Day 012 – Stupidity and Politics

12 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is New Vision.2 is Influence, card is Creativity.3 is Goal, card is Politics.4 is Distant Past, card is Thunderbolt.5 is Recent Past, card is Existence.6 is Future Energy, card is The Source.7 is Feelings, card is Success.8 is Others’ views, card is Guilt.9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Comparison.10 is Outcome, card is Postponement.

Today's Cards

Tabled list:position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is New Vision.2 is Influence, card is Creativity.3 is Goal, card is Politics.4 is Distant Past, card is Thunderbolt.5 is Recent Past, card is Existence.6 is Future Energy, card is The Source.7 is Feelings, card is Success.8 is Others’ views, card is Guilt.9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Comparison.10 is Outcome, card is Postponement.Shuffle Method used was Standard Shuffle.


Last night I realised there could be other meanings to the Sorrow and The Burden cards.  In short, I realised I was burning the candle at both ends.  

Doing the layout first thing in the morning and then typing up the day’s events last thing at night is not a sustainable process for a year.  The cards would begin to represent a burden to me which is not their intention.  Their intention is to provide data for some statistical musings, conjecture and fun.    Not a rod for my back, which would turn into resentment, cynicism and bitterness – mainly toward myself.  Something best avoided lest it translate into insincerity and therefore become a honest and enjoyable read.

This morning I awoke to the much awaited registration of my logo – words, image, words and image together.  It takes a while for it to be approved.  Once you know the process you understand why it needs to take so long (optimistically seven months) because the process requires time – literally.  It’s like putting a cake in the oven, it will take time to cook.  During which time you cannot use the logo it to promote yourself – in case it gets disputed.

My advice is to anyone wanting to have an image or name that’s relatively secure, legally speaking, get onto it as soon as you can.

Before we get started, I have mixed feeling about the cards today and when you look at them you’ll understand why.    Oh well, let’s get to the cards!  


The Cards

The first card out is New Vision.  If this represents the Now – and it does – it means that it’s important to understand the necessity for light and dark to exist in order for the life’s experiences to be more meaningful.  This isn’t new to anyone reading these posts.  Being in the Now position is what makes this more poignant today.  The interesting factor is the human element being in the centre having access to both. 

Funnily, I wrote the above words on the mixed feelings about the cards this morning when only three cards drew my attention – Postponement (grrr), Guilt and Politics.  There was also a cursory growl at Comparison too.  It would seem then that the New Vision card was to be a reminder to embrace both aspects of experience.

New Vision is crowned by Creativity.  Normally, I would be delighted to have Creativity show up, however the cursory glance the morning has now made New Vision a reminder.  Why do I say this? 

You see, not liking the Postponement card very much has me spending a lot of time trying not to postpone things but unwittingly while doing so come to realise that I am an excellent postponer, when my ego doesn’t want to face something.  Managing to kid myself into thinking I’m being productive all the while postponing the actual thing that I should not be postponing.  Seriously, kids avoiding bedtime could take lessons from me…. Don’t worry parents, I won’t be holding avoidance classes anytime soon!

See.  Where was I?  Oh, yes. Creativity on top of a reminder to embrace the dark as well as the light and knowing Postponement is the Outcome card simply translates to me finding lots of “creative” ways to avoid doing what I need to do.  What it is I need to do is actually irrelevant.  

Oh, you might enjoy this a little the Goal card has Politics.  Oh dear.  The Goal position is not always a consciously set goal, it manifests based on the Now position you find yourself in.  The Politics card is about being two-faced.  It’s like the Compromise card in that it’s all mind games.  Saying one thing while doing another.  This is something that is sometimes necessary.  

When it comes to accepting the dark cards and the light cards to enrich life experiences as a goal, it means that I’ve been setting about politicking myself.  Telling myself, “I’m not avoiding” with one face and with the other face, “you know, you really are”.  Phooey!

In the Distant Past position is Thunderbolt.   Thunderbolt showed up on Day 008 in the Future Energy position and looks like its moved to the past. On Day 008 it was about the lockdown coming into effect.  It appears that lockdown is definitely in the past.  

But during lockdown I had hopes, as remarked yesterday of completing more household chores, more writing, more of everything.  Yet, it appears that I did a lot of things just not those I had planned.  

The nice thing about Thunderbolt in the Distant Past and having captured it on Day 008 the thread was easy to follow without me trying to push it to make it work. 🙂

Existence is in Recent Past.  How wonderful!  I love this card (I’m allowed to like the light – that’s what it’s for).  It is about simply being.  

It’s the card that most tells the, “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) Christmas Movie story.  Which incidentally, I only saw it for the first time in November 2020.  It’s a great movie that tells a story about a person’s relevance.  

My near death experience had me feel what life would be like if I were to have exited this existence at that time. Not as succinctly as in the movie but there was a sense of a hole in the future where I should be.  It was quite humbling and life reaffirming at the same time.

So the Existence card is about knowing that there never has been, is or will be another person quite like you.  

Future Energy is The Source – not the stuff you put on chips and pies but the centre of creativity.  Perhaps I was being too harsh on Creativity as the Influence card just being about excuses for Postponement. The Source is what drives a new project, it’s about what lets us settle back and rest if that’s what’s needed.  That says to me that more website writing or creativity is on the horizon.  

Moving into my Feelings on New Vision and Creativity situation.  New Vision from my literal interpretation is the is just what the words on the card say it is.  The Success card for me immediately rang to the successful registration of my logo!  Which I will put up tomorrow, it will also make it easier for me to approach a developer to zhuzh up the site.  By the way, I’m so excited about this!

Here is a dark side card in the Other People’s Views position and it is ….. Guilt.  Not having looked at the layout too closely this morning I noted the card but not the spot.  The spot being Other People’s Views, which isn’t as dark as I thought it would be.  Nonetheless, I will keep the balance of dark and light appreciation in mind moving forward.  

This part is where I guess what other people might be viewing from the outside.  My husband might certainly think that I’m beating myself up on any number of topics.  What might it be about today?  

For something different it could be about the fact that we’re planning that trip to Surfer’s Paradise and the lady next door always feeds our cats and fish while we’re away.  In appreciation for her efforts we ordered an additional meal kit that we could hand to her.  In COVID/ Corona Virus days, that’s like buying someone dinner :).  

Maybe my husband and/ or my neighbour feel I’m doing this out of guilt and then the Guilt card would apply.  There are, of course, other reasons.  As mentioned, this position is tough to read for yourself.

The Comparison card visits me again in the Hopes & Fears position.  Of the four times the card has appeared in the layout three of those times has been in the Hopes & Fears position.  You would think I would learn to stop comparing myself to others or what I perceive of others.  I’ve watched the movie ‘Hilary and Jackie’ (1998) where things are not all they seem and how some actions can be misunderstood.  Yet I continue to do it.  

Hoping that I possess certain skills dominant in someone else and fearing that I won’t measure up. Knowing deep down that I have my own skill set which is mine alone. I should take heed of the Existence card more often.

Finally, we get to the Outcome card of Postponement.  The card that unwittingly set the tone for the day.  Discovering that while working on the “pretty aspects” of the website I’m not “fixing” the bits of the website.  Bits that aren’t working the way I would like them to for a better reader experience.  This could be where other’s see me exhibiting some Guilt.  

There’s one thing I’m not going to postpone any further and that’s publishing this article.  

If you’re reading this, publishing has worked!


Day 012 – Stupidity and Politics
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