Day 011 – Weeds are a Burden

6 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Ripeness. 2 is Influence, card is Integration. 3 is Goal, card is Maturity. 4 is Distant Past, card is Morality. 5 is Recent Past, card is Abundance. 6 is Future Energy, card is Sorrow. 7 is Feelings, card is The Lovers. 8 is Others’ views, card is Courage. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Source. 10 is Outcome, card is The Burden.

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Ripeness. 2 is Influence, card is Integration. 3 is Goal, card is Maturity. 4 is Distant Past, card is Morality. 5 is Recent Past, card is Abundance. 6 is Future Energy, card is Sorrow. 7 is Feelings, card is The Lovers. 8 is Others’ views, card is Courage. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is The Source. 10 is Outcome, card is The Burden. Shuffle Method used was Deck pile shuffle.


Welcome to day 11 and the third day of lockdown!  How did the people in Victoria, Australia cope with six weeks of lockdown? That must have been super tough!

The good news for us Brisbane-ites or Brisbanians is that we have had no new cases in three days.  Fortunately, jumping on one case of the more infectious UK strain of COVID-19 meant that restrictions have eased but mask wearing in pubic places is still mandatory.  However, we are not restricted to the home anymore.

Of course, it’s like those movies where someone quietly saves the day and everyone not in the know thinks it’s simply a knee jerk reaction.

It’s always difficult to prove things would have been much worse.  Similar to the Y2K madness in the late ‘90s, for those of us old enough to remember.  Because of all the work that was done prior to the year 2000, “did we prevent a disaster or was it over-reaction?”.  

Thankfully, we will never know.  At worst a lot of money was spent keeping people employed to do nothing.  At not-so-bad, a lot of systems that needed improving were improved.  Obviously, the best case was that a global disaster was prevented. 

Emotionally today the “lawn” played on my mind.  The falling leaves from the past few weeks of rain and wind have really let things get out of hand.  Having a three day weekend with my husband, I thought we would get an opportunity to do more.  This wasn’t the case due to two days of bad weather.  I found myself longing for the days of an apartment. 

I did manage to get out the lawnmower and edge trimmer and neatened the council lawn up out the front of our place.  Normally I would do our neighbours lawns as well.  Before you start thinking that this might be noble, it’s not.  The space is as big as a standard middle class home dining room.  Today I simply didn’t have the energy to do it.  Maybe tomorrow, if I’m looking for something to do.   

On a more practical note, since restrictions have been lifted it means that we can go on our trip to Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast for a couple of days break.  Going away meant that I needed to ensure that I would be able to write the daily posts on the cards.

Let’s see what today’s cards have to say about that!

The Cards

The first card in the Now position is Ripeness.  If I had to say what Ripeness was it’s the fact that I’m ready to share me with the Internet.  Not that my life is particularly interesting, but it just seems to be the right time to do so.  This might mean just capturing my experiences with the website and its development at first.  And boy have I got ideas for the site …. ideas yes.  Skill level no.

Integration is in the Influencer position and the second card dealt.  Integration on top of Ripeness seems to indicate that it is not a block.  My reasoning for this is that Integration is about bringing things together.  About a certain state of maturity before Ripeness can proceed. Thus supporting the now rather than hindering it since the Now was already ready.

If I were determined to read the card as a block card I could argue that the time to integrate elements may cause the Ripeness to spoil rather than aiding it.

Maturity in the Goal position and third card.  Seems to follow on nicely from Ripeness and IntegrationRipeness is a form of Maturity after all.  Desiring or seeking it is equivalent say to having those skills that I lack. Again, I’m relating this to my website and its development.  

The Maturity may relate to having to mature my process so that it is portable and I am not confined to my desktop in order to upload content.  Today was about refining the process and how the process will travel.  

Morality in the Distant Past is another card that was situated in the Outcome position (Day 008).  Doing things the right way have brought me to this position or at the very least conforming to the parameters that the web-development tools push me into using correctly.  Funnily, near enough is not good enough for some of these tools.  Thankfully, it has brought about Ripeness

The Abundance card sits in the Recent Past position and possibly comes from the generous amount to energy today had.  Cleaning, lawn mowing, portabl-ising my website capture equipment and the appropriate jig to the plan on how to actually travel with it.

Sorrow is in the Future Energy position. Sorrow is the card of things not getting where you would like them to be.  In addition to being sadness personified.  In times of our greatest misery and pain a clarity can form.  This is not the made clarity that can come from anger, anything that derives from anger needs to be assessed once the anger has eased.

Back to my lawn mowing and the weeds.  I started sitting on the lawn with my weeding tool to start weeding when I realised the weeds had gotten out of control. Not wanting to just mow over them to hide them for another two weeks.  It dawned that there was such a thing as weedkiller and there was some tucked at the back of the shed – along with a brand new weedkiller dispenser.  

This discovery gave me an out.  Mow now, weed in two days, then mow again and place the cuttings with weedkiller back over where the weeds were. Ta da!  Enlightenment.   

The Lovers is an interesting card and it sits in the Feelings position.  Because I’ve written so much already, I’ll save the “how I met my husband” story for another day.  The Lovers doesn’t mean sexual love necessarily.  Nor does it mean that you will be with another person.  The Lovers is about connection between the male and females sides of ourselves.  The Lovers it’s the yin-yang of a situation in balance.  

Sitting in the Feelings position makes it relevant because I moved on from getting in my way to pushing myself along.  It’s balancing the physical with the mental exertion. Today, I felt I got the mix right.   

The Other People’s Views is Courage.  Do people see what I’m doing as courageous?  There are so many reasons might be the case.  I’m just going to put it out there, I’m a little impressed that I’ve gotten this far.  

The Source in Hopes & Fears most possibly relates to the unlimited and controlled essence of creativity.  It is the student with a little bit of knowledge to be dangerous and not enough of the lessons under the belt to know better – which incidentally is the fear.

The Burden is in the Outcome position.  And today’s main burden was the lawn, more specifically the weeds in the lawn.  Also, due to the late night last night clarity at the moment is getting a little foggy.  Suffice it to say that there may still be some residual burden waiting in the wings.  Not today.


Day 011 – Weeds are a Burden
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