything usually deals with the changes that occur on the thirteenth.  Nice to see that side of things panning out too!

My emotions on yesterday fluctuated today but I was at peace to some extent.  During reflections I’ve discovered what a blessing my friend is and how courageous her soul was to spew forth what she felt needed to be said.  If I don’t always need friends to just constantly agree with me and tell me I am wonderful,  if a friend is unable to tell you outright that you’re full of bull, then who could.   

When I was in my mid 20’s I went to see a Tarot reader to advise on an issue which has been plaguing me.  The reading didn’t go anywhere near expectations and again I was gutted.  Being the angry-ish person I was at the time I sought support in a friend about that nasty tarot reader.

Instead of giving me support in terms of sympathising with me, she empathised and told me that the tarot reader was right! Slam!

This comment snapped me out of my obsessive spin on the topic – whatever it was and had me step back to look at the situation and make better less reactive choices.  This is what my friends are for.  At least, I can be embarrassed about my behaviour to someone that accepts me for me.

By the way, my mother and sister do likewise, as well as being family, I “like” them and consider them fam-friends. 

Let’s see what the cards have to say today! 


The Cards

First is Now and Transformation – Yesterday Transformation was in the Outcome position and today it is in the Now position.  What does it mean?  For me it means that today the Transformation was taking place.  It is were a game, it would have been smack in the middle of it.  The Now position is also more than current state, it can also capture the issue the questioner has (aka me).   

Like what sort of transformation am I choosing to go through.  My reactions to the situation are completely my own and I have the ability to choose my response (responsability) and guide where I end up.  

Okay, that takes a bit of effort and some self reflection and a massive amount to hard work – but I think it’s worth it.  As mentioned yesterday, I am aiming for the ability to exhibit immediate compassion rather than allowing for a passage of time before I realise what is actually occuring. 

Second is Influence and The Source – On Day 012 The Source was in the Future Energy position and now it’s in the Influence position.  At first, I was tempted to write this off as a different influence, but then thought about what the Influence position is about and the Now position is NOW being influenced by the Influence card.  Which means it’s happening at the same time as the Now.  Therefore, moving from Future Energy to the Now makes complete sense.

Third is Goal and The Fool – This is the first appearance for the card of The Fool and it’s sitting nicely in the the Goal position.  The Fool is all about taking on new things and basically going, “let’s see what happens!” or “how hard can it be?”!  The result of such a decision could mean egg on your face, falling flat on your face or you could wind up smelling of roses.  Of course, The Fool is holding a rose in his hand and so is betting on the roses to win otherwise he wouldn’t take the step.  

This has been true of many things around my website and it’s certainly the approach I have taken to the situation with Betty yesterday.  I can do nothing else.

Fourth is Distant Past and Harmony –  The Harmony of the past in situations has helped form the foundations for personal success.  The Harmony card in this deck speaks of stripping back everything you know to its most simple principle.  This means risking everything you are.  In the past, I have been there with a previous boyfriend.  It’s strangely calming when you step back from the emotions.  

I like to think that there are there sides to the self.  There’s the male side which is all about action and protection.  Action being the very essence of doing and protection being the very essence of closure.  Then there’s the female side which is all about accepting and accommodation.  Acceptance being all about patience and waiting while accommodation is the very essence of openness.  Then there’s the third element which I call the Wisdom of the Ages.  Neither male or female but is director, confident and mediator between the other two.

When my female side got figuratively smacked in the teeth by coming home to an empty house after work.  The male side wanted to lash out in anger in defense of the female side.  There were so many get back strategies that could really reciprocate the hurt onto the offender.  

In a complex mental struggle with the “voice” in my head I call the “wisdom of the ages” directing the desire to act harmful or to act and support my emotions by listening to them and letting them just simply be hurt and cry it out.  The latter won and it was a refreshing way to deal with a break-up and I recovered sooner than I thought I would. 

Fifth is Recent Past and New Vision – Yesterday New Vision was in the Outcome position and today it’s in the Recent Past.  Is it me, or do some of these cards flow at the moment?  I’m trying very hard to not shuffle them together.  Each day the cards are returned to the deck distributed through the deck ensuring they are not next to each other and therefore start in a position away from each other.  

New Vision is about embracing the light and dark of a situation and accepting it warts, beauty and all then coming out with a new point of view.  Waiting until today to reassess yesterday’s situation certainly did that for me.

Sixth is Future Energy and Understanding Understanding is something that seems to be a logical extension of the growth that’s been happening. As we have seen from when Understanding appeared last time, Understanding is about putting bars on a situation that may not have needed to be there.  The card is about being too hard on yourself and then discovering that this is what you’ve been doing.  

Seventh is Feelings and Ripeness – This position represents the questioner’s feelings about the Now situation.  Read literally the questioner was ripe for the transformation.  Ripeness is like saying “I’m ready for testing Universe, whenever you are!”.   It was a good teaching experience, I just wish it didn’t have such a potential dire consequence.  It is what it is.

Eighth is OthersViews and Letting Go – This will be interesting, because I feel like I’m letting it go.  All the anxiety, all the pain and simply accepting that this is what needs to happen.  If the cards are right, this is what I am – will shortly project.

Nineth is Hopes & Fears and Intensity – The Intensity card speaks to the quote I have on the My Soul Embrace home page about following your own path.  Again, this is an area where I have been giving a lot of thought.  My fear is that I’ve gone astray from what I want to do. My hope is that my path will get me to where I want to go.  No way to know unless I keep going.

Tenth is Outcome and Success – It’s always nice to see the Success card.  It means that something’s bound to go right. even if it is for a short while.  The Success card is also a reminder to enjoy the success but don’t latch to it.  Oooh.. exciting!

Day 014 – Fallout
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