Day 001 – The Transformation Begins

1 January 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Possibilities.2 is Influence, card is Breakthrough.3 is Goal, card is Past Lives.4 is Distant Past, card is The Miser.5 is Recent Past, card is Moment to Moment.6 is Future Energy, card is The Rebel.7 is Feelings, card is Projections.8 is Others’ views, card is Awareness.9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Flowering.10 is Outcome, card is Transformation.
Tabled list position number,description and daily card:1 is Now,Possibilities.2 is Influence,Breakthrough.3 is Goal,Past Lives.4 is Distant Past,The Miser.5 is Recent Past,Moment to Moment.6 is Future Energy,The Rebel.7 is Feelings,Projections.8 is Others’ views,Awareness.9 is Hopes & Fears,Flowering.10 is Outcome,Transformation.

Welcome to day one of my experiment with tarot cards.  It’s exhilarating for me and the beginning of my Transformation to becoming a blogger. 

Transformation Context

Before I go any further, please forgive the slightly crude nature of the layout.  I am not a web developer no matter how much I try to wish myself into being one (in the beginning, there were duplicate headings for this post? That’s right; I didn’t know how to follow a simple template to get rid of them… got there by Day 003!  I added this comment retrospectively – ooh, trippy time travel 🙂). 

My bank account and patience have both taken hard knocks on getting to this point.  Perhaps, The Miser card set in the distant past position demonstrates that I’ve had to be frugal and thrifty with both – and maybe a tad stubborn :).

My aspirations often overtake my skill level, and perhaps the Projections card is fitting to tell that story.  Projections are when you put onto someone or something else what you wish to be accurate or what you think they are feeling by using yourself as the barometer.  While at times this is useful, the Projections card is a reminder that there are some circumstances where this might be happening.

For instance, today, I began my journey for another web developer.  Based on the person’s website and photo, I immediately decided I liked her because I feel she might get me.  The Projections card recommended that I step back and check my interpretation.

Projections and Transformation

Perhaps because of COVID-19, I’ve been doing a bit of doomscrolling, especially around the US election – for your information, I live in South-East Queensland, Australia. So, when I see US state initials, I’m now more familiar with their abbreviated form.  Looking at the state, I realised that they might have differing political views from mine.  More than acceptable by me, except it would’ve been awkward on the person to burst my bubble or worse, that pregnant pause when you realise that things are not as expected :).

My father used to project his views onto me, and it was pretty tricky to correct his assumptions sometimes because I felt how much he wanted to have that connection with me.  Alas, I have the opportunity to assess myself to find out if that’s what I was doing.  Oh yeah, I was – and I haven’t even spoken to the person yet.

That said, this website is starting and will improve over the year.  After all, that’s what the journey is about.

So, today is day one of the overall plan to capture 365 days of tarot cards.

Layout Summary

(Apologies that this is in the third person, it’s me reading to me.  I treat this as a separate reading I can become slightly more objective)

New Possibilities are supported with a Breakthrough from Past Lives, leaving The Miser in the past. 

Only by having moved from Moment to Moment.  Does each step lead securely along your path into your future breakthrough? 

Be wary of Projections of what you hope of others and care not to misrepresent yourself to encourage their projection.

Others believe you are becoming aware (Awareness) of yourself in a new way regarding your new enterprise. 

Yet you fear your growth (Flowering) while simultaneously wishing it was so.

Finally, Transformation occurs, and it will be irreversible – you have figuratively jumped off a ledge into the unknown, and your Transformation begins in earnest. 

Day 001 – The Transformation Begins
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