Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Cryptoverse Context
I had a personal epiphany today while thinking about cryptocurrency and the cryptoverse. Why not use it for security to protect information? Then the “duh” moment happened, and it tweaked that crypto was short for encryption (sort of). Following dumping the idea into a search engine, my epiphany revealed brighter minds than mine had beaten me to it. Maybe “everything that can be invented has been invented” Quora. Of course, I jest.
The exciting thing about researching encryption protocol is that you discover many governments, including the Australian government, are already investigating the crypto field. Countries like Kenya, whose bank in 2015 denounced crypto’s use, is now considering it as an option. Last month (September 2021), El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender – although it didn’t go well (The Star, Kenya).
Alas, cryptocurrency’s volatility is still the reason for its lack of adoption as a foundational currency. But how cool would it be to have a cryptoverse where money is not specific to a country but the globe? It might make business dealings across borders more straightforward, much like the idea of the Euro.
Note: cryptoverse is not a “proper” term used anywhere in my readings on the subject, but I thought it sums up all the existing “matter and space considered as a whole”. Or cryptocurrencies as a “particular sphere of activity or experience”; hence, cryptoverse (“universe” definition from Apple Dictionary).
Today's Cards

The Cards - Cryptoverse Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over from yesterday to join the cryptoverse; Flowering moved from Now to Influence, The Source stayed in Others’ Views.
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, Aloneness is my Goal – albeit not a desirable one. In the Distant Past was the Inner Voice getting me into this tangled world of encrypted digital currencies. Innocence has been noticeable in the Recent Past, where I’ve invested with some guidance, but at the moment, I’m going it alone.
The guidance I’ve received made me or makes me feel like I can contribute to a group (Participation in Now). That Participation has generated confidence (Flowering) in my ability to negotiate the crypto world tentatively. But when it comes to Existence in Future Energy, I think I’m a grain of sand in the scheme of the cryptoverse; and I’m okay with that.
Luckily, most people in the cryptoverse give off Friendliness Feelings. Maybe, that’s just my interpretation?
Since most of my thoughts have focused inward on crypto usage and have little to do with the work environment, Others’ Views of me remain like yesterday’s. That is, I look like I’m connecting to or am comfortable with The Source.
Disappointingly, my Hopes & Fears are Clinging to the Past. Talking about cryptocurrency always makes me fearful of the world we’re heading toward. And, in a sense, I’m still clinging to the idea that the standard monetary system will remain as a foundation. On the other hand, I hope my natural curiosity will allow me to keep pace with new economic concepts.
Finally, The Rebel in the Outcome spot says that I’m breaking perceptions and constraints regarding the cryptoverse.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
- Related Articles on Cryptocurrency: Day 134 – Making Sense of Bitcoin, Day 163 – My First Cryptocurrency, Day 183 – Crypto Currency Update
Today, I thought I had an epiphany related to using cryptocurrency or blockchain in government for system security; I discovered governments were already in the cryptoverse.