Saturday, 9 October 2021

Sales Representative Context
Sadly, even two micro-naps cannot pep me up enough to write about today’s events in any great detail. And, if I’m being honest, which I am, I don’t have anything in my notes worthy of writing. It was routine household stuff because I have Florence visiting tomorrow, and the scurryfunge (Day 085) was kicking in late this afternoon. Alas, this activity could be the reason for my tiredness. A visit from a sales representative it the most exciting thing that happened.
Oh, a little bit further on, I’ll remember what the day was about. It was about a sales representative coming to the door. I thought I’d give you the heads up since I’m too tired to rewrite 🤗.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Sales Representative Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Projections in the Distant Past brought the Stress occupying the Recent Past spot, which led to wanting (Goal) a Transformation in my life. Let’s face it, though; Stress could be from anything!
Sometimes by listening to your Inner Voice and under the influence of Sharing your thoughts, you might say something that will upset others. Not that I can recall the situation at the moment, but it’s a recognisable pattern.
Every decision I make isn’t always going to be popular with others because my decision concerns my life and not theirs. Hence, it looks like this is what Future Energy of Guilt is saying might happen.
Ah, ha! It looks like I finally remember what happened today. There was a sales representative from a reputable business at my door. Once again, I declined to take up the services they were offering; I felt (Feelings) like The Miser in doing so. That would explain the Guilt and listen to my Inner Voice. The reality was/ is we don’t need the service at the moment – maybe in the future.
Others’ Views are of me knowing what I need and connecting with that, aka The Source. If you remember from other posts where The Source appears, you’ll know The Source refers to the materials that go into making something. For instance, it’s the clay that makes up a pot, cup or bowl.
On an internal level is Hopes & Fears and today’s card of The Fool. After the interaction, I began questioning myself and feared that I was declining this service in pursuit of a new bathroom, and it was a mistake. On the other hand, the hope is that I didn’t close the door on the opportunity.
Finally, The Dream is in the Outcome spot, complete with its self-delusion capabilities. Thus, possibly signalling, I’ve read way too much into the encounter with a sales representative for a company! Sigh.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month