Thursday, 30 September 2021

Sugar Context
It seems like I’m always trying to stay focused. I’m not sure whether it’s still part of the vaccination ‘hangover’ or whether it’s simply a blurry mind due to the wrong types of food, namely sugar. Sugar can provide clarity for a short period but then comes the crash. 😒
For most of my life, sugar has been a constant companion, and it’s more the cacao I’m craving than the sugar, but over the years, because the two are intertwined, the sugar addiction is very real. Trying to cut sugar out usually results in a massive detox involving tiredness and brain befuddlement.
Anyway, I’ve once again resorted to using frequency music to encourage alertness. However, this time, I’m keeping a close eye on any of the transitions to other music tracks and avoid the ones promoting sleep, especially after Day 269’s experience.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Sugar Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over from yesterday; Ripeness moved from Recent Past to Distant Past, Creativity moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.
Yesterday’s Ripeness was in the Recent Past. Today’s movement to the Distant Past links nicely since the topic of discussion is still on alertness, focus and the effects of the Pfizer vaccination. Again, the Ripeness refers to when writing the posts became more manageable. But overcoming the constant obstacles to the writing process is challenging.
Getting up to speed to write following vaccination can be a Herculean task. Sadly, my downfall is relying on sugar to promote energy for alertness. And in the Recent Past realised I will need to have Patience until my body has learnt how to deal with COVID.
As mentioned, on Day 269, I would compare my before and after states across all aspects of my being, analysing the vaccine’s effect. Despite my desire to find something “off”, things are surprisingly working in Harmony (Influence).
Another aspect the Comparison has brought to mind is it’s helped me develop my Goal of the day, Existence. Primarily, I’m just this tiny part of a greater multi-universal context, and I’m appreciative of my Existence within it.
Maybe the Future Energy Breakthrough acknowledges that a dietary shift in the grand scheme of things, while beneficial, should be natural and not harshly self-persecuted.
I feel like I’ve gained an Understanding, in part, of my resistance to vaccinations, moving on from the purely intellectual need for balance; I now “feel” that need. The balance creates Harmony.
Whatever Creativity sprung from yesterday’s planning, it appears that Others’ Views of me are me being creative. Unfortunately, I have no frame of reference for this because I don’t feel I’ve been very creative in any area; I’ll leave it for you to decide.
Transformation is in the Hopes & Fears position. When I see the cards of Breakthrough, Understanding, Existence and Patience together, it’s natural for me to hope there’s a Transformation on the horizon. The question is Transformation from what to what? My biggest fear is that I’ll miss the change, whatever it is.
Finally, we reach the Outcome and its occupant Ice-olation. Well, it looks like there’s a sense of loss because Ice-olation is the outpouring of tears when encountering a revelation. The Breakthrough knocks down walls made of ice. Do I have to give up sugar? Noooooo! 😱
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month