8 January 2021

Today's Cards

This morning I woke up, shuffled the cards laid them out and noticed that Thunderbolt appeared in the deck. Last time Thunderbolt graced my cards while I was on vacation I got back to work and discovered that my job had changed.
It meant that I was going to move physically but more importantly the result of the move and change of job would mean a complete stocktake of my life. Unfortunately, there was no extra money. The change prompted doubts, suspicion, and flattery all mingled in together.
You see, Thunderbolt is about a dramatic shift in the physical surroundings – that’s at least how I’ve always interpreted the card of The Tower – in some other decks this card is called the Tower. The imagery or how it is depicted is similar too.
As you can imagine, I got nervous. Without really focussing on the other cards and not wanting to until the day passed so I could form a retroactive perspective on events.
It turns out the change to my physical surroundings was announced on the news and to me when my mother and husband rang to advise me of the Premier’s decision.
Yep. It’s the greater Brisbane area of Queensland, Australia. We were going into level 4 lock down as of 6:00pm for three days. Thunderbolt card now makes complete sense sitting in the Future Energy position.
It also makes sense for yesterday’s Change card . And although I refer to the position as the Feelings position, the position has typically also covered on upcoming feelings. The timeframe I’ve read this at is within the next one to seven days. The duality of meaning was there yesterday, I just hadn’t had my precognition turned on :).
Now you have context, let’s see what the other cards had to say.
The Cards
Position one had Friendliness. The night before I talked with my husband about getting the dinners for the weekends. We had used all the HelloFresh meal kits for the week and decided that we needed a few things from the supermarket.
Not thinking the shops would get too busy for a three day lockdown I didn’t rush. But I did decide to go earlier rather than later so I could get back to doing things for the website. Kind of like, the sooner I go the sooner I’ll get back.
Glad I did, the line at the local supermarket was already quite long 200 metres, maybe. Anyway, in line which was the Now position when I did the cards this morning. While waiting there was a bit of solidarity. If you like, a Friendliness.
Totality as the Influencer in this circumstance meant that I need to commit totally to the shopping. But there is the subtle hint at the total lockdown to come. The nice part of going into lockdown was all the support from family and friends we received. Very touching.
Silence in the Goal position can be read as literal or figurative. The Osho book refers to Silence as a quietening of the mind. For me, it’s bliss. A time to turn inward. It is like a sense of being one with the universe.
The Distant Past has Postponement. So, there were certain things I was postponing yesterday; going to the shops, contacting the web developer and approaching a friend to help me out with some editing. Most of which I had dealt with.
Naturally, dealing with things that I’ve stupidly been postponing brought with it the cause for Celebration. And look at that, the Celebration card is in the Recent Past position. What else can really be said? Postponement overcome created the Friendliness I felt with my fellow line-upperers (yes, I know that’s not a word) which in turn is cause for Celebration.
Now, how does all this fit in with the Future energy position of Thunderbolt. Remember that the Thunderbolt card is about the change to physical circumstances and the trigger for a reassessment of one’s situation. Just because I know its coming doesn’t mean I’ve lived it :).
I fully expect that the Future energy card will last the three days. It will be interesting to see if Thunderbolt appears at all. Personally, I’d be surprised if it did since it’s the future position.
The Feelings position has The Creator. The Creator is about working on oneself to improve oneself. So, the card and position implies that I will be working on myself creatively.
On the other hand, I have found that this card can have the other kind of creator that works with nurturing something beautiful and physical into being. There is a plan to put together a media gallery tomorrow. We’ll see if I do any deep diving on myself.
Others’ views is Past Lives. Not quite sure how to interpret the Others’ views position when I’m reading for myself. It’s much easier reading this position for others. I find there’s more of a distorted view on anything I think other people might be thinking – as good a guess as it can sometimes be.
No! In the beginning I said that when I view Past Lives it is for this life time only. The cards or I know this. So, this is why it has come up to read with that interpretation. Others’ views then means that I am bringing back what I used to do. That’s for those that have known me for some time, that is. Makes sense. There’s a lot of my Past Lives cropping up at the moment.
This next card in the next position does not come as a surprise to me. Laziness is one of my greatest Hopes & Fears. Oh! To fully enjoy the contentment of being able to sit back and not worry about things slipping.
On a more serious note, I go into overdrive whenever Laziness crops up in a reading. There’s a make sure that I’m kicking myself off the lounge and cleaning, reading, typing, creating or just doing something. Then the fear sneaks in that I will miss something. Especially the thing the card is actually referring to, which is probably what I’m lazily avoiding because I’ve “been there done that”.
The title of this post is “Doing thing Properly” and the card of Morality’s appearance in the Outcome position had me pursing my lips. Had this post been written before the day had transpired the “irkiness” I felt at seeing it would have come through.
However, here is a situation where the card makes complete sense. The Morality card symbolises societal conditioning and conforming to expectations. Words that usually arouse the prickliness in me and whispers for me to see if the boundaries are spongy or breakable :).
It took quite a bit of self-discipline to quell that rebellious reaction. Luckily, I’ve learnt not simply to blindly rebel to something when someone says it’s moral and assess whether is has validity for me. Of course, in this case it completely makes sense to follow the “right thing”.
Yet the COVID lockdown announcement encourages people to conform to do things properly – social distance, wash hands, wear a mask. Ironically, by conforming and doing these things you are actually heroic. You are contributing to stopping the spread of the virus and potentially saving lives. All by doing things properly.
Morality from Osho’s intent, is about being sequacious (thank you Susie Dent – UK Countdown for the word of the day) and unthinking. It’s all about revalidating what the right thing to do is. From a Chinese proverb, “he who believes too long in something soon becomes wrong”.
It’s the “half life of facts”, if you don’t keep renewing the data you have it will become outdated. Basic mathematics is used daily and is tested for validity and is therefore kept up-to-date’ so too should morality be tested to retain validity.