Saturday, 25 September 2021

Boxed Context
Putting us in boxes has been happening since togas were in fashion in ancient Greece. And while I’ve been the first person to take umbrage at the first wall being erected. It’s only recently, I’ve discovered that the boxes are not definitive. Each system acknowledges none of it is fully applicable to every single person. And most people use them to try to “understand” a person, a way to help empathise.
Although some people do use whatever mechanism of ‘box-in-ation” (the verb for using a system to put someone in a personality box) is available to rank others. Heck, I know, I’ve done it myself! Being able to judge imbues a self-righteousness to promote condescension upon those folk sorted into other categories.
In a massive turnabout on my past self, I now understand the purpose of boxing people’s personalities (the process of putting someone in a box). You can’t go to every person and take the time to understand them. Let’s face it, most of us don’t fully know ourselves all the time either 😏 Then finding a way to help connect with those you don’t know, boxes can help.
Look at it this way; no two people are precisely physically alike. Yes, even identical twins occupy a different physical footprint on the planet. Therefore, this subtle difference means they’re not “exactly” alike.
Even if the twins walked around with one on top of the other’s shoulders, one would be the top twin and the other the bottom twin. The perspectives for both of them would be different. The point is that as humans, we have specific physical characteristics that identify us as part of the human species. We box/ identify/ log humans by eye and hair colours. Why is it then when we talk about personalities, it’s not?
Today's Cards

The Cards - Boxes Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Travelling sits in Distant Past and contributes to the Recent Past’s feeling like The Outsider – even if it was self-inflicted. Since a Thunderbolt has hit me as I wrote tonight, I realised I’d been looking at “boxes” all wrong. People have been trying to understand people for a very long time. Boxes are another way of trying to do that.
Under Thunderbolt’s influence, Change thrives, allowing for Possibilities to open up and become a Goal. There are always opportunities for growth in chaos.
Change and Possibilities comingle to form Future Energy of Integration.
Thinking about the new way of looking at boxes gives me mixed feelings. Some feelings are because I’m shocked at it taking me this long to connect what I was doing with the intention. And the other is simply Experiencing the joy of discovering another perspective.
Others’ Views are that I have a romanticised view of boxes, expressed by The Dream.
Alternatively, Hopes & Fears has Ripeness, where I felt there had to be more to the stereotyping view, and I hope the new revelation opens my eyes.
Finally, the Outcome of Change continues to see me travel the road by myself in my complete Aloneness because boxes will continue to make people uncomfortable or misused.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on personality boxes and how I hate them for their rigid constraints, removing freedom of decision, and yet.