Friday, 22 October 2021

Epiphany Context
Don’t you hate it when you have an epiphany partway through the day and can’t remember what it was?! You have the thought to make a note quickly, but you “poo-poo” the idea because it’s such a memorable epiphany there’s no way you’re going to forget! This rejection of notetaking flies in the face of the multitude of times. In the past, you’ve done the same thing and forgot. And so it was that’s how today’s story went. 😟
Alas, when I had the idea, it was pure illumination, and I was so excited about it that I would write about it tonight. Sadly, all I’m writing about is the epiphany I had and forgot. It’s minor instances like this where the “Transformation” card shows up in some Distant Past position, and you wonder what it was that changed.
Epiphany moments can be like when you think you’ll remember a dream, but as soon as you wake, all you remember is dreaming, with the content slipping further and further from your grasp. Eh. Maybe it wasn’t such a great epiphany after all.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Epiphany Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over yesterday; The Source moved from the Now to Hopes & Fears.
In the Distant Past is Going with the Flow. Going with the Flow can be the same as deferring to the situation. It’s like those times when you are unsure what you want to eat, and friends ask where you want to eat.
In a Going with the Flow situation, you might reply, “I don’t mind. I’ll go wherever”. So, in the Distant Past, deferring to others’ has led me to the Now where I’m amid Guilt.
Guilt influenced by Suppression. See, even the cards show the Guilt around forgetting the epiphany, and it probably means that it’ll show up again at some point. And, if I had to guess what the epiphany was about, I’d say it had something to do with Completion – since it was today’s Goal.
Future Energy has Change afoot, forecasting the potential impact of today’s unremembered epiphany.
Now we’re into the base of the cross, and Feelings of Maturity shows my growth. At least today, I’m aware that I’ve been silly about not writing the epiphany down rather than repeating it blindly.
Others’ Views think of me as Travelling; it is something percolating in my thoughts at the moment. Perhaps, it’s made it outside my mind .
Conversely, Hopes & Fears are all focussed inward and connecting to The Source. It’s the hope of securing it and the fear of what will happen if I do, and I don’t like what I find.
Finally, Thunderbolt in the Outcome position reinforces the Change sitting in the Future Energy. Okay, it’s one thing to have an epiphany but quite another to have the upheaval that Thunderbolt implies – I’m nervous.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – Don’t you hate it when you have an epiphany and can’t remember what it was? That, in a nutshell, is what happened today.