4 January 2021

When a ten-year-old forgets to pack a charger for his favourite game device. His options are few, and he’s taught the lesson that compromise is a bitter pill.
Not much to say at the moment; my day felt productive, although there isn’t much to show for it, more like working on the foundations. My advancement concerning website development has stalled as I have a functioning post template.
Today’s apologies extend to you because the site is a little challenging to get around, and there isn’t a lot of information filling areas of the site. I will get there – I promise :).
Before we progress, however, I’d like to explain how I shuffle. After I lay out the cards and take the photo, I gather the cards and put each one back into the deck separately. The theory is that if the cards show up together or close to one another, it’s shuffling results, not the product of them having to have been together when they started.
Compromise Context
Compromise is the word of the day, it’s in the Outcome position, and I don’t like it. My dilemma was getting a charger for my nephew and worrying about COVID-19 implications while trying to send the parcel. I needed to negotiate with a ten-year-old; he’d left the charger to the Nintendo Switch at our place.
His choice was to wait for the charger, buy a new charger (which his mother wasn’t having any of because she wanted to teach him about consequences) or play another device until the charger arrives. My nephew wanted to convince my sister to buy a replacement charger. The Compromise inevitably was he would play with another device until the charger came.
On the last day of my nephew’s visit, his mother put him in charge of making sure the electronic equipment he wanted back home was packed. Ironically, too busy playing on the Switch, he neglected to pack it.
Sending the charger was my mission today 🤔. On the other hand, my nephew had to compromise on the electronic gadget on which he played. It was a bitter pill for him to swallow, but hopefully, he learnt something. Insult to injury, he was unable to blame anyone but himself. Once my nephew swallowed the compromise pill, he was okay with it (not that he had a choice).
That said, let’s get-go!
Cross leading to Compromise
The first card of the day in the Now position was Traveling. The Osho Zen interpretation of the Traveling card is about the journey, not about the destination. Thinking back on the day, it was very much about enjoying developing material for the layouts and finding out how to record the back-end writing. However, I have a destination, which is building something for you, dear reader, to view. However, there is more to do and much more to learn. The journey of my nephew’s charger’s runs parallel to my own. His charger is ready to travel.
The second card in the Influence position was Ordinariness. There were some things I needed to do at the post office. The post office situated amongst shops, and I took the liberty of moseying through some of the shops at a leisurely pace and simply enjoyed doing everyday stuff.
My sole focus was to post a “gift” for my nephew, which due to COVID-19, I was unable to give him personally. Since this was something I wanted to get done, it counts as a goal. It aligns with the card of Completion in position three. On the parallel path of the website development, I wanted to get some aspects finalised, too.
From the Past to the Future
Position four, being the Distant Past, has the card of The Miser. The Miser, I suspect, might be how I would typically be when it comes to the post office; get in, post the parcel, and go home. If needed, there might even be a quick dash to the supermarket to pick up groceries. So, The Miser who robs people of time or is very stingy with money spurned the opposite today. Often we can outgrow what was in the Distant Past, showing that we have grown.
The Recent Past has The Dream’s card, possibly someone misreading a situation by placing romantic, trusting, or unrealistic notions upon it. I confess I did do this—romantic ideas of completing sections of work miraculously. In my nephew’s case, it was him trusting that his mother would pick up the Switch charger as part of her packing up (we know how that went).
The Future Energy position shows Participation, which is all about enjoying life. It’s about noticing the beauty in which you exist; this is what the goal of Ordinariness suggests, being a part of existence rather than separate from it. Time to not be a spectator but a participant. In my case, it was getting stuck into the website; in my nephew’s, it was about participating in the travel experience and ensuring items he cared about got packed.
Base of Compromise
So, what are my Feelings on the issue? Going with the Flow is a beautiful continuation of the current state (Traveling) and links beautifully with the Participation of Future Energy card. There’s not much more to say on this position. I am not fighting the stream for my website, and my nephew is accepting he cannot play the Switch.
Other People’s Views in position eight appears congruent with the Goal card, too. I’m viewed as listening to my Inner Voice. I love this idea, although I know it is a fleeting state like everything. It’s hard to maintain listening to your Inner Voice.
Position nine and its card reflects the inner Hopes and Fears; the card is The Source. The Source is about finding your core and doing what you need to do. It might be prudent to remember the advice in the Traveling card of enjoying the journey rather than focussing on the result. My fear is of the pain in knowing that the moment of connection with The Source is temporary.
Finally, the tenth card and Outcome position has the card of Compromise. I’ll fess up; I don’t like this card. I’m not sure how a Compromise can occur when you’re Going with the Flow or participating in life and enjoying each moment of life. If I take the situation back to the Now, perhaps a compromise needs to set a plan and provide discipline to meet it. Penalty, in this case, being contrary to Going with the Flow.
Layout Summary Reading
Travelling with myself aided by Ordinariness of enjoying the journey, Completion occurs through Participation. I’ve learnt from The Miser from a Distant Past and overcame the unrealistic notions of The Dream. The Dream is an ethereal construct designed to distract from the longing in the Now for a future made of rose-coloured glasses.
Because listening to an Inner Voice reflects in the Going with the Flow, there is the hope of connecting to one’s source and connecting to the soul, The Source. However, all is not rosy, and a Compromise may happen to ensure progress continues.