365 Daily Layouts

Percentage of 365 days
Tarot Days completed 100%

January 2021

January’s daily layout statistics saw some standouts, with Comparison making an early lead with nine appearances.  Next on the list were Possibilities and Participation, each with eight, and then there was No-thingness, Morality, Schizophrenia and Rebirth.  

What this says to me is many situations were requiring impactful decisions.  The Comparison card suggests weighing up the pros and cons as well as prompting the question of “how did such-and-such do it?”.  No-thingness represents the empty canvas for new ideas, for new ideas require decisions to progress.

Morality and Schizophrenia imply conflicting beliefs or values competing for supremacy.   Possibilities mean a multitude of choices, and Participation is about active engagement in the decision-making process.  Finally, Rebirth is about embracing old aspects and bringing them back to life in a new way.  For this to happen, shedding needs to occur for Rebirth to happen.


August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

December 2021

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