Day 002 – Where The Master Sits

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Master.2 is Influence, card is Past Lives.3 is Goal, card is The Rebel.4 is Distant Past, card is Moment to Moment.5 is Recent Past, card is Possibilities.6 is Future Energy, card is Breakthrough.7 is Feelings, card is Rebirth.8 is Others’ views, card is Innocence.9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Morality.10 is Outcome, card is The Miser.
Tabled list position number,description and daily card:1 is Now,The Master.2 is Influence,Past Lives.3 is Goal,The Rebel.4 is Distant Past,Moment to Moment.5 is Recent Past,Possibilities.6 is Future Energy,Breakthrough.7 is Feelings,Rebirth.8 is Others’ views,Innocence.9 is Hopes & Fears,Morality.10 is Outcome,The Miser.

Day two, and we’re off to a great start.  We can see that some cards have moved around from yesterday, and new cards have entered the day.  All to be expected since, at some point, I’m hoping all the cards to appear.  So far, all my thoughts are on getting the website moving, and I have today discovered the way I would like the site to look.  Because of my basic skills, I’m working in PowerPoint to get the look I want and hopefully will be able to present that to a developer to build.

The Master in the Now position or position one is quite interesting.  However, I have felt today has just been.  Any enlightenment prompted by Past Lives was also hindered by them.  Now, what does this mean?  First, although I believe reincarnation is a thing, I also think we can exit the reincarnation cycle if we follow our intuition.

However, one life has multiple lives within it.  We change so much that sometimes we look back on our very existence to find the person we once were is almost unrecognisable to who we are now – shackled by fears borne of past experiences but enlightened by the positive ones too.  

For this site, this is what I mean when I refer to “past lives”.  Fittingly, a quote from Osho, which I loved before I found the banner goes like this: “One can live this same ordinary life in such an exquisite, extraordinary way that it becomes sacred, but there is no other life than this.  You have to learn the art of transforming this very ordinary life into something beautiful”.

In this deck, The Rebel card represents breaking away from enforced societal norms.  Each person grows up with differing expectations, and therefore something radical to one person is commonplace to another.

My aim associated with the Goal position is to break away from my traditional upbringing.  Because I come from a conventional project manager background, my schooling teaches me to understand the look of the end product.  New project management is that it’s iterative.  Hence, start with something and then improve upon that as you go along.

You may have noticed that The Rebel card has moved from yesterday’s “Future Energy” position to become today’s “Goal” position.  If I were reading this for someone else, I would say the questioner is in the process of breaking away from some societal constraints and, while breaking them, is aiming to break free of some more.

The Moment to Moment card that sat in the recent past yesterday has today moved to the distant past.  Unsurprisingly predictable (except this is Tarot – so, it is surprisingly surprising 😁.  Also, the Possibilities card has moved from the “Now” position to the “Recent Past” position.  It is suggesting, the possibilities were present and acted upon to some extent.  Again, this appears to be a logical way for the cards to move.  Sceptically, you might argue that it was not a good shuffle.  From a probability standpoint, it was always a likely outcome.

The Future Energy position has the Breakthrough card, which yesterday acted as an accelerator to Possibilities while simultaneously putting the brakes on others.  It now looks like the energy surrounding the Breakthrough is going to continue.  On day one of the 365 days of Tarot, I had a breakthrough in website development.  This Breakthrough motivated me to finalise where I want to go with my home page and adjust my existing logo, but there’s still a little way to go before I can publish the new logo (let alone the old one).

The Breakthrough is driving a Rebirth in my enthusiasm to get things moving along more quickly.  Others probably see the attempts I’m making at launching like I’m unexposed to the new world of web development and posting.  And you know, you/ they’d be right!

My inner fear is Morality, with all its constraints, will inhibit The Rebel in his trying to break free of tight bonds.  Trying to identify which bonds to escape and their respective costs always worries me a little.  On the other hand, I hope that I stay within the confines of acceptable – if not expected.

Now, The Miser card has moved from the Distant Past position yesterday to the Outcome position today.  If this were a separate standalone reading, I would be tempted not to link the two or the respective progress.  Now my faith in “me”, knowing on a subliminal level what I’m up to, leads to another interpretation.  

Yesterday, I mentioned looking to hire a web developer and had projected all my fantasies of someone just taking over development like they worked for me and knew what I wanted intuitively.  This projection wasn’t reality.  I had projected my hopes onto a poor unsuspecting innocent.  Because I do not want to spend money on yet another web developer, The Miser card would certainly be appropriate.

Forewarned (and because I dislike The Miser card) could prove motivation for me to do the complete opposite.  Hmmm.


No longer weighed down by Past Lives, The Master has become The Rebel.  The Rebel previously embraced Possibilities by accepting and moving from Moment to Moment that drifts to the past.  A Breakthrough continues to inspire Rebirth into Innocence for all to see.  The shackles of Morality bind while the inner spirit wishes to be free, and yet The Miser comes from Morality and its sensible confines.

Day 002 – Where The Master Sits
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