6 January 2021

Today's Cards

Butterflying Context
Today’s blog is about Dobby the cat, me, a spider and the word butterflying. And it’s about transforming Mikki, the logo figure.
I know butterflying can mean splitting a piece of fish or meat in two to create a butterfly shape. However, it has always sounded like it should represent the act of becoming a butterfly to me. For the website, it’s appropriate as a metaphor for opening up my insides and sharing them, in a sense butterflying my soul. Hence, the usage of the term butterflying.
Yesterday’s reading ended with Schizophrenia or about being caught between a rock and a hard place, with me thinking nothing else but sleep could happen before I went to bed. How wrong I was!
The Spider and Me
As I prepared for bed, I spotted a massive huntsman spider on the ceiling above the bedroom door. You can link to the image about the size is in this article. Normally, I would call my husband to relocate the spider down to the creek. However, when I was single, I used to just leave it, but it was right ABOVE THE BEDROOM DOOR! And like in the article mentioned above, they’re safe, but they do jump at you if you want to get into an argument about ceiling space.
My hard place was I wanted to go to bed and didn’t want to open the door because he might go into the bedroom and wake my husband. It’s also been a few years since I had slept with a spider in the room. I’d be a hypocrite to say I don’t kill spiders, I just don’t kill ones this size, and besides, it’s not lethal. Just scary.
The rock was the spider and its location. I did not want to be jumped by the spider! So, I took a deep breath and let go of going to bed just at that moment and let go of trying to capture the spider but simply decided to wait until it moved – that elusive third option.
It moved. Over the dining table, then over the glass table where our small tabletop Christmas tree sat. At the base of the tree’s base were Christmas cards, family photos, unwrapped presents and a bowl where my husband kept his wallet at night. Basically, not gettable, although I got the back scratcher and flung a few cards off the table.
The Spider and the Cat
One of our cats (Dobby, the ginger) showed up and thought he would be my rescuer. The cat would do what it would do, and the spider would do likewise. It was an interesting game to watch. Knowing hunters typically need movement to trigger the hunt, the spider was amazingly still for quite some time.
All my attempts at trying to get Dobby to see the spider came to naught. To Dobby’s credit, he did eventually spot a movement. Interestingly, when it saw Dobby’s head turn toward me, the spider chose that moment to make its move.
Unfortunately for the spider, Dobby turned back too quickly. Then the cat and spider’s chase was on. The spider won the battle, primarily thanks to the glass table – it was always on the other side of where Dobby was. It was pretty funny!
Of our two cats, Dobby is the better strategist. He lay himself down by the glass table and was content to wait. It was near midnight, and this was like noon for him. So on that note, I went to bed.
When my husband woke in the morning, I warned him about sticking his hand in the bowl to grab his wallet – just in case spidey wanted to make a home in there during daylight hours. It turns out spidey lost the war because, by morning, he was no more found dead on the floor.
For the simple reason, things still happen after I’ve written my blog and before I’ve shuffled the cards, I am contemplating writing the day’s events before I deal with the cards for the new day. Writing at this time will give the card cycle a proper 24-hours to work.
Butterflying Reflective Mikki
Anyway, today’s activities were focused on my website again – this time more about improving the logo’s design. A comment on the logo’s shape that I agreed with had been troubling me since I created it. There was just something missing. Something that would make Reflective Mikki, the figure’s name, look like it was contemplating rather than doing a sit-up.
So during the day, I drifted from element to element and decided I would obtain the services of a logo specialist/ professional to help me out around the page. It was then realising when I started this venture a year ago; I hadn’t clearly identified my requirements for the site. To some extent, I still don’t, but by going live and posting, I’m discovering my real needs and can now put something together.
Another thing I started writing on both the “about me” page or simply reword the text on the “home page”. I will need to chat with an expert about which avenue is better, one or the other or both. Nonetheless, I wrote the text for both, and in writing, I discovered what was missing from the logo – a soul! The glowing soul light overlaid with yin-yang rotated to align with the earth’s axis.
So today, I sent off the tweak to the logo to the designers for a quote to adjust it to fit. But I can tell you I’m so happy the addition of the “soul light” ties in all the elements, and it makes sense of who I am both in the text and the tweak to Reflective Mikki. So comfortable, even if I am opening my life up in it! But that’s the whole purpose of the blog and of butterflying, isn’t it?
Okay, let’s see what the cards had to say.
The Cards
Cross starts with Butterflying
Firstly, the card of Beyond Illusion a beautiful card. Today the butterfly overlaying a serene person’s face is attracting me. It makes me think of transformation and the caterpillar that came before the chrysalis into the butterfly. Based on my day, I would say it applies.
Today’s Influencer card is Courage; this can be read as both influencer and blocker. It required courage for me to decide to open up in the “about me” area. Yet, the very lack of courage could have prevented the growth. Mind you, I haven’t published it yet – one tender flat of the wings at a time.
And look, the Harmony card has returned but in the Goal position. According to the Osho Zen Tarot book, my goal is to “follow my heart whatever the stake” (p. 116), which fits with my goal today. Both with my logo and the new addition to my page.
I think from the focus of today, and it has undoubtedly come from the Rebirth of the website. Tick that off as the Distant Past card being accurate for today too.
Looking at the Recent Past, again based on what I have written about my day, word Integration sums up what I’ve been trying to accomplish. Talk about spot on so far.
I certainly hope Sharing this with people interested in having a nibble or even interested in a more extensive read of this site is what I would like to do. Just deciding when to share it is going to be a challenge. Maybe tomorrow. However, looking ahead at the Hopes and Fears position, timing will be my challenge.
Well, I am certainly feeling more playful with what I write and how I write it. Yes, the grammar isn’t perfect. I will try and get better – there are still some mental landmines put in during my school years by well-meaning people that I need to diffuse before I understand grammar completely.
Nonetheless, I hope to make the site fun in parts. If we’re going to do this for a year, a sense of humour is needed. So my Feelings position (see what I did there) for the site today is that it needs Playfulness.
The Other People’s Views position on the emerging butterfly is all part of Experiencing life and growth. Fingers-crossed; not sure how the logo company will feel about the change in logo design – again.
So position nine, Hopes and Fear, is Patience. Aha. Patience and I don’t see each other often. Suffering FOMO (fear of missing out) at times pushes my patience to impatience quickly.
Funnily, if I don’t think about waiting, patience is its reward. The question is, how long do I wait to engage the developer? I know I would like “right now”. Developer’s cost money, and I want to make sure that I have enough to cover what I need. Not much I can do about it right now – tomorrow.
Breakthrough is a fitting Outcome card for the day. The one I’m particularly excited about is the logo one. Yippee!