Friday, 3 September 2021

Life on Mars Context
It’s so exciting! We are heading off to Stanthorpe, and we can because Mark doesn’t start back at work until Monday. Audrey is visiting and chauffeuring her mother, who is recovering from hip surgery. Since lockdown could happen at any moment, we took the opportunity to catch up with Audrey before heading back to her state. Before we left, we did the housework thing and watched a reactionist critique the 2006 TV Series Season 1 of Life on Mars.
Before we left for Stanthorpe, we did basic household things like cleaning and cleaning 🧹. Furthermore, we sat around watching reactionists react, and today’s theme was about revisiting a TV series title “Life on Mars” followed by “Ashes to Ashes”. In my mind, the series has an incredibly satisfying ending; others like Sean Lock also agree with me.
Sean Lock & Life on Mars
As a perspective on why I’ve used Sean Lock’s tweet to support my argument for TV series with satisfying endings, “So many shows don’t really know how to wrap things up in a satisfying way, but #LifeOnMarsLive did it”.
To have you understand Sean’s attitude to “faking” his emotions or opinion on a topic if you haven’t watched any of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, a portion of his obituary written by Harry Hill sums up Sean’s integrity in this regard.
Professionally, he worked hard at being funny and woe betide anyone who didn't match his high standards. On 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown – which became a great platform for his brilliant mind and brought him to a wider audience – he'd laugh like a drain if he liked what you'd done, but occasionally I noticed that the camera would cut to him looking stony faced. I tackled him about it. "Why don't you just fake a laugh?" I asked him. "It would make you look better."
"I don't want to encourage them," he replied with a grin.Harry Hill, writing for The Guardian for Sean Lock's obituary
Both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes series work together beautifully. Additionally, character arcs and the story were set in the planning before filming began. At the time, Matthew Graham, co-producer of the show, said they wouldn’t make a third season unless they had something to say. Yay!! Low and behold, while writing this post, I discovered Graham had found something that will work, and it looks like a Season 3 is in the making.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Life on Mars Analysis
Carryover Cards
Three cards carried over from yesterday; The Burden moved from Feelings to Recent Past, Understanding moved from Hopes & Fears to Feelings, Rebirth moved from Now to Others’ Views.
Abundance in the Distant Past created the Aloneness in the Now. Having an Abundance of time at one stage, I had the privilege of watching Life on Mars. Furthermore, Moment to Moment’s influence is on Aloneness and the other cards in the layout, with perhaps, the exception of The Burden in the Recent Past.
Maturity as Goal comes from my growth as a person and the way I appreciate a TV series versus how I might have viewed them in the past. It has been a goal of mine to develop my appreciation of good TV and film and, the finale can make or break its impact for me. Few come close to the lasting feeling of Life on Mars.
Fortunately, The Burden of yesterday’s feelings on bathroom renovations has all but disappeared from my mind. The removal of The Burden opens Future Energy up to Going with the Flow, which allows me time to pursue whatever opportunity comes along.
Feelings of Understanding triggered when I watched the reactionist’s response to Life on Mars; that Understanding is related to how I felt the impact of the series ending. The only feelings to the series are fond ones.
Rebirth is Others’ Views, and since my husband was my only contact today, he would have seen a renewed interest in a TV series fondly remembered but not, until now, front of mind.
Hopes & Fears has the card of Healing. Each moment influences the next, and strangely watching someone react to a show reawakens the memories. I hope they’re fond and Healing ones versus fearful of clinging to the past feelings.
Finally, the Outcome is Existence. And Existence echoes the Going with the Flow card but also embraces one’s uniqueness.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts
- Audrey (Day 065)