Tarot Day Stats

October Stats – Three Cards Don’t Show

Statistics for October 2021

October stats are here!  The daily cards can be found on the Tarot layouts, even if I haven’t had time to finish writing all the posts for the month.  The important thing is that they happen daily. 

October begins on Day 274 and finishes on Day 304.  Friendliness makes a whopping ten shows being the first card to reach double-digit appearances all year!  All I can say is, I’m glad it was Friendliness 🤗.   The Source and Politics each have nine appearances, followed by Stress with eight shows.

Thunderbolt, Adventure, Abundance, Transformation, and Guilt have seven turns, and Intensity is the top of the cards with six appearances.   Sadly, Harmony, who looked a promising contender for the year’s most popular card, had dropped back due to making only five appearances in October.

When it comes to cards with the same position two or more days running, two cards did this;  The Source and Adventure.  The Source accomplished that on Day 298 and Day 299 in the Others’ Views position, while Adventure had the Influence spot on Day 301 and Day 302. 

To date, there were 3,040 cards dealt as of 31 October 2021.

A Kind Glossary

It’s not a good glossary, but here are some terms that might help clarify things. 

The Cross is the first six cards, and the Base is the last four cards to the right of any layout.

Time-based positions are Distant Past, Recent Past, Future Energy.  Note, the “Feelings” spot can also be referred to as the Immediate Future.

It is not set in concrete for the Cross and Base to act as external and internal or physical and emotional; respectively, it is something I use as a rough guide.

These can wiggle a little when it comes to the types of cards that appear and, dare I say it, one’s intuition.  There is, of course, Others’ Views which is arguably “external”, but it’s our reaction to how Others’ Views that have internal meaning. 😁

The reason I focus mainly on the highest appearing cards is that they give me the best data.  If a card appears twice in the month, it’s intriguing to ponder its significance in a pool of many and is certainly something a discord might be enjoyable to have; quantitative data is initially more fun 🤔.

Distribution Across the Layout

Interestingly, even with Friendliness’ ten appearances, it was over the month; it doesn’t once show in positions eight, nine or ten.  While The Source also has a relatively uniform showing rate, it avoids the Goal, Distant Past, and Outcome spots, although The Source dominates position five through nine.

At the same time, Politics makes regular appearances in the middle of the month and avoids the Goal, Distant Past, and Others’ Views spots.  Stress finds its groove in positions four and five, ignoring positions one to three and ten.

Transformation primarily liked the Cross area focussing most of its energy on the Distant Past and Goal.

Distribution Across the Month

Concerning timing across the month, the other top ten cards placed themselves evenly across the month, with perhaps the exception of Adventure, who arrived later in the month.  The cards were more focused on selected positions rather than when they showed up.

October's Stats - By Day By Position

October Stats Top 10. Friendliness, The Source, Politics, Stress, Thunderbolt, Adventure, Abundance, Transformation, Guilt, Intensity

The Story of October

Friendliness’ showing in Feelings and Distant Past possibly played into the political mindset that pervaded the past positions.  Furthermore, Intensity and The Source inhabited the inner realms of Hopes & Fears and Feelings.  Conversely, it also showed on the outside how others perceived me.  It’s the perception that I’m constantly trying to “find” myself. 

However, I do not believe we need to go searching for ourselves.  Think of hardwood floors painted over, tiled and carpeted.  Once you remove these elements, you still have hardwood floors.  It’s the stripped-back hardwood floor, which is The Source of who we are.  It’s the part we need to embrace.  Once we’ve adopted the rawness, we can then find a clear varnish to suit our style; this is so our authentic selves can shine through and be protected.

Intensity is simply the drive and passion for pursuing whatever endeavour energy holds sway.

Year-to-October 2021

From a year-to-date perspective, The Source (54), edged out by Harmony (51) from last month, is back in top position.  It leads appearances by three.  My focus has returned to incorporating a previous couple of changes and working out how it affects “me”.  Ironically, the thing that would help with this assimilation sits in the last position Turning In (25), the act of meditating.    

When it comes to first appearances in positions, basically, what card hasn’t shown up in a layout position?  If so, what positions are still vacant against which cards?  The First Appearances stats are summarised with 97% of positions occupied, leaving 3% or 19 spots still unclaimed.

That’s October stats done.

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

October Year-to-date stats Largest 56, lowest 25 appearances

Only October's Stats - Highest to Lowest

October Stats Month Only.

October Stats First Appearances

September Stats 2021 – The Miser’s Missing

Statistics for September 2021

Brief September Stats

September stats are here!  The daily layouts can be found on the Tarot layouts, even if I haven’t had time to finish writing all the posts yet.  I have the arrangements; I have notes for each day about what was happening; I simply haven’t had time to finish writing them and posting.  

September begins on Day 244 and finishes on Day 273.  The Burden and Moment to Moment cards dominate the September stats and appear nine times each.  Experiencing was runner up with eight appearances.  One card didn’t make an appearance, and it was The Miser.  It’s the first month where The Miser hasn’t made an appearance. 

This month’s “same as yesterday” card and position were Abundance, Possibilities and Fighting.  Moreover, Abundance and Possibilities presented more six and seven times, but the only time Fighting appeared was the two consecutive days, and that was it!

There were 2,730 cards dealt as of 30 September 2021.

Quick overview of the layout of September Stats

Some terms you might find helpful.   

The Cross is the first six cards dealt and are placed in a cross.  Celtic Crosses had bases; instead of putting the Base at the bottom of the Cross, it’s to the right-hand side.  Thus, the Base is the last four cards to the right of any of my layouts.

Time-based positions are Distant Past, Recent Past, Future Energy.  Note, the “Feelings” spot can also be referred to as the Immediate Future.

It is not set in concrete for the Cross and Base to act as external and internal or physical and emotional; respectively, it is something I use as a rough guide.

These can wiggle a little when it comes to the types of cards that appear and, dare I say it, one’s intuition.  There is, of course, Others’ Views which is arguably “external”, but it’s our reaction to how Others’ Views that have internal meaning. 😁

The reason I focus mainly on the highest appearing cards is that they give me the best data.  If a card appears twice in the month, it’s intriguing to ponder its significance in a pool of many and is certainly something a discord might be enjoyable to have; quantitative data is initially more fun 🤔. 


Distribution Across the Layout

The Burden’s presence has concentrated its appearances in the time-based spots, except for appearing in the Outcome position on Day 264.  Alternatively, Moment to Moment is distributed across the layout and the month but avoids seven and ten.  Experiencing, however, has confined itself to any position up to position seven but fails to show in position three, Goal.

Correspondingly opposites are, Possibilities and Understanding; Possibilities sits between two and six, whereas Understanding presents in the latter part exclusively from seven to ten, and Understanding has four of those in the Feelings position. 

The other cards of Comparison, Adventure and Comparison have spread themselves across the layout.

Distribution Across the Month

The September stats concentrates on The Burden in the layout. It is spread across the month, maybe more before 14 September, but not significantly. In contrast, Moment to Moment is distributed evenly across the month.  Experiencing and Comparison are slow to begin the month but isn’t noteworthy.  The other top ten cards do not have a distinct or easily recognisable pattern.  However, Projections (six shows) appears after 14 September.

September Stats - By Day By Position

September Stats layout across the month to complement the text.

The Story of August

Because the top cards are spread across the month, finding the story in the cards isn’t easy.  The month begins without much talk, but The Burden’s hanging around the same time-based spots highlights in the past I’ve taken on or let something burden, and those assumed burdens are having an impact on my life at the moment. 

Understanding’s four appearances in the Feelings spot might mean I feel like I’ve learnt something unbeknownst to me before now.  Projections show up around the time when I sadly get a reality check or a perception correction on one of my childhood heroes. 


Year-to-August 2021

From a year-to-date perspective, Harmony has edged out The Source from the spotlight, shifting the year’s focus from trying to connect with my core to getting in touch with it.  The cards with the fewest appearances in September remain, Turning In, Going with the Flow and Success

When it comes to first appearances in positions, basically has a card not showing up in a layout position?  If so, what positions are still vacant against which cards?  You can look for yourself in the First Appearances stats, but when it comes to a summary, 96% of positions used, leaving 4%, which is 31 spots still.

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

September Stats year-to-date. Harmony at top, Turning In at bottom

Only September Stats - Highest to Lowest

September Stats highest to lowest September Only. Complements text

First time appearances

August’s Stats 2021

Statistics for August 2021

Brief August's Stats

The stats have been a while in coming, but the August stats are here (If you’re looking for July’s, I will have moved it to the publish date of 1 August for ease of reference).   August begins on Day 213 and finishes on Day 243.  The Silence card dominates August’s stats and appears eight times.  There’s a five-way tie, with seven appearances each, for second place, and the cards are The Master, Fighting, Thunderbolt, Morality, and Exhaustion.  Like July, three cards didn’t make an appearance; they were, Transformation, Celebration and Courage

By the way, head to the Tarot Layouts page to see all the images for the month (and previous months) in one spot.  By the way, there were 2,430 cards dealt as of 31 August 2021.

A Kind Glossary

It’s not a good glossary, but here are some terms that might help clarify things. 

The Cross is the first six cards, and the Base is the last four cards to the right of any layout.

Time-based positions are Distant Past, Recent Past, Future Energy.  Note, the “Feelings” spot can also be referred to as the Immediate Future.

It is not set in concrete for the Cross and Base to act as external and internal or physical and emotional; respectively, it is something I use as a rough guide.

These can wiggle a little when it comes to the types of cards that appear and, dare I say it, one’s intuition.  There is, of course, Others’ Views which is arguably “external”, but it’s our reaction to how Others’ Views that have internal meaning. 😁

The reason I focus mainly on the highest appearing cards is that they give me the best data.  If a card appears twice in the month, it’s intriguing to ponder its significance in a pool of many and is certainly something a discord might be enjoyable to have; quantitative data is initially more fun 🤔.

Distribution Across the Layout

Silence’s presence was evenly placed over the layout without a clear preference for its position, although it appeared twice in each Now and Outcome spot.

Exhaustion has an inward focus appearing in Future Energy and Feelings for the majority of its visitations.  Morality and Thunderbolt almost mirror each other when it comes to Cross versus Base.  Morality is in the former and Thunderbolt in the Feelings.

Some of the more exciting cards for August’s stats were the ones that had six appearances.  Breakthrough, for instance, appeared as Influence position four of its six appearances in the month and didn’t venture into the Base at all.  On the other hand, Intensity and Compromise occupied Hopes & Fears and Other’s Views, respectively.  However, these two cards did venture into the Cross side of the layout in no specific pattern. 

The only cards in noteworthy positions are perhaps Receptivity, whose five appearances exclusively appear in Influence and Others’ Views, three and two times, retrospectively.  Mind makes four out of five appearances in the Cross, and Politics focuses its energy on the time-based spots of the Cross; that is, Distant Past, Recent Past, and Future Energy.

Distribution Across the Month

Let’s see what the top cards do across the month.  As we’ve established, Silence is across the layout, but its appearances aren’t restricted to consecutive days either.  Likewise, The Master, Harmony, Fighting, Exhaustion, and Morality cards have spread evenly across August’s stats. 

It’s the next couple of cards where it becomes exciting.  Mind is even more fascinating because its layout distribution is concentrated in the Cross and only in the first six days, very intense!  

Success only appears after the 17th.  And Politics occupied the middle of the month between the 9th and 22nd.  While Harmony seemed to occupy the same layout positions as Politics but on other days.

August's Stats - By Day By Position

August's Stats Top 6 card appearances. Silence 8, The Master, Exhaustion, Morality, Fighting, Thunderbolt with 6 apiece

The Story of August

The month begins with a lot of confusion (Mind), then a Breakthrough happens to dispel the Politics that existed.  The Politics get replaced by liberation of spirit, and The Master and Success’ appearance exemplifies autonomy.  All the while, feelings of Exhaustion threatened the Hopes & Fears dichotomy, the fear of Compromise and hope of Intensity.

The cards that didn’t bother getting out of bed for August were:  Transformation, Celebration, and Courage.  This lack of appearance could indicate while Breakthrough was influential, it wasn’t something life-changing to need Transformation.  And I had encountered Success, but it did not require Celebration.  The Master‘s is imbued with Courage, making the card redundant.

Year-to-August 2021

From a year-to-date perspective, The Source holds the spotlight with 42 appearances, but it is no longer alone because Harmony’s six August appearances equal 42 for the year too.  

The cards with the fewest appearances in August’s stats are the same as July’s stats, Turning In, Going with the Flow and Success.  And the message with their absence is to meditate, which encourages reflection, finding time to just drift along with the current of life, and in doing so, Success might follow.

When it comes to first appearances in positions, basically has a card not showing up in a layout position?  If so, what positions are still vacant against which cards?  You can look for yourself in the First Appearances stats, but when it comes to a summary, 94% of positions used, leaving 6%, which is 43 spots still, to have the first appearance in some layout positions.

That’s August’s stats done.

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Only August's Stats - Highest to Lowest

August's Stats Only. Sorted Highest to Lowest

July 2021 Stats

Statistics for July 2021

Brief July Stats 2021 Analysis

It’s July 2021 stats time!  July begins on Day 182 and finishes on Day 212, with ten cards per day; by the end of the month, the cards dealt was 2,120. 

During the 31 days, ten cards made seven appearances.  Three cards didn’t make an appearance at all.  The cards that didn’t appear in July were:  Participation, Guilt, and The Burden.  Where June lacked Success, July lacked socialisation, guilt, and the weightiness of being burdened.

Ten cards made appearances seven times, and they were: The Master, Sorrow, Compromise, The Dream, Ice-olation, Sharing, Projections, Aloneness, Fighting, Clinging to the Past

Distribution of the Ten

Cards like Sorrow and Compromise are predominantly in the Cross part of the layout.  That’s from positions one to six or Now to Future Energy.   

If I were reading this for somebody, the beginning of the month shows something external is affecting the Questioner.  The influence is either in the news, family, in the community, is dominating the general mood at work, or it could be all of them.  Sorrow appears again later in the month in the Outcome spot, implying more of the same.   I thought I would peak at the Sorrow card and discovered it was on the “inner” cards or in the Base positions, Hopes & Fears, Feelings, and Others’ Views from midway through the month. 

Suppose we apply the principle that we manifest our destiny from our decisions and feelings, whether we’re aware of them or not.  In that case, Sorrow is perhaps unconsciously becoming a determined Goal awakened by surroundings and influences triggering something in the Distant Past.  The Sorrow loops around to influence upcoming energy in the Future and the Outcome.

Just from typing up Sorrow’s story, I can see the resemblance to COVID’s presence.  The Coronavirus’s presence in New South Wales and the other Eastern states of Australia has weighed me down in July.  This month, we have had: a snap three-day lockdown and to cancel our trip to New Zealand, and my mother’s trip in October was becoming uncertain.

Ice-olation was at the beginning of July and received no appearances after Day 200.  The Ice-olation card that emerged from the Distant Past became an Influence or Block.  It was also how others saw me, sat in Hopes & Fears and became the Outcome on some occasions.

Distribution Across Month

The heaviest concentration for The Master is the centre of the month, and its highest concentration is in the Recent Past position.  Projections is also toward the middle of the month but is distributed evenly over the layout.  Other cards evenly distributed across the month are Clinging to the Past, Sharing, The Dream and Compromise.

Aloneness is evenly spread over the month but has avoided becoming anything tangible; it has been an Influence, Goal, Feelings, a Hope or Fear.

The main focus of Fighting’s presence is in the Base, or the “emotion” positions, in the latter part of the month.

Compromise happens across the entire month but has mostly confined itself to the Cross spots.

Year-to-July 2021

July Stats. Year-to-date number in layout positions. The Source, 2, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 9, 2 & Control: 4,1,5,4,4,5,3,6,5,1

From a year-to-date perspective, The Source is still in the lead on 38 appearances receiving five in July, followed by Control with 37, which received six.   The cards that are shying away from appearances are:  Success, Turning In and Going with the Flow.

So, can we read anything into the overall spread?  It appears that my inner search in identifying my soul’s makeup (The Source) is still weaving through the winter months.  Yes, it’s winter in Australia in July.  Control in the Osho Zen cards is about the impartial balance often used to describe the court or law and order system.  The strictness and impartiality lack warmth but is fundamentally fair, even if it sacrifices compassion. 

While Control is rarely in the Influence and Outcome positions (one appearance each), I don’t set out to Feel in Control (three), although it is undoubtedly the perception I emit in Others’ Views (six).

That’s it for another month.  Will The Source and Control hang in there, or will they be usurped?

July Stats - By Day By Position

Top ten highlighted
July 2021 Stats. By day by position

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Sorted By July's Stats - Highest to Lowest

June Stats 2021

Statistics for June 2021

Brief Analysis

We reached July, and with it comes the June Stats.  Ordinariness had a spate of appearances in the middle of the month and looked like becoming a regular.  Ordinariness drifted off toward the end of the month; its run in the middle pushed it into the top four cards for highest appearances overall for the year.  Interestingly, The Source remains near the top for the number of appearances-to-date but didn’t make the top positions in June.

Other cards making a splash this month in the limelight in June were Conditioning and Ice-olation., with eight appearances each.  Conditioning’s showed toward the end, while Ice-olation’s occurred across the month.

The card with no appearances was Success, and the cards with only a single appearance were:  Friendliness, The Master, Going with the Flow & Maturity.  So you could say there was no success for me in June. 🥲 

Overall, The Master, Going with the Flow and Maturity are generally shy in making their appearances.  On the other hand, Friendliness is fifth over the year but second last with its appearance in June.

You’ll notice I removed the Top 5 or Top 10 stats graphs; this is because the sorted graphs make it easier to view the top and bottom cards at a glance.

To enhance the graphs visuals, I’ve tried saving the files as JPGs versus PNGs to see whether reducing the size of the JPG to upload it makes it clearer on your device.  From where I’m viewing the graphs from the clarity is better.

If you’re interested in seeing what happened in May click here.

June Stats - By Day By Position

Top three highlighted

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Sorted By June's Stats - Highest to Lowest

May Stats – Tarot Card Statistics

Statistics for May 2021

Overall Trend

It looks like the year is coming along nicely.  I’ve been looking forward to writing against the stats.  This month’s May Stats saw The Source and Friendliness reach the front of the yearly cumulative total with 29 appearances each, followed by Possibilities, hot on their heels.


So, what does this mean concerning the overarching meaning?  Or has a theme emerged?  Does it mean Friendliness underpins everything I do, and I’m able to foster it regularly?  After all, Friendliness is a regular visitor to all positions except for positions eight and nine who have had one visit each in Hopes & Fears and Outcome, respectively.


The Source‘s appearing in the past two months seems to indicate a trend toward connecting to what motivates me.  Each person has at their source a clay makeup. The card of The Source is like the clay a potter selects to make a particular work; different clays different results.  After a while, we might forget who we are and what makes us up, and it means returning or connecting to ourselves and our source (or soul) to remember.


When it comes to the Possibilities card, it always seems to be hanging around from my perspective.  However, its spread is mountainous across the positions and hasn’t topped any of the previous months.   Are the cards trying to show me, or me trying to show me, that Possibilities are always there? And is it just the type of year I’m having?  If doing the Tarot Days (or 365 days of tarot) wasn’t such a challenge to do with a full-time job and interstate relatives, I’d love to continue for another year.  Perhaps, I can still do the cards daily but do weekly summaries instead of writing a small essay daily.  Ah… my world is full of Possibilities 😉.

Distribution of Tope 3 Cards Against Position

Chart Top 3 Position Spread The Source, Friendliness & Possibilities

Top 3 Card Distribution Over the Months

Chart month by month spread Top 3 year-to-date @ May

Highest Cards from January to May (Top 3)

Table Top 3. January equals Moment to Moment 9, Flowering & Control 8, February The Rebel, Flowering & The Burden 7 each, March Postponement 9, Letting Go 8, third card spot blank, April The Source 9, Totality 8, third card spot blank, May The Source & Awareness with 8 each, third card spot blank


Chart year to date stats as at May. Top five are:The Source 29, Friendliness 29, Possibilities 28, No-thingness 27, Control & Harmony 27, Totality & Sorrow 26, Intensity 25.

May Stats - Cumulative by Month

May Stats Cumulative Graph Monthly
Cumulative Graph Possibilities to MaturityMonth by Month as at May

Trend for May Stats

As you can see from the previous months’ top performing cards (refer to the table titled, Top 3 Highest Cards from January to May), The Source has recently appeared, in April and May.  For the last two months, I have been thinking and acting toward reconnecting with my soul and remember its purpose.   Awareness points to an idea sitting at the fringes of awareness and sits “on the tip of your tongue”, but as soon as you focus on it, it slips away.  (April Stats)

Top 10

Chart May Top 10

Bottom 10

Chart May Bottom 10

Statistics for April 2021

Statistics for April 2021

Total Number of Appearances

It’s been another interesting month for statistics.  This month Ice-olation is the only card that didn’t make an appearance.  

Image of Chart Comparison of month by month statistics.

Top 10

Bottom 10

Statistics for March

Statistics for March 2021

Top 10

Bottom 10

All cards, All positions Appearances

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