Day 010 – Suppression and The Rebel

10 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Suppression. 2 is Influence, card is Beyond Illusion. 3 is Goal, card is The Dream. 4 is Distant Past, card is Consciousness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Projections. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Master. 7 is Feelings, card is The Rebel. 8 is Others’ views, card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Comparison. 10 is Outcome, card is Possibilities.

Today's Cards

Tabled list:position number,description,and daily card.1 is Now, card is Suppression. 2 is Influence, card is Beyond Illusion. 3 is Goal, card is The Dream. 4 is Distant Past, card is Consciousness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Projections. 6 is Future Energy, card is The Master. 7 is Feelings, card is The Rebel. 8 is Others’ views, card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Comparison. 10 is Outcome, card is Possibilities. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.


Welcome to day 10! I’m excited to be moving into double digits.  Wishing desperately that I had not started publishing without a buffer.  On the upside you’re getting everything as soon as the day has happened with no delay.

My husband commented to me on yesterday’s posts about my feelings of being guilty about editors.  He quite nicely mentioned that it’s an editor’s job to be a catalyst for the work submitted to them without leaving themselves in the work.  While I understood this conceptually, describing like this helped me visualise their role better.  What an amazing profession.  Yet another profession of unsung heroes. 

However, I know myself enough that if I did not take a break my enthusiasm would wane.  A break I took because the cats don’t do housework and while husband does do housework, it’s not fair to have him do it all on what is also his day off.  

Today is the second day of Greater Brisbane Lockdown with only essential movement allowed.  Masks even need to be worn in the car should you need to go to the shops; which is something we did do today.

You see I’m an ovo-lacto vegetarian and my husband is your standard omnivore with a fondness for meaty foods.  When lockdown was announced on Friday he rang me to get some cold meats for him and some chicken strips so he could have dinners over the next couple of nights.

When I went to the shops it was busy and all I managed to get him was one small meat lovers pizza and some ham. 

Not having eaten or shopped for meat in twenty-seven years meant that I lacked the expertise to gauge how much meat might be required on a sandwich.  Husband mentioned to his work colleagues after he hung up that he might wind up with a kilo or 100g. 

So, I underestimated the quantity for three days and got flustered and forgot to get chicken strips :(.  Eh… going vegetarian would be so bad for a day … would it?

Apparently, it was.  We decided to get exercise in with the shopping by walking to the shops.  

Today also held moments of gardening and cleaning out the small water feature because the pump had died.

How much more exciting did you expect the day to get while we’re in lockdown? :).

Maybe the cards will add some excitement … let’s take a look.

The Cards

First card in the Now is Suppression.  The disadvantage of doing your own cards is that quite often when you come across a card like Suppression you’re exactly sure what you could be suppressing.  Let’s just say I was trying to keep away from the website for my own good – or was it?  An external reader may have been able to identify what exactly it was that I was trying to suppress. 

The second card in the Influence position is Beyond Illusion.  Because position one had Suppression I am going to say that the chrysalis may reach a stage of taking a moment before trying again.  Much as the birthing process the mother may wish to take a moment before needing to push again.  

So too was today, that rest day before a rededication to the task at hand.  The slowing or taking a breather is what Beyond Illusion‘s influence appears to be, if I were to make it work without referring to the book.

Third card in the Goal position is The Dream.  I’m never quite sure of what to make of The Dream card in any position but when it appears in the Goal position and I know what The Dream means.  How can I be wishing for a Goal of romantic ideals or notions when they are unrealistic?  Maybe it’s because it is a romantic notion I fall for it.  

I’m going to put this out there, not doing a lot in a day means that I need to hone in on minor things because that’s all there is to relate it to.  At this point, I cannot relate this card to anything specific without clutching at straws.  Maybe it’s just the everyday-ness that’s the dream or that my life is less interesting that I thought?  

Distant Past position has Consciousness.  It looks like Consciousness has moved from being in the Outcome position on Day 007 to now being in the Distant Past – exciting!  My expectation is that either Outcomes, Future Energy or cards in the Feelings cards might appear in the Distant Past.  

Consciousness represents clarity of thought that led to the Now card of Suppression.  Confusing?

Not really, I awakened my enthusiasm for the website and was ploughing ahead, when today I decided to suppress that enthusiasm because I wanted to do what I used to do on weekends. 

It’s bit of nostalgia or wanting to be able to do both.  Aha! … that’s where the The Dream card fits as a Goal.  I know very well that I cannot go back – not least for a year – which is what the ‘experiment’ of Tarot Days was set up to do.     

The Recent Past position has Projections.  In line with The Dream is ProjectionsProjections is about because I link things a certain way that the person I am talking to also links it the same way; or at least I that’s what I believe is happening.  This might be the vegetarian thing.  It really couldn’t be all bad being a vegetarian for one day, could it?  Really?  

Future Energy is The Master card and looking ahead a little with position seven having The Rebel card, these two cards are reflecting similar concepts.  Both are not bound by everyday conditioning and social constructs. 

The difference between them is that The Rebel does the breaking in going his own way and The Master exists outside of the constructs themselves.  In my case, it might just be that I’m oblivious to the constructs.  

The Master, to me, is like how the journey to enlightenment was described to me: “when you first start your journey a mountain is just a mountain, as you grow in awareness you see that the mountain is so much more than a mountain, when you reach enlightenment a mountain is just a mountain”. 

Apart from the obvious that the enlightenment is also about the journey.  Awareness of the mountain’s makeup: the rocks, grass, goats, critters, flowers, seeds, the dead flora and fauna, the new growth and the streams area a crucial part of appreciating the mountain as a mountain at enlightenment.

When The Master enters the layout, especially in the Future Energy spot it means that I will come back to a position I once held but with a better non-judgemental appreciation.

The Rebel card in position seven means that I will most likely view things I once snubbed in a new light but not in the same way that I used to.  Let me explain … in my teens in order to show that I wasn’t influenced by a movies “hype” I deliberately didn’t go and see it.  This meant though that I was missing out on great movies. 

After a while I decided that being with friends was more important to me than a movie’s hype. I also realised that sometimes because you follow doesn’t mean you are a sheep.  My rebellion, although stupid, eventually led me to reassess the things I found important.   

Other People’s Views card is Schizophrenia.  Now other people are seeing me between a rock and a hard place.  My husband is my only feedback loop and we didn’t discuss it 🙂 – especially since he’s asleep while I’m writing this post. 

At a guess, it could be the desire for a day off and knowing that I’m not able to get a buffer.  He might just feel sorry for me.  I’m okay with that.

Hopes & Fears position has Comparison.  Once again the Comparison card shows up in the Hopes and Fears position.  And I do have a pesky habit of comparing myself against people who I consider dynamic. 

My neighbour, for instance, who in between rain bursts raced out and cut the lawn while I sat playing Words with Friends or doing jigsaw puzzles.

The Outcome position has Possibilities card yet again. That’s six times in ten days.  It’s nice to have possibilities showing up all over the place. 

Because of that I thought it was time I actually opened the book to see what it meant according to Osho in case it entailed more that the word implies.  But, alas, it is in seeing possibilities around me and what is possible. 

The book did add a nice little note indicating that help in the form that I need will assist.  How lovely is that?!

Have a big virtual embrace from me. Until tomorrow ….  

Day 010 – Suppression and The Rebel
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