Saturday, 16 October 2021

Secret Santa Context
Today was about how the rest of my family, bless them, are beginning to make plans for Christmas. There’s the whole, who will buy what for whom in Kris Kringle (Secret Santa). The adults will participate in the Secret Santa, while the kids still get presents from whoever wants to buy them – and, of course, from Santa 🎅🏽.
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been pondering the thought of, where do you go when you need crypto help? Luckily, I have a close friend’s husband who showed me the ropes, but I hate contacting him even then. In all seriousness, I’m a big girl, and I should be able to work it out for myself.
The crypto topic aside, it puts me in mind of a particular person I know, who, before children, vowed never to keep Santa a secret because it was lying. Oh, yeah. The tune changed after children, and the complication arises when you realise children can’t keep secrets.
Telling a child “don’t tell anyone because it’s a secret doesn’t work because, in five minutes, the secret Santa is secret no more. There’s usually the embarrassing prefix, “you’re not supposed to tell anyone”! Also, there’s a corresponding tie in with the child’s age, and the younger the child, the more chance the secret gets out.
Consequently, other parents may not take kindly to having their secret Santa trump card revealed early. Naturally, there’s the added benefit of having that ace up her sleeve at Christmas too. But that does leave you perpetuating a lie.
Admittedly, the lie can teach kindness of the human spirit and help teach a child self-control. On the other hand, if it’s all about the gifts, it could lead to a consumerist or capitalist view where goods equal love.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Secret Santa Analysis
Carryover Cards
Three cards carried over from yesterday; Adventure moved from Feelings to Distant Past, Projections moved from Goal to Recent Past, Change moved from Influence to Future Energy.
The cards look like they’re all about planning travel. It’s incredible how travel in the Distant Past was an Adventure, and now it’s a commonplace occurrence.
In the Recent Past, there have been Projections and thinking that someone else has the same thoughts as you. Sometimes, that’s when you want to connect with someone, and you do have similar ideas. At other times, you can be wrong. How many times have you imagined a situation, only to have circumstances reveal it’s something else?
My Projections stem from my physical insecurities where yoga is concerned. I’m always fearful that I’ll become like the once innocently teased “Evergreen” (Day 210), of course, we never said it to him. Maybe that’s what’s happening to me now?
If we’re talking about Secret Santa, my Projection in that space is that nobody wants to buy presents. Not because I don’t want to buy a gift, it’s that I struggle with the pressure of getting someone something that truly expresses my feelings; I’d never had enough money for that.
Nonetheless, Travelling to mum’s – a different state – was on our minds. And there was a mutual Understanding influencing the discussion today. The debate on where to go, when to fly. You know, that sort of thing. 😁
The Goal was to be like The Creator, utilising experience to plan Christmas without complications. The way we’re doing Christmas with Secret Santa this year is a Change, quite possibly to Future Energy too. The argument is that I spend X, you pay the same amount of X, and we might as well get our gift. But to keep the spirit of giving a Kris Kringle is an excellent way to share the morning.
Whenever we’re discussing Christmas and crossing a state border within the same country, we have a chuckle; there’s a Feeling of Playfulness.
Others’ Views are things are changing dramatically, and either I’m the cause or the recipient of the change is like a Thunderbolt, destroying existing structures. It could be that we’re using to help run the Secret Santa, bringing our mum along for the move to a technologically-assisted Christmas. 🎄
On the other hand, my inner Hopes & Fears are Healing. Sometimes to heal, you need to cause damage; I’m thinking of a dentist having to extract a crumbling or rotten tooth – alternatively, the piercing of an abscess. Honestly, I can’t think of how this card applies to the day’s activities. Maybe it’s the Secret Santa or the secret of Santa creating an impact.
Aha! It looks like we finally come to The Miser in the Outcome position. Maybe I am stingy about buying gifts, and I didn’t realise. After all, giving one gift as part of Secret Santa removes the need to buy for everyone!
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – We spent planning Christmas, & the way we do presents for adults changed; a secret Santa (Kris Kringle) seemed a fun, cheap choice.