Day: 1 Oct 2021

September Stats 2021 – The Miser’s Missing

Statistics for September 2021

Brief September Stats

September stats are here!  The daily layouts can be found on the Tarot layouts, even if I haven’t had time to finish writing all the posts yet.  I have the arrangements; I have notes for each day about what was happening; I simply haven’t had time to finish writing them and posting.  

September begins on Day 244 and finishes on Day 273.  The Burden and Moment to Moment cards dominate the September stats and appear nine times each.  Experiencing was runner up with eight appearances.  One card didn’t make an appearance, and it was The Miser.  It’s the first month where The Miser hasn’t made an appearance. 

This month’s “same as yesterday” card and position were Abundance, Possibilities and Fighting.  Moreover, Abundance and Possibilities presented more six and seven times, but the only time Fighting appeared was the two consecutive days, and that was it!

There were 2,730 cards dealt as of 30 September 2021.

Quick overview of the layout of September Stats

Some terms you might find helpful.   

The Cross is the first six cards dealt and are placed in a cross.  Celtic Crosses had bases; instead of putting the Base at the bottom of the Cross, it’s to the right-hand side.  Thus, the Base is the last four cards to the right of any of my layouts.

Time-based positions are Distant Past, Recent Past, Future Energy.  Note, the “Feelings” spot can also be referred to as the Immediate Future.

It is not set in concrete for the Cross and Base to act as external and internal or physical and emotional; respectively, it is something I use as a rough guide.

These can wiggle a little when it comes to the types of cards that appear and, dare I say it, one’s intuition.  There is, of course, Others’ Views which is arguably “external”, but it’s our reaction to how Others’ Views that have internal meaning. 😁

The reason I focus mainly on the highest appearing cards is that they give me the best data.  If a card appears twice in the month, it’s intriguing to ponder its significance in a pool of many and is certainly something a discord might be enjoyable to have; quantitative data is initially more fun 🤔. 


Distribution Across the Layout

The Burden’s presence has concentrated its appearances in the time-based spots, except for appearing in the Outcome position on Day 264.  Alternatively, Moment to Moment is distributed across the layout and the month but avoids seven and ten.  Experiencing, however, has confined itself to any position up to position seven but fails to show in position three, Goal.

Correspondingly opposites are, Possibilities and Understanding; Possibilities sits between two and six, whereas Understanding presents in the latter part exclusively from seven to ten, and Understanding has four of those in the Feelings position. 

The other cards of Comparison, Adventure and Comparison have spread themselves across the layout.

Distribution Across the Month

The September stats concentrates on The Burden in the layout. It is spread across the month, maybe more before 14 September, but not significantly. In contrast, Moment to Moment is distributed evenly across the month.  Experiencing and Comparison are slow to begin the month but isn’t noteworthy.  The other top ten cards do not have a distinct or easily recognisable pattern.  However, Projections (six shows) appears after 14 September.

September Stats - By Day By Position

September Stats layout across the month to complement the text.

The Story of August

Because the top cards are spread across the month, finding the story in the cards isn’t easy.  The month begins without much talk, but The Burden’s hanging around the same time-based spots highlights in the past I’ve taken on or let something burden, and those assumed burdens are having an impact on my life at the moment. 

Understanding’s four appearances in the Feelings spot might mean I feel like I’ve learnt something unbeknownst to me before now.  Projections show up around the time when I sadly get a reality check or a perception correction on one of my childhood heroes. 


Year-to-August 2021

From a year-to-date perspective, Harmony has edged out The Source from the spotlight, shifting the year’s focus from trying to connect with my core to getting in touch with it.  The cards with the fewest appearances in September remain, Turning In, Going with the Flow and Success

When it comes to first appearances in positions, basically has a card not showing up in a layout position?  If so, what positions are still vacant against which cards?  You can look for yourself in the First Appearances stats, but when it comes to a summary, 96% of positions used, leaving 4%, which is 31 spots still.

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

September Stats year-to-date. Harmony at top, Turning In at bottom

Only September Stats - Highest to Lowest

September Stats highest to lowest September Only. Complements text

First time appearances

Day 274 – Training Sessions are Overwhelming

Friday, 1 October 2021

Day 274. Training Session. Cards in order of appearance: Friendliness, Flowering, Thunderbolt, Breakthrough, Beyond Illusion, Ordinariness, Ripeness, The Creator, We are the World, The Rebel, Deck pile shuffle

Training Session Context

Today I attended a virtual training session.  It was a new way to learn, but no training material was provided, & I found it challenging.

Regardless of whether you’re a trainee or a trainer, training sessions can be overwhelming.  Having to deconstruct what you’ve learnt to do instinctively is challenging.  Conversely, being the recipient and having to absorb this barrage of overwhelmingly exciting information can also boggle the mind.

The training session I did was challenging, designed to provide information as a foundation for an exam.  However, one of the problems was that the course was live without recording, nor was the presentation supplied for notetaking. 

Therefore, you had to rely solely on your ability to take notes or remember what was said.   The course moved at a quick pace, and taking notes became difficult.  And there was a lot of content in such a short time; I simply struggled with all that information following the continued side effects of the vaccine ‘hangover’ (Day 270).

So, to keep pace, I began to print the screen and took notes in my notebook.  It made life so much easier!  I figured since the images were for personal use, it wouldn’t matter.  Later, I’d transcribe my notes against the slide in PowerPoint; it has a great little area where you can make notes, then print them to slide with notes. 

It was much easier to pay attention in the training session to the speaker, and I got more from it since I wasn’t transcribing each slide and then trying to make notes. 

By the end of the day, I was still exhausted. I’ll review my notes once the vaccine hangover has fully cleared in a couple of days.

Today's Cards

Day 274. Training Session. Cards in order of appearance: Friendliness, Flowering, Thunderbolt, Breakthrough, Beyond Illusion, Ordinariness, Ripeness, The Creator, We are the World, The Rebel, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Training Session Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Breakthrough moved from Future Energy to Distant Past, Ripeness moved from Distant Past to Feelings.


Like a storm cloud in the evening, Breakthrough looked upon us in Future Energy. We awake and notice the storm becoming the Distant Past in the morning, but we don’t see its passing.  So, I can’t pinpoint the Breakthrough moment for you.

Beyond Illusion in the Recent Past confirms a chrysalis has occurred.  Perhaps it’s the training session today.  In all likelihood, the Goal of Thunderbolt shows an influx of energy and destruction of old beliefs – now that’s a good training session!

Meanwhile, in the course, there was a Friendliness (Now) amongst participants.  We shared the same numbness associated with confusion preceding the Flowering (Influence) of new information.

In the end, the new knowledge assimilates and forms Future Energy of Ordinariness as it applies to everyday life.


Ripeness joins us for a third day, this time in the Feelings position.  This kind of transition of the card’s placement doesn’t follow through because it has moved from a timing position to an emotional one.  Nothing’s ever fixed with the cards.  Today’s Ripeness card is associated with the training session and its applicability to my job. 

On the surface, the image I’m portraying to others is The Creator.  And The Creator uses his experience to learn and assimilate information.

Supportively, We are the World is in Hopes & Fears. There is the hope that everything will come together and “be alright in the end”.  Then again, the fear is the information from the training session has gone in one ear and out the other, aka I’ve not learnt anything.

Finally, The Rebel is in the Outcome position.  It possibly indicates I will take a different perspective from today’s training session than the trainer intended.  Well, we all learn in different ways.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 274
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