Monday, 27 September 2021

Second Pfizer Jab Context
It’s amazing how quickly something can happen and how large and complicated you can imagine something. Today was the day I was going to get my second Pfizer jab. Yesterday, I was anxious about it, and today I feel oddly calm. I’m not happy about it, but I’ve committed. It’s a case of ‘what the hay’ or ‘in for a penny in for a pound’.
We arrived at the exhibition centre about ten minutes early. And by the time I gave my details, showed verification that I was due for my second jab, we were through to the front of the jab queue. This efficiency caught me off guard. Not that last time was inefficient; there was just some waiting (Day 239).
Impressively, we went straight to the front of the line and, without even stopping, were shown the pod. There was no time for nervousness or espousing conspiracy theories and, more importantly, no time to work on an exit strategy!
The nurse checking my details showed empathy, kindness, shared stories of her mum’s and friend’s nervousness with vaccinations, and walked me to the lie-down jab pod. I’d mentioned the bruise from the first jab, and my husband tells me she squatted down level with my arm to administer the jab.
Between one blink and the next, the second shot got administered, and I was fully vaccinated! We were in the monitoring area three minutes before the appointed time!
To be honest, I wasn’t even sure I got the vaccination. The moment was so painless – my cats scratch harder when they want to see if I’m awake.
After Effects
Yesterday, I promised I’d be monitoring the effects of the jab for physical, mental and emotional changes. Initially, there was nothing, not even the dreaded weightiness in my arm. Also, my energy didn’t shift; there weren’t the initial glazed eyes like when I had my first Pfizer jab.
Incidentally, the lady in front of me in the monitoring area had a fabulous “mini” handbag, for which she kindly gave me the details of her supplier. 👜
Anyway, once I’d done my time and I’d shown no aftereffects, we exited the exhibition centre and sought lunch in Brisbane’s Southbank. The day was overcast and miserable but refreshing. We found pizza, sat down to eat, and this is when a mild headache began to let me know of its presence. We made the prudent decision to head home without further ado.
On the way home, however, we made a short stop to look at handbags. 😁 Because my head was beginning to affect the edges of my concentration, nothing got purchased, and we continued home.
Comfortably at home, it was time for a nap, but before I nodded off to sleep, I was left wondering why I’d made such a fuss. Alas, it’s easy to say that from the safety of hindsight.
Okay, I felt tired and blah, but that’s what you expect from the COVID-19 shot. For conspiracy theorists (and you’re not always wrong), who knows, perhaps my brain is rewired and compliant. Whatever the reason, the second Pfizer jab was way worse in my imagination; even the actual needle (I didn’t see) wasn’t a big deal. 🤔
All I can say is thank goodness that’s over! So, stressing didn’t seem to help one little bit.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Second Pfizer Jab Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
While it was my Goal to opt for Postponement of the jab, I logically understood it would be stupid. In any case, getting the first and second Pfizer jabs began as an Adventure in the Distant Past. That single decision to proceed with the vaccinations caused a heap of unnecessary Stress in the Recent Past before finally Travelling to the exhibition centre today (Now).
The overarching influence pervading the experience was Silence and the strange resolution to proceed. Hence, Intensity in Future Energy captures the determination to overcome the Goal.
Because the experience was so painless and easy, I was elated, and it brought about Feelings of Creativity. Quite frankly, I felt good.
On the other hand, Others’ Views of me and my situation is that of Ice-olation. Alternatively, I need to release my emotional pain or “get it out of my system”. Or is it to avoid the need to put me in quarantine?
Hopes & Fears has Slowing Down and is indeed what I feared when it came to the second Pfizer jab. Of course, there’d been rumours that I’d hoped weren’t true of how it can wear you down, but alas, the headache is evidence that Slowing Down will occur to some extent.
Finally, the Outcome has broken free of Conditioning. As part of my Conditioning, I may always believe in the worst of some situations. That Conditioning then encourages seeking evidence and attracting circumstances to support the belief. It’s confirmational bias at its best. But the Conditioning card’s appearance suggests breaking free from some of the views.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – Getting my second Pfizer jab wasn’t an experience I wanted, and I had mixed feelings about the vaccination itself. Did stressing pay off?