Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Different Instructor Context
Today I celebrate knowing three exceptional individuals! My nephew, bestie’s sister, and a former employee’s – he has since gone on to greener pastures. Additionally, I returned to hot yoga. For the first time in a long time, I thoroughly enjoyed the class because of a different instructor.
Furthermore, when I finally put the screenshots, I put together from the other day’s training into PowerPoint to begin transcribing my notes. Once I saved the file to the OneDrive, it disappeared. This situation is where I could talk about conspiracy theories, but I thought it was protecting data put into a “presentation format”. It wasn’t my intention, but I get it! However, did you have to try and gaslight me? Couldn’t you simply corrupt the file?
All up, it was a busy day! And my focus was on how amazing it was to be back at hot yoga and immensely enjoy it. It was the first time, at this centre, that I’d had a female yoga instructor. Robbie was supportive, clear with instructions – not that the others weren’t clear with theirs, the instructions finally sunk in with Robbie’s phrasing.
At the end of the class, my head was planning my next couple of weeks’ yoga visits; it’s the first time I’ve been that inspired in years. Anyway, on that high note, I’ll head straight to the analysis.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Different Instructor Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over yesterday; Sharing moved from Feelings to Now, Celebration moved from Recent Past to Influence.
Today’s topic didn’t seem to lend itself to discussing the carryover cards.
Following my intuition’s Guidance in the Distant Past, I arrived at yoga today. While I’ve enjoyed going to previous classes, it felt like a Compromise like the visits in the Recent Past. That’s because I’ve previously gone to yoga for exercise, flexibility, and to build my strength and blindly did what the teachers asked of us.
Today amidst the joy of celebrating the birthdays (Celebration as Influence) of people I love and Sharing in their happiness, I got a gift of my own; a different instructor. Whether it was because I went in with a different mindset because it was someone new (most likely)? Perhaps the Innocence of the tutor’s exposure to my capabilities allowed me to reinvent myself. What a change a different instructor can have on your performance.
Change in Future Energy suggests that an attitude shift is on the horizon.
My feelings of Aloneness come from what transpired with my screenshots. It’s very much a gaslighting thing to have a file completely disappear from your “cloud” – after all; it’s not stored on your computer anymore, is it? (I know it’s part of the “base”, but it wasn’t about the different instructor anyway).
The incident was disturbing not because it got deleted, but because there wasn’t a trace of it ever existing except in the certainty in my satisfaction of finishing the file and saving it.
Furthermore, the other disturbing element was no matter how hard I’ve tried to remove the visibility of the titles of my work files from the “Open Recent” list; I struggle to do it. The reverse is also true; I see my home file titles at work. So, it was nefarious when a file was there a moment ago and disappeared the next. Hence, my Feelings of Aloneness.
Other’s Views – and now we’re back at yoga – is that I’m finally developing an Awareness of my posture. It’s something I hadn’t realised or spotted in the years of going to yoga; I stand on the sides of my feet for stretching or standing on one leg. It’s why I’ve struggled to get my ankles to touch and why I slightly turn my foot outward when I have one foot on the ground for a stance. Who knew? Having a different instructor can pick up things missed for decades!
Meanwhile, in Hopes & Fears is Ordinariness. It’s not an exciting card, except I’m going to quote Osho, “whenever, in whatsoever situation, you become one, a peace, a happiness, a bliss, surrounds you, arises in you. You feel fulfilled” (p. 153). I hope this feeling of fulfilment is what I experienced today, but I fear you’ve misread my emotions following the class.
And that brings us to the Outcome position where, following yoga, I begin a Comparison. This time the Comparison is not on my ability but my responses to different instructors. Why can’t I simply just accept “it is what it is”?
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – So, I went back to hot yoga and discovered a different instructor – she was terrific! Robbie picked up something ignored for decades.