Month: September 2021

Day 273 – Using Sugar to Stay Focussed

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Day 273. Cards in order of appearance: Comparison, Harmony, Existence, Ripeness, Patience, Breakthrough, Understanding, Creativity, Transformation, Ice-olation, Deck pile shuffle

Sugar Context

It seems like I’m always trying to stay focused.  I’m not sure whether it’s still part of the vaccination ‘hangover’ or whether it’s simply a blurry mind due to the wrong types of food, namely sugar.  Sugar can provide clarity for a short period but then comes the crash. 😒

For most of my life, sugar has been a constant companion, and it’s more the cacao I’m craving than the sugar, but over the years, because the two are intertwined, the sugar addiction is very real.  Trying to cut sugar out usually results in a massive detox involving tiredness and brain befuddlement.

Anyway, I’ve once again resorted to using frequency music to encourage alertness.  However, this time, I’m keeping a close eye on any of the transitions to other music tracks and avoid the ones promoting sleep, especially after Day 269’s experience.

Today's Cards

Day 273. Cards in order of appearance: Comparison, Harmony, Existence, Ripeness, Patience, Breakthrough, Understanding, Creativity, Transformation, Ice-olation, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Sugar Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Ripeness moved from Recent Past to Distant Past, Creativity moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.


Yesterday’s Ripeness was in the Recent Past.  Today’s movement to the Distant Past links nicely since the topic of discussion is still on alertness, focus and the effects of the Pfizer vaccination.  Again, the Ripeness refers to when writing the posts became more manageable.  But overcoming the constant obstacles to the writing process is challenging.

Getting up to speed to write following vaccination can be a Herculean task.  Sadly, my downfall is relying on sugar to promote energy for alertness.  And in the Recent Past realised I will need to have Patience until my body has learnt how to deal with COVID.

As mentioned, on Day 269, I would compare my before and after states across all aspects of my being, analysing the vaccine’s effect.  Despite my desire to find something “off”, things are surprisingly working in Harmony (Influence). 

Another aspect the Comparison has brought to mind is it’s helped me develop my Goal of the day, Existence.  Primarily, I’m just this tiny part of a greater multi-universal context, and I’m appreciative of my Existence within it.

Maybe the Future Energy Breakthrough acknowledges that a dietary shift in the grand scheme of things, while beneficial, should be natural and not harshly self-persecuted.


I feel like I’ve gained an Understanding, in part, of my resistance to vaccinations, moving on from the purely intellectual need for balance; I now “feel” that need.  The balance creates Harmony.

Whatever Creativity sprung from yesterday’s planning, it appears that Others’ Views of me are me being creative.  Unfortunately, I have no frame of reference for this because I don’t feel I’ve been very creative in any area; I’ll leave it for you to decide.

Transformation is in the Hopes & Fears position.  When I see the cards of Breakthrough, Understanding, Existence and Patience together, it’s natural for me to hope there’s a Transformation on the horizon.  The question is Transformation from what to what?  My biggest fear is that I’ll miss the change, whatever it is.

Finally, we reach the Outcome and its occupant Ice-olation.  Well, it looks like there’s a sense of loss because Ice-olation is the outpouring of tears when encountering a revelation.  The Breakthrough knocks down walls made of ice.  Do I have to give up sugar?  Noooooo! 😱


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 273

Day 272 – NRL Grand Final Super Vaccination Boost

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Day 272. Super vaccination. Cards in order of appearance: Participation, Experiencing, Silence, The Burden, Ripeness, Creativity, Slowing Down, Schizophrenia, Exhaustion, The Master, Washing Machine

Super Vaccination Context

Alas, this post is heavy going in terms of the energy required to write it.  Although my headache from yesterday (Day 271) has gone, and so have the chills, I’m still a little groggy and drained, making it difficult to get anything done.  Encouragingly, my boss said it took him a week before he was entirely himself again. 😱  Queensland’s encouraging jabs with a “Super Vaccination” weekend, cashing in on a milestone sporting event.

Unfortunately, with a few cases around in Queensland, there’s a potential lockdown looming.  Moreover, there’s cynicism around why we’re not in lockdown already.  The theory goes that it’s because the National Rugby League (NRL) grand final is on this weekend.   A grand final brings in dollars.

On the upside, the state government has made a smart move, to my mind, by placing the vaccination centre at the stadium.  Hence, supporters of either club were encouraged to get vaccinated because it was a ‘Super Vaccination’ weekend!  Let’s face it, having a few cases hanging around probably doesn’t hurt to encourage people who have been slow in getting vaccinated to get theirs.

Today's Cards

Day 272. Super Vaccination. Cards in order of appearance: Participation, Experiencing, Silence, The Burden, Ripeness, Creativity, Slowing Down, Schizophrenia, Exhaustion, The Master, Washing Machine

The Cards - Super Vaccination Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Unsurprisingly, in the Distant Past is The BurdenThe Burden began when I commenced what seemed to be easy – write a post every day!  Easy!  More recently (Recent Past), my effort has not gone to waste, and there’s maturity or Ripeness when writing is much easier. 

When it comes to getting vaccinated, simple Participation is the key. How cool would it be to go to a supporter-driven event and get your first jab in the Super Vaccination tent?! And the ability to relate to others who are Experiencing (influence) the same trials provide an opportunity for a deeper connection.

My Goal, however, is to experience Silence.  The lines that captured my attention with the Osho page on this card is “There’s nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the quality of your inner Silence permeates everything you do”.  If I focus on the first part of the sentence, the “nothing to do, nowhere to go” as my Goal, and a potential lockdown shadowing the weekend ahead, it’s a wise Goal.

With nothing planned, it means will most likely encourage Creativity! (Future Energy).


The one thing that Feeling drained does, contributes energy to Slowing Down; this is how I’m feeling.

On the one hand, Others’ Views are that I’m simply trying to hold it together like the figure is in the Schizophrenia card.  On the other, they could think that I need to let go of trying to keep both things running equally.

Furthermore, the views of others support the Exhaustion card in the Hopes & Fears spot.  I’m hoping the drained feeling does not lead to utter Exhaustion, although I already fear I’m close to that point.  This tiredness has more to do with the vaccination, not obtained on a Super Vaccination weekend but independently.  However, late nights and the second COVID injection make for Exhaustion.

Finally, The Master is in the Outcome position.  Have you ever noticed the moon in Silence and The Master are similar, but in The Master, it’s closer?  Anyway, it’s just an observation. And despite the nervousness I felt before my vaccination, I’m glad I had it done, and the writing will get done when it gets done.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – The Qld Government had a Super Vaccination tent setup at the stadium for a major sporting event, and I continue to feel the effects of my 2nd jab.

End Day 272

Day 271 – Jab Two’s Side Effect

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Day 271. Side effect. Cards in order of appearance: Moment to Moment, Integration, Letting Go, Stress, Comparison, Consciousness, Playfulness, Intensity, Change, We are the World, Washing Machine

Side-effects Context

I got chills.  They’re multiplying, and I’m losing control because the power the jab’s providing it’s electrifying!  Full confession, I parodied from “You’re that I want” from ‘Grease’.  Seriously, the COVID-19 side effects include chills, spaciness, headache, nausea, are constantly threatening.  On the upside, at least, I don’t have a massive bruise on my arm like with my first jab.

Because the chills were present, I stayed in bed for most of the morning.  The full ginger cat, Dobby, decided he wanted attention and stepped on the injection site!  Hmmm, cheeky little monkey!

In the true spirit of a mumpsimus, I persisted that I only needed the morning’s lie-in to get over the tiredness and the “minor” side-effect.  When it was time to write this post, I was exhausted, but like a child fighting sleep, I’m finding novel and creative ways to stay awake 🙉.  By the way, mumpsimus is a 16th-century word meaning ‘one who insists that they’re right, despite clear evidence that they are not’ (Susie Dent, Twitter). 

Sadly, my energy is waning, and it’s time to move on to the analysis.

Today's Cards

Day 271. Side effect. Cards in order of appearance: Moment to Moment, Integration, Letting Go, Stress, Comparison, Consciousness, Playfulness, Intensity, Change, We are the World, Washing Machine

The Cards - Side-effects Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Stress moved from Recent Past to Distant Past, Intensity moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.


Today’s Goal was Letting Go of preconceived ideas around the jab or my capability not to be affected like “other people”.  I know it’s arrogant, but when you live in your little bubble of pseudo bliss, it’s easy to believe you’re not like everybody else.  And in reality, not everyone experiences the side effects in the same way.   I hoped that I would fit in with the people not affected by the jab.  But, alas, it seems not to be the case.  No amount of wishing will make it otherwise at this point.

It’s no surprise that Stress has moved from the Recent Past to the Distant Past since the vaccine’s administration.  Recent Past’s Comparison of whether I’m going to fit with the ‘no reactions’ camp or the ‘reacted’ isn’t necessary. 

Uncannily, the spaciness side-effect makes it each go from Moment to Moment (Now) while the COVID-19 vaccine integrates (Integration as an influence) with my immune system.

Coming up is Consciousness in Future Energy, indicating an awareness of my Change and seeing things from an enlightened perspective.  Oh, do you hear that?  No. Ah, it was just the little conspiracy voice saying, ‘see what happens when you get the shot, you’ve become one of them?’.   Oh well, too late now!


Consequently, I get Feelings of Playfulness when the spaciness side-effect hits.  It’s exactly like the kid fighting sleep; you find all these things you want to do just to stay alert.  Because you know you’ll collapse if you let yourself lie down.

Alas, it appears Others’ Views are that I have an Intensity and determination keeping me motivated.  And it possibly realises what I’m doing by running around – even if it is amusing.

Internally, Hopes & Fears has a fear of Change.  This fear refers to a Change in my current response to the COVID-19 having worse side effects and taking me out completely.  On the other hand, I’m hoping the Change is the swing of reaching the worst symptoms and on the up towards full functionality again.

Finally, the Outcome card We are the World.  The Outcome is working with my body for the unified ‘global’ purpose of interacting with each other once more – you know, without masks.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – The headache I felt yesterday afternoon stuck around as well as some other side effects.  My focus consequently drifted, but I got a post.

End Day 271

Day 270 – My Second Pfizer Jab

Monday, 27 September 2021

Day 270. Cards in order of appearance: Traveling, Silence, Postponement, Adventure, Stress, Intensity, Creativity, Ice-olation, Slowing Down, Conditioning, Deck pile shuffle

Second Pfizer Jab Context

It’s amazing how quickly something can happen and how large and complicated you can imagine something.  Today was the day I was going to get my second Pfizer jab.  Yesterday, I was anxious about it, and today I feel oddly calm.  I’m not happy about it, but I’ve committed.  It’s a case of ‘what the hay’ or ‘in for a penny in for a pound’.

We arrived at the exhibition centre about ten minutes early.  And by the time I gave my details, showed verification that I was due for my second jab, we were through to the front of the jab queue.  This efficiency caught me off guard.  Not that last time was inefficient; there was just some waiting (Day 239).

Impressively, we went straight to the front of the line and, without even stopping, were shown the pod.  There was no time for nervousness or espousing conspiracy theories and, more importantly, no time to work on an exit strategy! 

The nurse checking my details showed empathy, kindness, shared stories of her mum’s and friend’s nervousness with vaccinations, and walked me to the lie-down jab pod.  I’d mentioned the bruise from the first jab, and my husband tells me she squatted down level with my arm to administer the jab. 

Between one blink and the next, the second shot got administered, and I was fully vaccinated!  We were in the monitoring area three minutes before the appointed time!

To be honest, I wasn’t even sure I got the vaccination.  The moment was so painless – my cats scratch harder when they want to see if I’m awake.  

After Effects

Yesterday, I promised I’d be monitoring the effects of the jab for physical, mental and emotional changes.  Initially, there was nothing, not even the dreaded weightiness in my arm.  Also, my energy didn’t shift; there weren’t the initial glazed eyes like when I had my first Pfizer jab. 

Incidentally, the lady in front of me in the monitoring area had a fabulous “mini” handbag, for which she kindly gave me the details of her supplier.  👜

Anyway, once I’d done my time and I’d shown no aftereffects, we exited the exhibition centre and sought lunch in Brisbane’s Southbank.  The day was overcast and miserable but refreshing.  We found pizza, sat down to eat, and this is when a mild headache began to let me know of its presence.  We made the prudent decision to head home without further ado.

On the way home, however, we made a short stop to look at handbags. 😁  Because my head was beginning to affect the edges of my concentration, nothing got purchased, and we continued home.

Comfortably at home, it was time for a nap, but before I nodded off to sleep, I was left wondering why I’d made such a fuss. Alas, it’s easy to say that from the safety of hindsight.

Okay, I felt tired and blah, but that’s what you expect from the COVID-19 shot.  For conspiracy theorists (and you’re not always wrong), who knows, perhaps my brain is rewired and compliant.  Whatever the reason, the second Pfizer jab was way worse in my imagination; even the actual needle (I didn’t see) wasn’t a big deal.  🤔

All I can say is thank goodness that’s over!  So, stressing didn’t seem to help one little bit.

Today's Cards

Day 270. Cards in order of appearance: Traveling, Silence, Postponement, Adventure, Stress, Intensity, Creativity, Ice-olation, Slowing Down, Conditioning, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Second Pfizer Jab Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


While it was my Goal to opt for Postponement of the jab, I logically understood it would be stupid.  In any case, getting the first and second Pfizer jabs began as an Adventure in the Distant Past.  That single decision to proceed with the vaccinations caused a heap of unnecessary Stress in the Recent Past before finally Travelling to the exhibition centre today (Now).

The overarching influence pervading the experience was Silence and the strange resolution to proceed.  Hence, Intensity in Future Energy captures the determination to overcome the Goal.


Because the experience was so painless and easy, I was elated, and it brought about Feelings of Creativity.  Quite frankly, I felt good.

On the other hand, Others’ Views of me and my situation is that of Ice-olation.  Alternatively, I need to release my emotional pain or “get it out of my system”.  Or is it to avoid the need to put me in quarantine?

Hopes & Fears has Slowing Down and is indeed what I feared when it came to the second Pfizer jab.  Of course, there’d been rumours that I’d hoped weren’t true of how it can wear you down, but alas, the headache is evidence that Slowing Down will occur to some extent.

Finally, the Outcome has broken free of Conditioning.  As part of my Conditioning, I may always believe in the worst of some situations.  That Conditioning then encourages seeking evidence and attracting circumstances to support the belief.  It’s confirmational bias at its best.  But the Conditioning card’s appearance suggests breaking free from some of the views.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – Getting my second Pfizer jab wasn’t an experience I wanted, and I had mixed feelings about the vaccination itself. Did stressing pay off?

End Day 270

Day 269 – Frequency Music & Jab Tension

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Day 269. Cards in order of appearance: The Outsider, Aloneness, Flowering, Experiencing, Totality, Ordinariness, Celebration, Comparison, Schizophrenia, Harmony, Deck pile shuffle

Frequency Music Context

Today’s going to be short and sweet.  I began listening to focus music frequency, as my mental energy was flagging and distracted.  Sleep is forever beckoning, and there was mild anxiety over the looming second vaccination. 

So, I found a frequency track that promoted itself as a Mental Energizer, and it worked a treat.  Fortunately, it is one and a half hours long.  That’s great, I thought!  And it’s all I’ll need.  It was at about the 15-minute mark, I noticed my energy pick up, but I knew the fundamental tiredness wouldn’t go away that easily. 

Absorbed in my work, I didn’t notice the time passing, so YouTube rolled into another music video when the track finished.  Without warning, my eyelids got heavier, and I began to struggle to keep myself awake.  With every ounce of determination, I was going to finish the article.  Disappointed that the energizer frequency music didn’t have long term effects, I continued to push against an overwhelming desire for sleep.  The need was so great that dizziness was becoming an issue.

After 20 minutes of push and struggle, I gave up and pulled the plug.  As part of shutdown …  OMG!  Am I struggling!  It’s not even very late.  It was part of switching off the music that the cause for my tiredness became apparent; YouTube’s next track had been a vid designed to encourage sleep!  Goodnight! 

7:00 AM:  Well, that was certainly a surprise!  The sleep frequencies music certainly seem to work.  I should also mention, I’m incredibly nervous about my second Pfizer jab.  Wonder what theories I’ll sprout while waiting in line today (refer to Day 239).

Today's Cards

Day 269. Cards in order of appearance: The Outsider, Aloneness, Flowering, Experiencing, Totality, Ordinariness, Celebration, Comparison, Schizophrenia, Harmony, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Frequency Music Analysis

Carryover Cards

Three cards carried over from yesterday; The Outsider moved from Recent Past to Now, Aloneness moved from Outcome to Influence, Experiencing moved from Feelings to Distant Past.


Distant Past has Experiencing, and I’m going to call this out as the day I got my first COVID-19 vaccination.  It was certainly an experience.  And in the Recent Past, when I made the booking to get my second jab, it meant commitment in Totality

Today, I’m unsure of what tomorrow will bring, but Now I feel trapped in getting the second jab like The Outsider.  Maybe if the frequency music stuff works, perhaps remapping my DNA will correct anything out of place from the vaccine anyway 😏.  It’s that Aloneness Outcome from yesterday hanging around to influence.

In the end, Ordinariness is Future Energy.  Suggesting, perhaps placatingly, that my nervousness and anxiety are me simply making a mountain out of a molehill or it’s a storm in a teacup.


On the other hand, I have Feelings of Celebration not only because I’ve finished writing this post in the morning, but I’ll be glad to have the vaccination worry off my mind. 

Others’ Views are that I’m constantly making a Comparison between the different vaccines and the reactions of others.  It’s true.  Comfort is that frequency healing could be a godsend if I find it messes with my system.

Schizophrenia in the Hopes & Fears position highlights my internal dichotomy.  Unusually, this card already sums up both hopes & fears without needing to split these aspects.  However, I hope that once the vaccination is over, I will have no regrets and trust me, I will closely monitor my mood, vitals, and changes in physiology.   Of course, the fear is that these will be affected.

Finally, the Outcome has Harmony that supports Ordinariness.  The way it helps suggests the vaccination won’t be a big deal, and it will agree with me (?).  Hmmm, really?  We’ll see!


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Link to Husband’s first AstraZeneca jab Day 160

SEO – There’s some nervousness about going for my second Pfizer jab tomorrow, & frequency music for energy sends me to sleep.

End Day 269

Day 268 – Living in Personality Boxes

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Day 268. Cards in order of appearance: Change, Thunderbolt, Possibilities, Traveling, The Outsider, Integration, Experiencing, The Dream, Ripeness, Aloneness, Deck pile shuffle

Boxed Context

Putting us in boxes has been happening since togas were in fashion in ancient Greece.  And while I’ve been the first person to take umbrage at the first wall being erected.  It’s only recently, I’ve discovered that the boxes are not definitive.  Each system acknowledges none of it is fully applicable to every single person.  And most people use them to try to “understand” a person, a way to help empathise. 

Although some people do use whatever mechanism of ‘box-in-ation” (the verb for using a system to put someone in a personality box) is available to rank others.  Heck, I know, I’ve done it myself!  Being able to judge imbues a self-righteousness to promote condescension upon those folk sorted into other categories.

In a massive turnabout on my past self, I now understand the purpose of boxing people’s personalities (the process of putting someone in a box).  You can’t go to every person and take the time to understand them.  Let’s face it, most of us don’t fully know ourselves all the time either 😏 Then finding a way to help connect with those you don’t know, boxes can help.

Look at it this way; no two people are precisely physically alike.  Yes, even identical twins occupy a different physical footprint on the planet.  Therefore, this subtle difference means they’re not “exactly” alike. 

Even if the twins walked around with one on top of the other’s shoulders, one would be the top twin and the other the bottom twin.  The perspectives for both of them would be different.  The point is that as humans, we have specific physical characteristics that identify us as part of the human species.  We box/ identify/ log humans by eye and hair colours.  Why is it then when we talk about personalities, it’s not?

Today's Cards

Day 268. Cards in order of appearance: Change, Thunderbolt, Possibilities, Traveling, The Outsider, Integration, Experiencing, The Dream, Ripeness, Aloneness, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Boxes Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Travelling sits in Distant Past and contributes to the Recent Past’s feeling like The Outsider – even if it was self-inflicted.  Since a Thunderbolt has hit me as I wrote tonight, I realised I’d been looking at “boxes” all wrong.  People have been trying to understand people for a very long time.  Boxes are another way of trying to do that.

Under Thunderbolt’s influence, Change thrives, allowing for Possibilities to open up and become a Goal.  There are always opportunities for growth in chaos.

Change and Possibilities comingle to form Future Energy of Integration.


Thinking about the new way of looking at boxes gives me mixed feelings.  Some feelings are because I’m shocked at it taking me this long to connect what I was doing with the intention.  And the other is simply Experiencing the joy of discovering another perspective.

Others’ Views are that I have a romanticised view of boxes, expressed by The Dream.

Alternatively, Hopes & Fears has Ripeness, where I felt there had to be more to the stereotyping view, and I hope the new revelation opens my eyes.

Finally, the Outcome of Change continues to see me travel the road by myself in my complete Aloneness because boxes will continue to make people uncomfortable or misused.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on personality boxes and how I hate them for their rigid constraints, removing freedom of decision, and yet.

End Day 268

Day 267 – Dispelling Poppycock

Friday, 24 September 2021

Day 267. Poppycock. Cards in order of appearance: Ordinariness, Rebirth, Creativity, Mind, The Burden, Adventure, The Source, Change, Turning In, Past Lives, Deck pile shuffle

Poppycock Context

Yes, I can quickly and convincingly hear the cynic argue that the cards are so generic that their applicability could apply to any day, aka its poppycock.  It’s true in a sense, but life also has cyclical patterns of energy.  And although I’m writing Day 238 on Day 267 (today), and my daily notes are enough to remind me of the context for Day 238, the layout of Day 238 are as applicable to me on Day 267 as they were then.

Why do I respect quiz show hosts who one could argue are nothing but teleprompter figureheads reading other people’s intelligence?  It’s as bizarre as calling flight attendants glorified waitresses.  One could say comedians are modern-day poets disguised in jester’s façade 😁.   Yet, it’s called charlatanism when it comes to tarot card readers and mystics, or even the people in human resources using Meyers-Briggs.

For instance, Sandy from QI laughably talked about how a mother and daughter devised MBTI.  The system of questions was to prove that the man the daughter was to marry wasn’t a suitable suitor.  Therefore, it was bizarre how HR (Human Resource) departments have been using it for years.  Sandy and QI concluded; it was poppycock. 

But I shouldn’t be surprised that personality quizzes upset people.  Hey, it upset me for many years, and believe me, I sat for A LOT when I was contracting!   It wasn’t until the MBTI that I found something useful in one.  

Of course, you can’t box people, but sometimes it’s nice to be understood, even just a little.  So, depending upon the box will depend on whether you get robbed of your uniqueness or appreciated for it.  Anyway, I write at length on MBTI on Day 132.

Other Thoughts

Incidentally, I don’t know why I get defensive over something that works for me.  Something else I need to work on 🙈   Anything of the self-help variety seems to have scientific blinkers applied.   Where does that stand by way of open-mindedness? 

It’s like my first assignment at uni; you needed to prove you were “widely read”.  Being a newly minted and conscientious mature age student, I went to the library, researched information and used it in my assignment.  At the time, I was also reading a fiction book my husband loaned me. 

And as so often happens, in my life full of synchronistic events in the Pauli-Jung conjecture, the book had the perfect sentence or paragraph to perfectly sum up my assignment.  So I used it.   Incorrectly in figuring that I would display my ability to be widely read by showing an ability to incorporate academia using fictional metaphorical concepts.  In the end, it proved to be seen by academia as poppycock.

Today, it’s no surprise that it wasn’t considered acceptable.  I was amazed, though, by the gall of limiting “widely” read to purely non-fictional academic work.  In my experience, fiction delves into as many theories as non-fiction but posits it into a story format for exploration. 

Alas, if you are only reading one genre or focussing on one category, you’re not widely read in my books.  I might have been simply trying to hide the fact I didn’t do as much reading as I could have – trust me, I read many appropriate non-fiction books.

Other Radio Stations

As a teenager and early adult, I remember thinking that I was being radical by listening to ballads and the “tougher” rock music played on the station.  But, this was just me perfectly buying into the dichotomy the radio station encouraged.  Not just between its music but also by comparing itself to other stations and coming out the superior.  Of course, it was poppycock.

Frustrated one morning with just two songs per half hour, I risked listening to another station, also playing the best music in town.  But more importantly, I discovered there were radio stations that played “alternative rock”, R&B, world music, “real” heavy metal and even classical music.  Talk about an eyeopener!  One radio’s playlist does not variety make.  

Later, I got accused of having eclectic tastes before I realised it was as a compliment.  

In reality, what Sandy and QI were conveying to some extent was that their knowledge tastes weren’t eclectic.  They’d say they simply stick to facts, but there is more to the world than facts.  It reminds me of a quote by Abraham Robinson: “As far as I know, only a small minority of mathematicians, even of those with Platonist views, accept the idea that there may be mathematical facts which are true but unknowable”.

That’s cool, and like E Haldeman-Julius wrote, “there is all the room in the world for divergence of opinion about something that, so far as we can realistically perceive, does not exist”.  Basically, you can say what you like about the unknown because, well, you’ve got a chance of being right without anyone providing evidence against it.  For all, we know it could be genius or poppycock.

My point is if you don’t want to be boxed, you need to get out of the one you’ve chosen.   

Today's Cards

Day 267. Poppycock. Cards in order of appearance: Ordinariness, Rebirth, Creativity, Mind, The Burden, Adventure, The Source, Change, Turning In, Past Lives, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Mind moved from Now to the Distant Past.


Today’s reading stems from a Distant Past of confusion of Mind and an awakening of sorts.  The Burden in the Recent Past needs to meet specific workplace demands, which I didn’t mention above.  I’m sure you understand it was an ordinary day full of Ordinariness. You know, just putting out brush fires and dispelling misguided communications as poppycock statements all day.   

The topic raised by QI was the most significant influence on my day; in a day where my Goal was to exercise Creativity and find ways of writing or problem-solving minor fires.  Although my focus landed on how we all want to be understood, we want to be unknowable, paradoxically.

Alas, what lies ahead in Future Energy is an Adventure into the topic and me, I think.


My Feelings are about The Source of clay that makes up my foundations when it comes to wanting to be understood mysterious at the same time.

What people are thinking (Others’ Views) as they watch me write or meditate is that I’m undergoing Change.

Aha!  Hopes & Fears shows the card of contemplation, Turning In. The greatest hope is that mediation will help me get to the crux of my “defensiveness.”  But fear it will take too long. 🥱

Finally, in the Outcome position is Past Lives or another way of looking at the Rebirth and knowing it will be an Adventure.  Perhaps it means there’s a past life connection to the QI panel.  🙄


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – Does a statement on QI saying something is poppycock trigger my defensive stance? It did; it might have touched on a sore point :).

End Day 267

Day 266 – Visitor Leaving causes Confusion

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Day 266. Leaves. Cards in order of appearance: Mind, The Dream, Suppression, Ripeness, Experiencing, Flowering, Understanding, Abundance, Consciousness, Morality, Standard Shuffle

Friends Leaving Context

Well, Audrey is leaving us today.  After many hours of fretting and missing home, she finally has to take the leap and head back.  Having friends whose company you enjoy visiting is a mixed blessing when they leave.  You’re feeling very merry-go-sorry, unfortunate they need to go but also happy because, in Audrey’s case, she’s heading back to where she can visit her love interest.  

Then there’s the tiny part of you glad to have your own space back.  And as much as you love your friends, everyone has their way of being.  For instance, when we don’t have visitors, I use the main bathroom to do my hair because it has more space than the ensuite. It’s not that we mind, and I’d be happy to work around for months.  But that’s just it; it’s a work-around.   

Now, where was I?  Oh, yes.  On the upside, Audrey has lovely, adorned hands with managed fingernails; I conned to get her into demonstrating my shuffling techniques.  

Today's Cards

Day 266. Leaving. Cards in order of appearance: Mind, The Dream, Suppression, Ripeness, Experiencing, Flowering, Understanding, Abundance, Consciousness, Morality, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Friends leaving Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


First, I’m beginning with the Distant Past and Ripeness. Happily, I see this as it was the right time for Audrey to visit.  She had time; we had time; the clouds of COVID lockdowns parted long enough for us to connect.

Second, the Recent Past was about our visit to Stanthorpe (Day 247) and simply enjoying Experiencing the wonder of Girraween national park and the joy of each other’s company.  

Audrey leaving has thrown my Mind into confusion.  I love having her here, but the primary influence to head home is her kind of new relationship.  

My Goal is to keep my thoughts and emotions to myself, but that means Suppression.  Unfortunately, it’s the Suppression of my truth, but this is one of those times when revealing my truth would not gain anybody anything.

Lastly, when it comes to the cross element of the Celtic Cross layout, Future Energy is Flowering, who is the Queen of Rainbows and is an expression of confidence.   It’s also about an abundance of love, and after having my friend visit, I feel love for more people.  If everything breeds itself, then love breeds love.


My Feelings are those of Understanding Audrey’s situation and wishing her the best for her travels back home and into quarantine.

In alignment with Future Energy’s Queen of Rainbows, is Abundance who is its King.  This alignment suggests appearances match the energy conveyed in Others’ Views.

Inwardly, Consciousness is playing on my thoughts and has me hoping that I’m reading Audrey’s desire to get home correctly and fearing that she might be leaving because we were poor hosts.  It’s unlikely because it’s not all about me – after all. 🙂  In summary, that’s Consciousness in Hopes & Fears.

Finally, Morality in the Outcome spot means I’m going to do the “right” thing – which, in this case, means Suppression. 😢


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – It’s always sad to say goodbye to those you like.  Today was the same because my visitor was leaving me for a longing that called to her.

End Day 266

Day 265 – Melbourne, Victoria got an Earthquake!

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Day 265. Earthquake. Cards in order of appearance: Compromise, Innocence, Thunderbolt, Projections, Moment to Moment, Inner Voice, Adventure, Success, Guilt, The Lovers, Standard Shuffle

Melbourne Earthquake Context

OMG!  An earthquake hit Melbourne, Victoria, Australia!!!  Alright, more specifically, Mansfield, Victoria had an earthquake!  I know that’s too many exclamation marks, but hooley-Dooley, I don’t think it is! 

Okay, from the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, I’m aware that Australia has earthquakes.  However, 1989 was only 32 years ago!   Almost unbelievably, the earthquake that killed 13 people and caused more destruction was significantly less severe than yesterday’s one, according to Wikipedia.

The difference in damage is likely to be the proximity to the cities.  In Newcastle, the epicentre was in Boolaroo, only 19 kilometres (12 miles) from Newcastle’s centre.  In comparison, the Mansfield earthquake was 215 kilometres (≈134 miles) from Melbourne’s centre. 

Given the recent earthquake that happened right at the end of ski season and in the Victorian Alps, the life loss and injury toll may have been worse if the tail-end of ski season had happened.  I mean to say that Melbourne, Victoria was fortunately in another COVID-19 lockdown, so no families trying to get a shoulder season pass in with the kids were in the Alps skiing.

Mark’s mum, who lives in Melbourne city, mentioned it was scary and quite disturbing.  Nonetheless, she held up well.  Additionally, a quick phone call to my mum in Sydney assured me she had not even noticed the quake.

What a year it has been!

Today's Cards

Day 265. Cards in order of appearance: Compromise, Innocence, Thunderbolt, Projections, Moment to Moment, Inner Voice, Adventure, Success, Guilt, The Lovers, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Melbourne Earthquake Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Projections moved from Recent Past to Distant Past.


Since doing this daily deal experiment, I’ve sometimes noticed that the Goal position acts as a physical world indicator.  For instance, Thunderbolt, which represents unexpected destruction, has shown up in the Goal position.  If I then correlate Thunderbolt to the Mansfield earthquake, the Goal position acts like something that pervades across the cards.

Of course, in the Distant Past is Projections, this would be me projecting my experience of the Newcastle earthquake onto the people of Victoria I know.

In the Recent Past, I’d simply been taking the day Moment by Moment.  Thus, leading to a Compromise within me, caused because of the innocent nature of the earthquake.  The shock of an earthquake can lead to fear and frustration, which in turn, usually if there were an adversary, would get directed outward rather than repressed.  The best way to release the suppression is by listening to your Inner Voice.  Alas, Inner Voice is also the card in Future Energy.


I’m unsure why I have Feelings of Adventure in light of the topic that played heavily on my mind today.  Perhaps it was following the initial shock that Victoria had an earthquake, and there were no (?) serious fatalities; the experience’s novelty might be considered an Adventure – conversationally, at least.

Success in Others’ Views suggests that something else was going on in my life apart from the earthquake.  Audrey was visiting, and she’d finally settled on a path she had been pursuing to get back home interstate.

Wow!  Again, I’m unable to relate the Guilt card to its position, Hopes & Fears.  We had a joke at school that went:  I’m a Catholic, I can feel guilty about anything – just pick the topic!  Being raised partially Catholic, I could identify. 

Since I’m unable to locate the exact reason, I’m hoping not to feel guilty but fear I might do it anyway; I’m going to skip pushing for a reason.  And I’m not even going to feel guilty about it, either.

Finally, The Lovers in the Outcome position means teamwork and a unity of purpose.  There’s a comfortableness in associating with another; it’s how I feel with my husband and my friends.  Maybe this is just helping Audrey get home or contacting loved ones to ensure they’re okay following an earthquake.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Day 264 – Taking time to Smell the Roses (Audrey visit)

SEO – An unusual turn of events, Melbourne had its 1st earthquake in my lifetime & 32 years after the Newcastle quake. The cards don’t make sense.

End Day 265

Day 264 – Taking time to Smell the Roses

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Day 264. Smell the Roses. Cards in order of appearance: Abundance, Comparison, Exhaustion, Consciousness, Projections, Participation, Transformation, Rebirth, Silence, The Burden, Washing Machine

Smell the Roses Context

Admittedly, I wouldn’t write anything today because my diary notation was “omit the day, spend time catching up with friends”.  So, it looks like I’m simply writing about ensuring you take time for yourself.  It’s the idiom of stop and smells the roses was popularised, according to, by Walter Hagan in the 1960s.  Although Walter’s original phrase was, “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry.  And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

So, that’s what I did today.  Consciously I tried to stop stressing about the website and spend time with Audrey.  Fortuitously, I am grateful to have a visitor from interstate in a world where the COVID-19 Delta strain is still a threat to free travel and living.

Sometimes, taking a moment to stop and smell the flowers is what the doctor ordered, some soul balm.  So, that’s what I did today.  Consciously I tried to stop stressing about the website and spend time with Audrey.  Fortuitously, I am grateful to have a visitor from interstate in a world where the COVID-19 Delta strain is still a threat to free travel and living. 

Sometimes, taking a moment to stop and smell the flowers is what the doctor ordered, some soul balm.

Today's Cards

Day 264. Smell the Roses. Cards in order of appearance: Abundance, Comparison, Exhaustion, Consciousness, Projections, Participation, Transformation, Rebirth, Silence, The Burden, Washing Machine

The Cards - Smell the Roses Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Exhaustion moved from Others’ Views to Goal.


When setting a Goal, not being exhausted is a reason to take the time to stop and smell the roses is another way of saying I’m trying to mitigate (Goal) Exhaustion.  The Goal is a product of a moment in the Distant Past when the crystal clarity of Consciousness highlighted the effort involved in my tarot days experiment.

It’s also an awareness that, like in the Recent Past, I’m prone to casting Projections of my likes onto others in search of affinity with them. 

Whenever I want someone to like me and reciprocate the kinship, I begin a detrimental cycle of Comparison, influencing my mood. Fortunately, today’s impact is Abundance and lots of love to share. 💗

The sharing leads to enjoyable Participation in Future Energy.


Meanwhile, if you’ve been in lockdown, you’ll appreciate that having visitors from interstate is fantastic; it’s like Feeling a life-changing Transformation occurring.

While on the theme of Transformation, when you take the time out to replenish the reserves and stop and smell the roses, you’re reborn.  If Others’ Views of me are that I’ve undergone a Rebirth, it was time well spent.

Furthermore, Silence in the Hopes & Fears position captures my hope to stop and smell the roses as a way of connecting to me again.  All the while, fearing the “noise”, whether that’s others’ needs and wants or the physical, literal version, won’t go away.

Disappointingly, The Burden is in the Outcome.   The Burden suggests that while I am smelling the roses right now, the impact of the time away from my experiment will have consequences.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Another day where I took time out, refer to Day 245 – Peaceful Park

SEO – Audrey is a rare interstate visitor who I was glad to see amid multi-state lockdowns currently in force. I took the time to smell the roses.

End Day 264

Day 263 – Hair Colour and Hairdresser Challenge

Monday, 20 September 2021

Day 263. Hair colour. Cards in order of appearance: Traveling, Courage, Possibilities, Adventure, Playfulness, Clinging to the Past, Sorrow, Exhaustion, Integration, The Master, Deck pile shuffle

Hair Colour Context

As some of you may know, when you go to the hairdresser to have your hair coloured, by the time you’re due for the next colour, the dye has “faded”.  Sometimes the change isn’t bad, but it’s unpleasant to live with at other times.  And you’re the only one who cares!  Sure, you might get a comment from a close family member, but they usually don’t see you every day.

Of course, it’s all about personal preference.  We usually have an image in our heads of how we would like to present ourselves to the world.  Some people are fussier about it than others, but we make choices on what we wear. 

I’m selective on where I like the part of my hair.  Therefore tolerate it being out by the millimetre to the left or right 😏.  But, I don’t expect the hairdresser to understand.  After all, I can fix it when I leave the hairdresser.  So, the extent of the hairstyle’s variation to how I want it in my mind will determine how quickly I try to fix it.

And I don’t know what it is about hairdressers that challenge my vanity.  Is it my inability to communicate my vision or a blinkered determination, on the hairdresser’s part, to implement the fashion cut of the day?  Alternatively, it’s likely a little of both creative and communication differences.

The Error

The day I was supposed to get my haircut was the day the hairdresser had a personal day.  Her leave delayed my colour by two weeks.  Not a problem, yet in that time, the colour went from acceptable to blah. 

I thought a wash with the chocolate shampoo would do wonders for the colour.  It did.  I was thrilled with the colour.  So much so that at the next shampoo, I did it again.  However, this time, it didn’t look as good because it had built on the existing colour. 

My error was believing the first shampoo would wash out the previous colour entirely.  So, I used the chocolate shampoo on the second shampoo again.  Sadly, it came out darker.  The colour wasn’t too bad, but it looked worse by the next wash day and hairdresser day.

This experimenting with colour shampoo gave my hairdresser license to charge me more to fix the mistake.  My hair had additional “red” from the chocolate shampoo, throwing out the existing expensive colour.  In hindsight, I would have been better pushing out the hair appointment by another fortnight to wash out the colour.  Of course, there would be no guarantees that some other form of flawed logic wouldn’t capture my imagination. 

If I almost fell off the chair when I first embarked on this journey with the cost, today sent me to the floor!!  I felt trapped, and it was all a result of a poor shampoo choice.


When I’m trapped, I lash out.  If I’ve made a mistake and don’t want to own the error, I lash out.  Slowly, I caught my internal rage.  However, I realised why I stopped hairdressers to colour my hair and stuck with supermarket colours.  The colour a hairdresser gives you is seldom what you want. 

Ironically and sadly, the best hairdresser was able to replicate the supermarket colour on the box perfectly.  The hairdresser was also incredibly generous and provided me with the details so that other hairdressers could replicate the colour!  How amazingly thoughtful and kind was that?!  Alas, Vanity Hair was also in Jindabyne, New South Wales and is now sadly permanently closed. 


Under shocking circumstances like the price to fix my mistake, I adopt a “fight” position.  The fight takes the form of a barrage of questions fired at the messenger in the situation, following the psychological path of grief: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance.   Today, I went through each of the phases quite rapidly. 

And although I’m not grieving, I find the “grief” response can apply to any number of situations, including changes or new information.   

First, it was “what?, no?”, then anger which I strategically channelled into checking my bank balance to buy me some time to come to grips with the shock.  Following the shock, I hit negotiation.  It was to understand my options.  And, at the back of my mind, an exit strategy out of this horrible costly hair-colouring exercise began to cook.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s a beautiful hair colour.  All I wanted was a colour with the same hue as the previous colour but a little lighter to blend in with my regrowth.  The colour I wanted was the same as if I’d put the brunette dry shampoo on it.

Image illustrating Fight, Freeze, Flight spectrum. The spectrum is a horizontal line. On top of the line are stylised figures. Extreme left is a boxing figure, in the centre is a cross-legged meditator, and on the extreme right a figure walking away from others.

Exit Strategy

So, to get me out of any more months of frustration, I have to develop an exit strategy.  As far as I can see, I have three options: staying the current course and hoping it gets cheaper.  Two, do nothing with the colour next time and let it grow out over time, or three, shave my head and start again.  Fourthly, and that’s to do my colour from a supermarket colour – they’ve been great in the past. 

The only reason I began getting the hairdresser to do colours again was that I met a great hairdresser in Jindabyne’s Vanity Hair.  The owner knew colour.  For instance, when I took my supermarket colour in, although she was unable for insurance reasons to put that colour on, she was able to make up a similar colour.  And in an enormous act of generosity, it provided me with the colour codes to allow any other hairdresser to reproduce it.  

One of the code’s flow-on effects was that they taught four other hairdressers how to treat a colour challenge they’d been facing and couldn’t resolve, even with assistance from the dye manufacturers.  Each hairdresser was impressed with adding a colour, which made sense but hadn’t tweaked because of the advice they’d received or their training.

Shaving my head is something I’ve wanted to do my whole life, and I thought it might be something for when I retire or reach sixty.  However, the box colour is 30 times cheaper than what I paid today!  Anyway, I’m leaning toward the third option.

Today's Cards

Day 263. Hair colour. Cards in order of appearance: Traveling, Courage, Possibilities, Adventure, Playfulness, Clinging to the Past, Sorrow, Exhaustion, Integration, The Master, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Hair Colour Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Once I’d formed the Goal (aim) to venture into the many Possibilities offered up by coloured shampoo, there was little that could stop the impending crash. 

This Goal formed in the Distant Past when I wanted an Adventure (Day 096 and Day 147) or, put simply, I wanted to try something different.  My Adventure into the world of hair colour brought out, more recently (Recent Past), my sense of fun in Playfulness.

For me, hair colour requires Courage, and under its influence, I ended up Now Traveling along this path.  Does Travelling to the hairdresser count as travel?  Considering we’ve been dodging COVID-19 lockdown, I’m going to say, “yes”.

Unfortunately, my error in judgment regarding the coloured shampoo will most likely lead to Future Energy, where I’m Clinging to the Past.  Clinging to what was and how I loved it after the first coloured shampoo attempt.


Alas, there’s no mystery for Feelings of Sorrow to surround my situation. 😢

Others’ Views are that I’m suffering Exhaustion and not thinking clearly.  It could be the continual late nights catching up, I suppose.

What I was most hoping for was Integration.  That is, the unity between hair-colour shampoo and hairdresser-applied colour would work together.  My fear is the Integration I had expected didn’t work out.  Sadly, this was the case.

Lastly, The Master is in the Outcome position, suggesting that the experience was worthwhile because I learnt to detach and acknowledge the vanity elements.  The Master also highlights the “mastery” over my emotions in the fight-flight response spectrum.

By the way, I put the meditative person in the middle because this would be the calm, cool head assessing every situation.  However, it’s more likely to be a confused looking person with hands-on-hips wondering which response to enact, aka “frozen” by indecision, compared to its converse opposite.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Vanity Hair, Jindabyne – site seems active.  Yet the notice that comes up on a search says “permanently close” 

SEO – Well, it’s time for another hairdresser visit but not before I’d tampered with my hair using a coloured shampoo which had costly consequence.

End Day 263

Day 262 – Depending on Others

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Day 262. Cards in order of appearance: Awareness, Innocence, Laziness, Morality, Participation, The Dream, The Lovers, Patience, Breakthrough, Receptivity, Washing Machine

Depending on Others Context

In short, today, I needed to depend on others to do something for me.  My notes don’t say what the dependency entails.  However, my priorities aren’t those of others, and I get that – but it can be oh so stressful!  So, here is what I have written in my ‘diary’:  I hate depending on other people, but I’m aware of my limitations and understand I need help. 

In taking a philosophical and karmic perspective, when I need to depend on others and get frustrated.  This frustration might be karmic repayment for when I’m late to events where others depend upon me to attend.  Let’s face it, I’m not usually the life of the party, so I don’t feel I’m a necessary part of any particular event.

That’s all I had in my notes, and maybe that’s all I needed for the analysis.  Let’s see!

Today's Cards

Day 262. Cards in order of appearance: Awareness, Innocence, Laziness, Morality, Participation, The Dream, The Lovers, Patience, Breakthrough, Receptivity, Washing Machine

The Cards - Depending on Others Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Firstly, Morality in the Distant Past suggests that I haven’t always followed expectations or rules.  And I’m Now becoming aware (Awareness) of my tardiness’ impact on others.  Luckily, it’s an innocent situation that is bringing about my Awareness.  Alas, no dire consequences but a gentle hint to cause the awakening. 

My Goal of Laziness caused the whole situation.  By avoiding some activities that I wanted to get done, I forced myself into the “last minute”, which takes longer than a minute!  This “last minute” then impacts how others depend upon me because it causes me to be late. 

Secondly, in the Recent Past is Participation.  Since it’s Sunday, and I’m expecting Audrey’s visit.  My guess is my frustration in depending upon others involves the scurryfunge before she arrives.  Participation is possible because I’ve had my husband running in all sorts of directions or didn’t request assistance early enough.

The last card of the first six, or the cross-component, is The Dream, suggesting although I’m developing an Awareness and my desire to rectify it.  I am going to continue to be frustrated in depending upon others.  😟


In contrast, my Feelings reflect The Lovers, which is about harmony, unity and teamwork. 

On the other hand, Others’ Views of me is that I need to exercise more Patience.  Really?  🥱

In the Hopes & Fears position is me hoping that the Awareness will lead to a Breakthrough but fearing that the Awareness is simply a passing phase due to my current discontent.

Finally, Receptivity in the Outcome position implies I’m at least open to the idea of altering some bad habits and maybe removing the frustration of depending on others.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – My diary notations said I experienced frustration because I depended on others for help, but reflection showed a deeper meaning.

End Day 262

Day 261 – Confelicity and Jealousy

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Day 261. Confelicity. Cards in order of appearance: Aloneness, Courage, Harmony, Control, Ripeness, Integration, Schizophrenia, Maturity, Healing, Traveling, Standard Shuffle

Confelicity Context

Firstly, I’m going to confess that I do not have a lot of notes on today.  And secondly, I’ve drawn a mental blank on the exact situation.  What I can say is that the notation in my diary has the word confelicity in it (it’s another Susie Dent word meaning “joy in another person’s happiness”). 

The other thing sitting beside the word is “overcoming jealousy of another’s opportunities”.  Hence, I am going to surmise today I had turned a corner when it comes to feeling envious of opportunities others have gotten, which I think I wanted.  Similar in a way to how I felt landing my current job. 

Today, someone else was awarded something similar, not to the extreme, but the ugly head of being unvalued came across me in the form of jealousy.  Then I remember how I got the job I’m in, or the philosophy of “the job for me will have my name on it”.  Alas, the current role had my name on it.  At this moment, I was able to let my inexplicable longing go.

Today's Cards

Day 261. Confelicity. Aloneness, Courage, Harmony, Control, Ripeness, Integration, Schizophrenia, Maturity, Healing, Travelling.

The Cards - Confelicity Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


It looks like the cards know that in the past, confelicity was only present at some moments.  In the Distant Past, I have striven for Control over my emotions, creating a balance.  Judging, if you will, the circumstance, the situation and the person’s worthiness. 

In the Recent Past, the situation has changed where I’ve matured through meditation and reflection, and the time is ripe (Ripeness) for me to grow. 

The problem with Control is maintaining the balance was exhausting and could cause subtle tension in situations until I processed my emotions. True confelicity, if socialised out of you due to your influencers life-toughened experience, is challenging. But if you’re aiming to have a Goal of Harmony, something needs to change if you don’t want the underlying stress.

Confelicity can take Courage if you’re going to brave being different from those influencers.  After all, your influencers are people whose approval you seek.  Setting off on your own, breaking new ground is Aloneness.

Alternatively, Future Energy shows how the balance I was trying to achieve in the Distant Past with Control works with Integration.  Thus, making life easier.


My Feelings were like those portrayed by the Schizophrenia card.  To achieve the state of confelicity I wanted, I needed to let go of keeping the two seemingly incongruent sides together.  On the one hand, I wanted to be ecstatic and truly happy for the other person’s achievement. 

On the other hand, a little voice in my head that sounded like my father pulled me back and asked, “why isn’t that you getting that achievement?  Aren’t you good enough?  Work harder/ smarter?”.  Because of that voice, I grew sad.  Perversely, I felt his disappointment, acceptance and love of me withheld – unintentional though it might have been.

So, I had to let go of wanting to be happy for someone; when that was gone, the voice didn’t appear either.  Then I was proud of myself, confelicity for the other person arose without prompting, and the bonus was I felt happier because of it.  Aha!  You get happiness when you’re happy for someone else – there is something in it apart from jealousy.

From Others’ Views, I’ve simply matured and reached Maturity.

I fear that this Healing isn’t temporary and isn’t an across the emotional spectrum Healing, although this is what I hope.

Lastly, in the Outcome position is the Travelling card.  Currently, there are no travel plans, but anything is possible.  Will it prompt a challenge to test the Healing and whether the ability to feel confelicity, happiness for others, will occur in more areas of my life? 🚲


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 261

Day 260 – The Right to Say “No”

Friday, 17 September 2021

Day 260. Right to say no. Cards in order of appearance: Mind, Intensity, Trust, Thunderbolt, Laziness, The Lovers, New Vision, Guilt, Completion, Innocence, Standard Shuffle

Right to Say No Context

Stuff on my mind today was the right to say “no”.  Moreover, where do you draw the line in allowing people freedom without locking people into feeling helpless?  Today, there were people on the streets of Melbourne protesting amid a lockdown, “a lockdown”.  More specifically, the lockdown restrictions or vaccinations.

For starters, vaccinations are not mandatory, but they are “strongly encouraged”.  Moving forward into a post-COVID world, there will be few choices available to those who are not vaccinated. 

I’m unsure where the failure lies if there is any.  The protestors technically have a right to protest and have a right to say “no”.  But I suspect the ones protesting are suffering a type of cabin fever from continual pseudo-voluntary restriction.  Heck, I experience it now and again.  What must it be like for those in lockdown for an extended period?

Sure some want to make a point, drum up anti-anything sentiment.  Are there people who still disbelieve COVID’s existence?  Perhaps there are, maybe in locations where COVID hasn’t been as prevalent. 

Living in Brisbane, Queensland, we’ve been fortunate to get away with comparatively fewer cases.  In places like Melbourne and Sydney, the six degrees of separation would have you know somebody that’s suffered it.  Thus, putting paid at least to the conspiracy theory. 

Again, why make life difficult for yourself and others?  Weren’t we all in at least one class at school where the teacher punished everyone because of one misbehaving child?  It was frustrating, right?  Where is the victory in getting COVID, passing it to family and friends?

History of No "No"

I’m an empathiser, not a sympathiser.  Ever since we were children, our parents have said “no” to us, and from a child’s perspective, the “no” sometimes – if not all the time – seemed unfair.  We grow up, and adolescence is troubling because you’re not quite old enough to do “grown-up” things, but you’re not a “kid” either. 

In adolescence, the right to say “no” seems to be permanently removed from our will to the point we don’t feel we have one.  Yet, others get to say it!  By the time we hit teenagehood, we’re still feeling the restrictions, but it’s parental, societal, and peer restrictions this time.  Adding to the plethora of restriction confusion are newly minted coursing hormones! 

So here we are, teenagers, our right to say “no” has seemed limited to this point.  Agreed, it has been for our safety.  In teenagehood, we are to say “no emphatically”.  The “no” applies to cigarettes, alcohol, sex, drugs, loud music, cool kids, uncool kids, and the list goes on.  Fortunately, creativity is high, which provides us ways to skirt within the myriad of rules and when to break them. 

One of the things that I have not mentioned up to this point is that girls are often told “no” more than boys, in my humble opinion at least.  When it comes to being teased, we’re encouraged to “take the higher ground”.  If you’re gentile or have attended some religious scriptures, you’re to say “yes” more than “no”.   Is it any wonder teenagers find themselves in trouble?  And cross physical boundaries they don’t fully understand, particularly around sex.

The Freedom of being Grown-up

Then we head into adulthood, and we discover we have more rights than we thought.  All those years of well-meaning lies to keep us safe come to the fore when it happens once again. 

You see, we’ve experienced the freedom of having the right to say “no,” and having that removed, however temporary, doesn’t fly.  Some take it to the streets and protest for no other reason than to exercise what they think is their right.

Here’s the rub, it applies when there isn’t a pseudo-state of emergency.  Fortunately, COVID isn’t bombs dropping, but would the people still be out there protesting if this were Agent Orange?  Probably. 😟

Today's Cards

Day 260. Right to say no. Cards in order of appearance: Mind, Intensity, Trust, Thunderbolt, Laziness, The Lovers, New Vision, Guilt, Completion, Innocence, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Right to Say No Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Today’s Goal was one of Trust.  Given my thoughts drifting to the right to say no, Trust is one of the aspects brought up by the protests.  I’m trying to trust that things will work out.  I believe that by sending my intention toward things working out, working out will get supportive energy.

In the Distant Past, Thunderbolt points to a time when my world changed, physically speaking.  It’s too difficult to pinpoint just one instance of when I felt I couldn’t say no.

More recently, Laziness has contributed to me not pushing back when I felt like saying no.  This one is most likely the vaccination.  The Recent Past has me on the path of least resistance was getting vaccinated.

Obviously, with the Intensity surrounding (influencing) the restriction and vaccination protests, my Mind is in a state of confusion.  Now that I’m vaccinated, I don’t understand the fuss.  Oh, no!  The Mind control worked!  Just kidding, in retrospect, why did I make such an ado?

Fortunately, The Lovers are in Future Energy, and an acceptance of my choices are likely.


While typing this post, my Feelings match the New Vision card.  Feelings of clearing out old thoughts and being flexible about the future. 

Conversely, Others’ Views are of me with Guilt, where I feel New Vision.  Guilty of beating myself up over nothing.  Again, I cannot comment on others’ views easily.  And I do feel guilty no matter which side of the debate choose at the moment of discussion.

What I’m hoping for is Completion, a finality to the vaccination talk, and to quote a line from Monty Python’s Holy Grail, “get on with it”.  However, I fear protests might drag on until vaccination projections by the government occur.

Finally, Innocence is in the Outcome position, and wisdom will be forthcoming.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – Protests in the streets of Melbourne about lockdown restrictions prompts me to look at when in our lives we are allowed to say no.

End Day 260

Day 259 – Emotional Variance & Mood Swings

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Day 259. Emotional Variance. Cards in order of appearance: Breakthrough, Sharing, Comparison, Rebirth, Stress, Ordinariness, Projections, Courage, Guidance, Inner Voice, Deck pile shuffle

Emotional Variance Context

During meditation, I happened upon some resistance.  Rather than look at the issue, I focused on my emotional variance – yes, it’s avoidance.

One of the things that happen when you meditate is cleaning out your thoughts.  Whether the clearing process is known or unknown, your emotions shift.  The emotional variance can be as significant as when some women head toward the feminine monthlies.  Notice I didn’t call them mood swings because they’ve gotten such a bad wrap; I thought I’d something a little more “businessy”.

Next is the mood swing from hell; one minute there up in the air, the next they’re in the “I hate men” mood.  Closely followed by the “I’m feeling sooky” coupled with the please don’t touch me; and where’s my hot water bottle! 

Once cranky mode’s over, it’s appreciation or guilt mode when you appreciate everyone and everything or feel guilty about what you’ve said.  Or maybe that was just me!

Fortunately, I no longer experience those mood swings, but the emotional variance created during a 15-minute mediation session can be the same.  Unfortunately, I can’t think of a male equivalent for the mood swing.

When I go through this emotional variance in meditation, it means I’m fighting something.  Something concept or belief is trying to hold on to, and another part of me wants to shift it.  I won’t know I’ve won until the next time I come upon a situation where my reaction differs from how I previous reacted.

Today's Cards

Day 259. Emotional Variance. Cards in order of appearance: Breakthrough, Sharing, Comparison, Rebirth, Stress, Ordinariness, Projections, Courage, Guidance, Inner Voice, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Emotional Variance Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Rebirth moved from Now to Distant Past, Projections moved from Influence to Feelings.


We’re moving quickly at the moment with Rebirth being in the Distant Past, and although there has been Stress in the Recent Past, it has led to a Breakthrough.  The Goal of Comparison enabled me to take on feedback others were Sharing (influence) with me and process it during meditation. 

Future Energy has Ordinariness.  When it comes to weight loss, the Osho recommendation is it’s “… a time now when this easy, natural and utterly ordinary approach to the situations you encounter will bring far better results than any attempt on your part to be brilliant, clever, or otherwise extra-ordinary” (p. 152).


Naturally, I feel the Osho approach in just being relaxed is projecting my desires for ease upon the situation.  Hence, my Feelings of Projections.

From the outside, Others’ Views are I’m courageous.  I’m unsure why undertaking weight loss requires Courage, in my case. 

Conversely, Hopes & Fears shows that I want Guidance and fear I will not get it. 

Ultimately, we arrive at Inner Voice in the Outcome position.  Inner Voice suggests that the only Guidance I need comes from within and trust my emotions, even if there is a sizeable emotional variance.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 259

Day 258 – Vanity Kicks back Laughing

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Day 258. Vanity's Kick. Cards in order of appearance: Rebirth, Projections, Healing, Moment to Moment, Patience, Suppression, Silence, The Master, Understanding, Going with the Flow, Standard Shuffle

Vanity's Kick Context

This morning I had to have a chuckle at myself.  After my meditation, I went to the bathroom, had a look at my figure side on and front on and felt good about me and my “perceived weight loss”.  On the high, I smugly sought out my loose-fitting pants to wear to work.  Well, smugness and vanity took a Bugatti Veyron, at full speed, out the door and exited the building.

Alas, the tight-fitting loose clothing revelation saddened me.   Especially since I thought I had resisted some of yesterday’s (Day 257) temptations.  The Dream card sitting in the Outcome position has reverted to reality.

What did I really expect?  One day of resisting temptation was not going to make that much difference at my age.  Gone are the days when I could lose three kilos overnight by being good one day.  Oh, well.  Assuredly, it was a wake-up call.  Luckily, I was able to laugh at my misconception and apparently, laughing at yourself is beneficial.

Today's Cards

Day 258. Vanity's Kick. Cards in order of appearance: Rebirth, Projections, Healing, Moment to Moment, Patience, Suppression, Silence, The Master, Understanding, Going with the Flow, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Vanity's Kick Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Moment to Moment moved from Now to Distant Past.


No surprises as to where Moment to Moment in the Distant Past came from, in this instance (yesterday).  Yesterday I exercised Patience (Recent Past) with my weight control, and today I expected results.  It’s really like going out to the garden to pull up seedlings to see if they have roots yet.

Today’s Goal was Healing.  Being able to laugh at me and shrug off vanity when it struck was a new sensation.  Not that I hadn’t laughed at it before, it was more spontaneous this time.

Projections as the influence on Rebirth is that I was most likely using long experience memories to measure the Now.  And it looks like I’m going to retreat into my shell if the Suppression card in Future Energy is any indicator.


Where the Future Energy has Suppression, my Feelings are of SilenceSilence is self-reflection for me.  Currently, I’m quiet in myself.

Others’ Views of me are as The Master.  Others see me as detached from the emotion but acknowledging it at the same time.  Ah, if only it were all true.

Hopes & Fears has the card of Understanding.  Of course, I hope to understand my situation, but there’s always the fear that I will not do anything about it.

Once again, we reach the Outcome position, and like Moment to Moment, Going with the Flow is simply accepting where one is going without resistance.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – I felt good after resisting yesterday’s temptations to eat comfort food constantly.  Only to laugh at donning “loose” clothing.

End Day 258

Day 257 – Comfort Eating Struggle

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Day 257. Comfort Eating. Cards in order of appearance: Moment to Moment, Schizophrenia, Fighting, Abundance, The Burden, Sharing, The Rebel, Playfulness, Change, The Dream, Deck pile shuffle

Comfort Eating Context

Today all I wanted to do was eat.  As a comfort eater, I fall into a vicious cycle of driving full speed to a traffic light, then slamming on the brakes and then a slow take off until I’m not concentrating on eating again and I’m at full speed again.  The strange thing is that a part of me knows why I want to eat; I just don’t want to face it.  Hence, the reason for comfort eating.  

Previously, I’d looked into the Ayurvedic food principles.  In Bell Bragg and Simon’s The Ayurvedic Cookbook, they list twelve guidelines.  Principle ten recommends we “experience all six tastes at every meal”.  Pursuantly, the conclusion of the principle is, “If all six are represented at each meal, it will be nutritionally balanced and you will feel satisfied after eating it” (p. 20).  The six tastes are: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent (p. 20).

After reading the book, I tried Ayurvedic principles, and it did seem to work for a few weeks.  Being a sugar addict where sugar is my comfort food go to, my urges for sweet stopped.  However, it’s the kind of thing your family needs to be on board with too.  Of course, you can’t make other people change. All you can do is weather the storm of family traditions and forge some new ones.

Sadly, I’m still working on my kryptonite, but I am subtly changing.  Maybe I’ll try some of the Ayurvedic principles again and build on one or two. Then I might be able to break the comfort eating cycle.

Today's Cards

Day 257. Comfort Eating. Cards in order of appearance: Moment to Moment, Schizophrenia, Fighting, Abundance, The Burden, Sharing, The Rebel, Playfulness, Change, The Dream, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Comfort Eating Analysis

Carryover Cards

Three cards carried over from yesterday; Moment to Moment moved from Others’ Views to Now, Fighting remained in Goal, Abundance remained in Distant Past.


Firstly, I’m unsure where, to begin with, the Adventure card in the Distant Past since we’re talking about comfort eating.  What is sure is that whenever I encounter certain forms of stress and it becomes The Burden, like in the Recent Past, I eat.

Secondly, in the Now, I’m influenced by the duality of mind illustrated by the Schizophrenia card.  The constant struggle within the cycle and trying to break it means that ultimately, I’ve just got to let both go and surrender, so I travel from Moment to Moment.

Then my solution might be Sharing my food and my predicament.  Maybe in Sharing my Goal, I can stop Fighting and being on edge, which begins the cycle.


When it comes to my Feelings, The Rebel being self-assured and confident in a new approach.  Maybe, I just need to stop worrying about it?

Pleasantly, Others’ Views are of Playfulness.  In looking up the Osho book, it says, “the moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on you hear disappears” (p. 55).  How wonderful!

Hopes & Fears tells a story of Change, particularly the fear of changing what I do around comfort eating.  Change prompts all sorts of questions; will I be a different person?  How would I be received if I changed my appearance?  To my family?  Or my friends? 

Changing yourself shifts the current status quo.  In a family of thin, people the fatter may have received a specific type of attention.  If then, they become slim that attention shifts and then it’s a matter of learning to adjust to the new energy.  The unknown brings with it fear.

On the other hand, is hope. It’s the longing to change, become the ideal you have in your mind and be happy with it.

Finally, we arrive at the Outcome and its card of The Dream.  As I’ve discussed many times, The Dream is the romanticised view of a situation and is unrealistic or wilfully ignorant of the situation.  Oh, fiddlesticks! Alas, it looks like comfort eating will remain a challenge 😟


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – Comfort eating dominated my thoughts today. The more I fought the urges to stuff sweets into my mouth, the harder it got to resist.

End Day 257

Day 256 – When Heroes Fail to Meet Expectations

Monday, 13 September 2021

Day 256. Heroes. Cards in order of appearance: No-thingness, New Vision, Fighting, Abundance, Compromise, Experiencing, Awareness, Moment to Moment, Creativity, Transformation, Standard Shuffle

Heroes Context

When your heroes fail you, it’s a sad moment.  If you read yesterday’s post (Day 255), you’ll know I’ve been an ABBA fan for many years.  I vaguely recall my parents talking about the Swedish pop group that won the Eurovision song contest with “Waterloo”.  Little did I know that ABBA would be in my life for many years to come. 

My sister and I used to buy chewing gum card packs.  The cards would have part of a larger image on the back.  If you taped the cards together, you’d get a “poster” of ABBA.  I still clearly remember the picture like it was yesterday.  The two girls wore animal print dresses.  

We dressed up in 1920’s headbands with feathers and walked around with round hairbrushes for microphones.  It worked; I had dark hair, and my sister was a natural blond. There’s no need to guess who played who when it came to the singers. 😁

Naturally, for many years the ABBA girls were our role models.  When I watched Agnetha Fältskog’s interview, she was still impressed.  By the end of the interview, my admiration for my “hero” rose.  Agnetha always liked music and singing and stuck with it.

Inspired, I watched Anni Frid Lyngstad’s. She impressed me with her naturalness, moving to Switzerland – my mother’s Swiss, so I’m biased.  Frida was living in the Swiss mountains and connecting with nature.  She was active in preserving nature; by the description of the interview, she was an environmentalist.  Frida loved walking and being outdoors.  I identified because I could see myself in her.

The Fall

Frida, like most, has also been through her share of pain.  However, in her interviews (Part 1 and 2), she presents as less dynamic, somehow.  A lack of dynamism doesn’t detract from a person’s hero status; it can be humbling.

Then Frida spoke of her foray into the fashion world. Mainly around designing women’s ski gear to be more feminine.  Naturally, I was curious and wanted to find out if I would be interested.  How cool would it be to wear something designed by Frida from ABBA?!  And we live in a world where we have the Internet!

The internet search turned up the designs, and I have to say, hmmm, they were okay.   Still, the desire to own something designed by ABBA kept me searching.  I looked for something of the environmentalist like the Kickstarter La Mansio bag has a Vegan version (Day 241); I hoped a portion of Frida’s ski gear when to help this or that environmental cause. 

Sadly, my search revealed a moment when one of my heroes failed my expectations.  Without being able to stop me, Frida’s designs used real fur!  Unfortunately, I felt the plummet.  It hurt to have my romantic illusion shattered.  The Osho cards would say I lived in The Dream, projecting my expectations onto another.  It’s my problem

Philosophically, until I work out how I feel about it, I will remain saddened by my tarnished hero.  At this point, there’s an internal conflict between letting someone be themselves and using fur for fashion.  Moreover, my opinions ebb and flow on the topic like those on abbachat

Alas, my hero has, for the first time in 30 years, failed me.  😭  So, am I still an ABBA fan?  Of course, just my fan-ship will take on a different look and feel.

Today's Cards

Two kittens in a bathroom sink.

The Cards - Heroes Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Awareness moved from Goal to Feelings, Moment to Moment moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.


Since today’s cards were all about one of my heroes falling from grace, seeing the Fighting card in the Goal position is a natural fit.  Fighting is about retaining control over your triggers.

In the Distant Past, Flowering is about confidence in your abilities and sharing the love.  Applied to my ABBA love in the past, it forms an accurate perspective of the past.

More recently (Recent Past), I’ve had to Compromise my perception as one of the four fails to meet my expectations. 

Consequently, this all leads to the slightly dark blank slate of No-thingness I’m experiencing NowNew Vision wonderfully influences the No-thingness of potential.  Alas, my existing view needs to go back to the drawing board for review in a new light.

Future Energy is about Experiencing the shift in perception.


So, it turns out that yesterday’s Awareness in the Goal position wasn’t from Day 251; it was to discover more about my heroes.  I guess that’s what I was doing when I was researching my ABBA heroes on the Internet.  By Awareness moving to Feelings today, I became aware of something I probably knew in the back of my mind but didn’t want to acknowledge.  And now it’s out in the open.

Furthermore, Moment to Moment moving from yesterday’s Future Energy position to today’s Others’ Views is appears like the manifestation of the cards transition.

Creativity is in the Hopes & Fears position, and I hope the New Vision does not remove my admiration and joy the group has provided me.  Nonetheless, I fear the change is permanent; I need Creativity to steer me to a solution.

Finally, Transformation echoing the fundamental irreversible shift I’ve experienced is in the Outcome.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 256

Day 255 – ABBA’s Back! With New Songs!

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Day 255. ABBA. Cards in order of appearance: Completion, The rebel, Awareness, Silence, Postponement, Moment to Moment, Sharing, Existence, Participation, Conditioning, Deck pile shuffle

ABBA Context

The thing most on my mind today was the release of two singles by ABBA.  Yep.  I did a doubletake too!  ABBA’s back with music?  The last I’d heard, they were definitely not getting back together.  Had I read the Guardian in 2010, I might have had hope.  So my response was, Nah, it’s probably stuff I hadn’t heard. The music industry was bringing out songs years after Elvis and The Beatles had moved on in their respective manners.  So, I figured these weren’t new releases, just remastered or something along those lines.

It was quite by accident that I heard the tunes.  You see, my husband is a fan of watching younger YouTubers reacting to music they hadn’t heard before, although he tends to focus on reactions to Australian artists he likes ACDC.  He knew I grew up with ABBA and put it on screen.  The reactionist was Sincerely, KSO., and the song by ABBA called, I Still Have Faith in You (2021).   

Initially, I thought the song must have escaped my radar, even this long a time.   So, my reaction was “yeah, yeah”, but I sat down to watch anyway.  KSO followed up with ABBA’s second single, Don’t Shut Me Down (2021).  Wow!

Anyway, the last I’d heard, and my news was very dated as I was about to discover, Agnetha was struggling from fear of open spaces and had the Greta Garbo desire to have people leave her alone.  That snippet was in the early 2000s. 

An internet search turned up an interview by Agnetha, and she’s been far more productive than keeping her musical talents confined to Sweden!   In the interview, I was also impressed to hear that she, like Jane Fonda for Grace & Frankie (Netflix), went back to school to top up their respective skills.  Agnetha went to music lessons, and Jane Fonda to acting classes.  It’s so incredible that they weren’t too proud to get a couple of lessons to brush up even with both their skills.

Today's Cards

Day 255. ABBA Cards in order of appearance: Completion, The rebel, Awareness, Silence, Postponement, Moment to Moment, Sharing, Existence, Participation, Conditioning, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - ABBA Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Conditioning moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome.


In the Distant Past is Silence.  On the one hand, this could be about ABBAs hiatus as a group from music.  On the other hand, it’s about me and when I felt mental quietude.

Recently, I’ve been guilty of Postponement and delaying the inevitable disrepair that leaving even the most essential things alone can have.  More appropriately, taking too long to complete something because you’re distracted into reconnecting to ABBA on an emotional level. 😉

Awareness is in the Goal position, and it follows from Day 251 when I discovered who I was amid emails.

Fortunately, I’ve moved on from Postponement and moved to Completion under the influence of The Rebel’s dynamic, self-assured energy.

Consequently, following Completion are opportunities to go from Moment to Moment.


ABBA’s back!  After watching KSO’s reaction, amongst others, to ABBA’s songs, I felt like Sharing.  I wanted to be Sharing my enjoyment and my news.

Others’ Views are of me simply living my life in my Michaela-esque way, summed up by the card of Existence.

Alternatively, Participation is in Hopes & Fears. I hope I can participate in something again – like in the past, a bit of nostalgia.  But I fear ABBA are too old to be too energetic with promotions.  Let’s not forget the impact COVID has had on our lives.

Finally, the Outcome has Conditioning, and since it has moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome, we’re still talking about breaking free of societal constraints or becoming part of a culture.  Based on the Participation card, the latter seems more likely today.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 255

Day 254 – The Right to Refuse Unvaccinated

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Day 254. Right to Refuse. Cards in order of appearance: Letting Go, Possibilities, Abundance, Sorrow, Innocence, Harmony, Compromise, Comparison, Conditioning, Ice-olation, Standard Shuffle

Right to Refuse Context

Now, I am the first person to jump on the bandwagon when empowering people to choose.  However, I often forget that choice in a democratic society is okay, providing you’re in the majority.  New South Wales, an Australian state, has ruled that businesses have the “right to refuse”.  The right to refuse entry to anyone not vaccinated.

I’m so conflicted, about businesses getting the right to refuse.  I don’t know why exactly, but I am.  Is it the manipulation or eroding of yet another choice?  We’re believe allowing individuals the power of choice is a right. 

As a girl, the teaching was that the woman was there to serve and support her “man” in religious tuition.  An example is Mary had always said yes.  Women have fought so hard for the right to say no. 

Of course, it’s not just women, it’s children too.  Our parents prevented unwise choices with restrictions.  When we become teenagers, we try to buck those controls, only to realise there are so many constraints within society there’s little room for us to explore who we are without bumping into some “you shouldn’t”.

Anyway, that’s what was on my mind today.  If I don’t stop here, my frustrations of the day will return, and I’ve settled on a tentative acceptance. The point I’m trying to make is that the “right for businesses to refuse’ bothered me.  It’ll take some reflection for me to understand my feelings on the subject entirely.

Today's Cards

Day 254. Right to Refuse. Cards in order of appearance: Letting Go, Possibilities, Abundance, Sorrow, Innocence, Harmony, Compromise, Comparison, Conditioning, Ice-olation, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Right to Refuse Analysis

Carryover Cards

In the Distant Past, it appears I have encountered Sorrow.  Today’s subject has surfaced for me to begin Letting Go NowInfluencing the Letting Go is Possibilities, which are about reflection and assessing options.  Recently (Recent Past), my response to the policy news came from Innocence, as my ramblings here.  My comments or their intent aren’t malicious.

Future Energy has Harmony, which is about listening and working at one with your heart.


In the Distant Past, it appears I have encountered Sorrow.  Today’s subject has surfaced for me to begin Letting Go NowInfluencing the Letting Go is Possibilities, which are about reflection and assessing options.  Recently (Recent Past), my response to the policy news came from Innocence, as my ramblings here. There is no maliciousness intended in my comments.

Future Energy has Harmony, which is about listening and working at one with your heart.


Naturally, with any of my rantings, I feel I need to Compromise.  I’m not shy about sharing my views, but I am aware the protests might be out of context, and therefore opinions are more rounded – probably a good thing.

Others’ Views, rightly, see me as making Comparisons between different circumstances, and my illogic links them in my mind.  Consequently, the Comparison I’m making in the context of the topic of “right to refuse” are as different as chalk and cheese.

In the meantime, the Hopes & Fears position has the card of Conditioning.  The card represents breaking free from societal constraints, but since this is the Hopes and Fears position, it means I hope to break free of society’s Conditioning while remaining part of it.  Correspondingly, I am scared (fear) being ostracised if I break the boundaries. 

Finally, it’s the card of Ice-olation in the Outcome position.  The Ice-olation card is present because it’s about crying.  Unexposed or suppressed tears need an outlet for healing to begin.  The right to refuse is a sensitive topic.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

SEO – Today I heard about NSW allowing businesses to have the right to refuse anyone who isn’t vaccinated.  It prompted a feisty discussion at work.

End Day 254

Day 253 – Right to be Stupid

Friday, 10 September 2021

Day 253. Right to be Stupid. Cards in order of appearance: Intensity, Sorrow, Totality, Letting Go, Celebration, Possibilities, The Source, Existence, Stress, Projections, Standard Shuffle

Right to be Stupid Context

In discussions at work today, it came about that a colleague during my holiday absence had grown facial hair.  The topic evolved and had me wishing I could say that every child growing up has the right to be stupid.  Of course, this poses a challenge for parents who love their children – which I’m taking for granted parents do. 

Children will never grow if they listen to everything their parents tell them.  My favourite saying over the years has been, “there’s a reason kids are more stubborn than their parents”.  There is.  Set your mind back and look at how you’ve deviated from your parents’ advice or path.  Even if you ultimately came back to your parents’ advice, you had to make your own decisions and stumble to learn the lesson.  Sometimes the only way to learn is the hard way.

Taking advice from someone born in a different generation doesn’t always work for the current generation. 

On a Side Note

Anyway, the topic began when Martin, in my absence, had grown a beard to be respected by his son.  Mainly, Martin attempted to shift his son’s perspective by changing who he looks at when he sees him.  

On a side note, when I say the ‘right to be stupid, it’s more the right to make mistakes.  In the film, Samsara, the father comes home from a three-year enlightenment quest.  It’s winter, and his son wants to go outside.  The father insists he takes a jacket because it’s cold outside. Two seconds later, the kid runs in to grab his jacket and says, “oh, it’s cold outside”. The father asked his wife why she didn’t say anything; her reply was, “he’ll work it out”. Thus, showing the mum gave the child his right to be stupid. 

Agreed, it was a measured and controlled risk.  I did the same with one of my godchildren when I was babysitting when I was cooking.  My godson had decided he wanted to know how the red hotplate felt.  After cursing, “why me? Why now?  What do I do?  Can I put him off until his mum comes home?”  Nah, it was my right to be stupid too!

Anyhow, I’d remembered the Samsara film’s moment. Industriously, I made him grab a chair to stand on.  Once in position, we turned on the stove.  Knowing his eagerness, I placed my hand on the underside of his forearm to stop him, hastily putting it directly onto the hotplate.  We started 30cm (one foot) from the hotplate and slowly moved closer.  When it got too hot for him, he pulled his hand away, “ouch”.  He wanted to check the others did the same.  Lesson learnt.  And nobody got burnt – bonus!

My 18th Birthday

In Australia, you can drink at 18, and it was pretty much customary for 18-year-olds to get drunk on this day.  As a 17-year-old, you do a lot of planning about where and how you’re going to get drunk.  Sometimes you can’t control the desire, but you might be able to limit the damage – my mother when I had my 18th. 

Consequently, my mum threw the party for me at our house, reasoning at least if it were at home, I’d not wind up in the ditch somewhere and in dire straits.  Predictably, I still wound up in the gutter and trouble, but it was our gutter, and the “trouble” was my mum complaining about it the next day. 🙄

The lesson is, you can’t stop young people from wanting to do stupid things, especially if it’s their first experience and saying no to someone who doesn’t get why you’re saying no, just isn’t going to work.  Alternatively, the most you can do is limit the damage and respect their right to be stupid. 

Sadly, there will be times when you won’t even be able to minimalise the damage, then resign yourself to just being there and pick them up when they fall, regardless of how you feel about the situation.  At this point, their stupidity will be apparent to them, and they might be more likely to take your advice next time if there is minimal judgement.

Back to the Story

Martin’s children are aged early 20’s and mid-teens.  His complaint was they didn’t listen to him when he was trying to help them.  The comment reminded me of Stephen R Covey’s book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit Five.  Seek first to understand and then to be understood. 

In the book, there was an example of Martin’s situation. During Martin and my discussion, I pointed out the example. If I remember correctly, the line went something like this: “Stephen, I don’t understand my son, he won’t listen to me”, or words to that effect. Of course, not in those words, but that he should take a moment to listen to his son’s remarks and remember what he was like younger.   

Martin responded he wanted his son to reciprocate the listening, arguing listening is a two-way street.  Realistically, it’s not. A conversation is a two-way street; listening is not.

The truth is that the younger person will never have the knowledge or skills to understand the older person; there’s a time gap.  Like you can’t know what happens at the office when you’re not there, you can’t see into your child’s environment. 

Firstly, your child is most likely a digital native. They were comfortable with computers at an early age, long before you probably owned one. For a digital native, understanding how a traditional typewriter works or the preposterous thought of lining up at the bank to get your bank balance. You see, their world isn’t the same. 

Secondly, you have experience.  For all of what I’ve just written in the paragraph above, emotions don’t change by when and how you experience them is subtly different – that’s the environment.

Love, it’s all about love and balance. 

Today's Cards

Day 253. Right to be Stupid. Cards in order of appearance: Intensity, Sorrow, Totality, Letting Go, Celebration, Possibilities, The Source, Existence, Stress, Projections, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Right to be Stupid Analysis

Carryover Cards

Three cards carried over from yesterday; Intensity moved from Distant Past to Now, Sorrow moved from Goal to Influence, Possibilities moved nowhere and stayed in Future Energy.


To begin, Letting Go in the Distant Past spawned the fierce Intensity felt NowIntensity’s influence is SorrowSorrow influences me by fuelling and alternately hinders my Intensity around how people fail to listen.  Notably, not listening when they want to understand how another is feeling.  Hey, it probably frustrates me because I’m might be unconsciously guilty of it (Refer Projections).

Let’s move to Totality in the Goal position.  Totality, as the word indicates and the image depicting a trapeze act, insinuates is about committing to letting go.  Realising you have to overcome your inertia to move on.

I made it to the end of my first week back at work after recreation leave.  Recently there has been a Celebration (Recent Past).  Celebration and Intensity lead to Possibilities in Future Energy.


Alas, today’s topic provokes Feelings of getting back to basics which The Source reflects.

Alternatively, in Others’ Views, my comments reflect my views on Existence

In the penultimate spot of Hopes & Fears sits Stress. Okay, I hope I have not offended anyone by discussing our right to be stupid; could I have made things worse (fear)? 

Finally, Projections are in the Outcome position.  Interestingly, this comes back to my comment that I feel so passionate about the topic because I’ve experienced both the discipline of restriction and the comfort of gentle guidance and support.  So, yes. I was projecting. But I have a right to be stupid too.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month

A discussion at work triggered a passionate topic that saw me argue on everyone right to be stupid. Well, argue might be too strong a word.

End Day 253

Day 252 – Proof of Work versus Proof of Stake

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Day 252. Proof of Work. Day 252. Cards in order of appearance: Experiencing, Adventure, Sorrow, Intensity, Laziness, Possibilities, Schizophrenia, The Rebel, Transformation, Completion, Standard Shuffle

Proof of Work Context

Before I begin my interpretations and examples on ‘Proof of Work’ and ‘Proof of Stake’, I need to preface the blog with a DISCLAIMER.  You need to remember I’m an ultracrepidarian when it comes to this subject (Day 076).  To use Susie Dent’s recently retweeted definition of the word: ‘ultracrepidarian’ (19th century): one who gives opinions and judgements on matters they know nothing about”.   

That’s right!  I’m not an expert as Winnie the Pooh would say, “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you sometimes find that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” (A A Milne, Goodreads).  I have put some money into the crypto world and therefore have some skin in the game.  The game of which I’m trying to make sense. 

An Idea

Well, I woke up this morning and realised how I might provide a relatable “everyday” example of the differences between Proof of Work and ‘Proof of Stake.  You see, there’s a lot of documentation out in Internet-land about Proof of Work and Proof of Stake, but none of it is easily consumable – to me at least. 

Sure it makes sense if you’re financially savvy and, to some extent, are good at computer games. It’s a strange analogy, but it seems to work. I’m not good at the computer or console games.  By the way, I’m not talking solitaire, mah-jong or minesweeper.  🙂 However, it’s a difficult concept to grasp for the most part, even if you intuitively kind of know the difference.

Put simply; a straightforward example is if you go to another country and want to drive.  If the government recognises your home country’s Driver’s Licence, that’s Proof of Stake.  Alternatively, if you need to sit or perform another driving assessment in the country you’re visiting, that’s Proof of Work. 

So, there you have it, Proof of Work is the energy-intensive way of proving the cryptocurrency you invested in exists, and Proof of Stake is the shorter recognised method.  Having said all that, when you invest, you don’t notice the difference.    

Meanwhile, an Internet search showed any number of articles referring to the differences in the methods used, such as Leaf Score’s article.  Comments against the article show very enthusiastic planet supporters, and there’s a list of cryptocurrencies amongst them for energy-efficient investments if you want to play in that space.

Today's Cards

Day 252. Proof of Work. Day 252. Cards in order of appearance: Experiencing, Adventure, Sorrow, Intensity, Laziness, Possibilities, Schizophrenia, The Rebel, Transformation, Completion, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Proof of Work Analysis

Carryover Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Experiencing moved from Influence to Now, Sorrow moved from Recent Past to Goal.


Interestingly, what strikes me in today’s reading is the light in the Distant Past’s Intensity and that in the Influence’s card of Adventure have a similar look.  It’s like there’s a connection between the unconstrained energy of Intensity fuelling an Adventure.  The Adventure then influences the experience I am having Now (Experiencing).

In contrast, Sorrow is the Goal position.  And incidentally, since on occasion I view Sorrow as having self-pity, I feel this way when I become overawed with a new concept – not created by me.  However, being in the Goal spot means I was about to throw myself into the Proof of Work or Proof of Stake world regardless.

Recently, however, I’ve been subject to Laziness (Recent Past).  There are areas I’ve taken for granted, resting a little too long on my early achievements.  Hence, it’s why I’ve been looking at cryptocurrency terminology such as Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.

Luckily the Possibilities card suggests the Future Energy will be more optimistic. I might need to remember Ellen Glasgow’s quote about progress, “All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward” (BrainyQuote). Hmmm.


Sometimes when cryptocurrency enters my life, I feel like I’m warring with myself.  It’s also what the Schizophrenia card conveys in the Feelings position.  Part of me loves playing in the crypto space, and the Proof of Work and Proof of Stake concepts are surreal and abstract; it requires a leap of faith.

Alternatively, Others’ Views of my dealings with crypto is I’m breaking free from traditional financial strategies.  Well, The Rebel is about embarking on your path irrespective of conventional approaches.  I can see that.  There are elements of advice from the crypto experts I change a little 🙉.  Yes, I know; it could lead me into trouble.  Fortunately, I’m almost at home there. 😇

Then again, in the Hopes & Fears, I’m hoping for a Transformation but at the same time am fearful of its occurrence.

Ultimately, the Completion card in the Outcome position suggests that I’m more comfortable with the Proof of Work and Proof of Stake concepts.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 252

Day 251 – Back to Work to Face Emails

Friday, 10 September 2021

Day 251. Emails. Cards in order of appearance: Awareness, Experiencing, Moment to Moment, Slowing Down, Sorrow, Consciousness, The Burden, Mind, No-thingness, Conditioning, Standard Shuffle

Email Context

It’s my first day back at work after vacation, and the culture shock of returning to work and emails wasn’t nearly as nasty as the last time.  That made it a tranquil day, but I was also mistrusting this smooth transition.  Consequently, I had questions: Did I have a break?, was it as therapeutic as it should have been?, or the reverse, was it so relaxing that I am better able to adapt to changing circumstances?  Nah. I’m just having myself on. 😏

Naturally, I’m not even sure what to write since there’s always the usual pile of emails awaiting attention.  Then, of course, there were meetings to attend; apart from that, my activities for the day was limited. 

Today's Cards

Day 251. Emails. Cards in order of appearance: Awareness, Experiencing, Moment to Moment, Slowing Down, Sorrow, Consciousness, The Burden, Mind, No-thingness, Conditioning, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Email Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


We’ll start the day’s reading from a different perspective.  Firstly, we’ll start with my Goal: to take each moment, and email, as it arrived (Moment to Moment in position three). 

Secondly, if we look at the Distant Past, it shows Slowing Down, and this aptly applies to the leave I’ve just taken specifically, the trip to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat.

Then we move on to the rest of the reading.  By Slowing Down, I found going back to work; I had a new Awareness of who I am and where I derive my enjoyment.  Happily, Experiencing nature firsthand influences my Awareness of what I enjoy, and for a time, has been absent from my life.

Recently, I felt the absence of autonomy – like everyone, thanks COVID – which filled me with Sorrow (Recent Past).  Another source of Sorrow is the dread of going back to the office and facing the emails and meetings that inevitably accrue while on leave. Consequently, the release of underlying tension I wasn’t aware of exploded in a wave of heartfelt gratitude.

Awareness sits in the Now influenced by Experiencing.  Again, I think Experiencing the trip to O’Reilly’s affects my return to work today. 

In the Future Energy, Now’s Awareness morphs into Consciousness.  Where Awareness shows a slither of realisation, Consciousness is fully cognizant of its actuality.


Nonetheless, going back to work does provoke Feelings of The BurdenThe Burden would be the bucket of emails to wade through.

Next is Mind in the Others’ Views position.  Others felt my external appearance was one of being overwhelmed, confused or simply overloaded; it could be all of them. It’s often the case when people return from leave that they have a glassy-eyed look of being overloaded.

In the Hopes & Fears, is No-thingness.  Sometimes, you fear – and it is often the reality – that’s not the case because tasks arrive for your skillset in your absence.  Alas, the No-thingness card represents the “blank canvas” or empty inbox devoid of emails.  Or it’s the new start which, when you’re returning from holidays, is how you’d like to start your return to work (hope). 

Finally, the Conditioning card in the Outcome spot is about breaking free of the traditional constraints.  It doesn’t mean you need to leave work; although it might be nice for a while 😁, you simply need to change your perspective.  To use a line from the 1999 film, The Matrix (adjusted for context), “there are no emails”?  Originally, “there is no spoon”.

Similarly, breaking free come from a change in attitude towards your work.  Stephen R Covey put it like this: “They [Nazi captors] had more liberty, more options to choose from in their environment; but he [Viktor Frankl] had more freedom, more internal power to exercise his options” (Goodreads).  Likewise, if we cultivate this philosophy regarding our work environments, might we be “free” at work, even if we are not free from emails.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, First published 1998

  3. Tarot Layouts per month

Search Text

First day back at work, and I always dread heading back into the office to face the pile of emails that inevitably await.

End Day 251

Day 250 – How to Choose a Renovator (?)

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Day 250. Renovator. Cards in order of appearance: The Fool, Flowering, Politics, The Lovers, Completion, Possibilities, Understanding, The Master, The Rebel, Comparison, Deck pile shuffle

Choose a Renovator Context

On Day 120 we had the dilemma of moving or renovating what we didn’t like about our current house.  At the moment, while the market is good for selling a house, it’s poor for buying.  So, we opted for renovating and staying for a little while, at least. Our job now is to choose a renovator.  Day 244, saw us purchase bathroom “stuff”.  It can’t be hard to choose a renovator, can it?

At the tiles place, Andie had a list of renovators who had put their names down to fulfil the questions.  Do you have anyone you can recommend, or how would you choose a renovator?  Andie mentioned the tiles place simply provides the list and are not responsible for workmanship … blah, blah, blah.  Okay, I’m too blasé, and the disclaimer is necessary.

Surprisingly, at that moment, John entered he was part of a couple who loved renovating.  John took a look at the list and identified the different approaches used by a few renovators.  Ultimately, he suggested we contact the renovators and chat with them; if you like them, invite them to quote.  Oh, and you may need to shop around until you find someone who works with you.  John proudly followed with, “and that’s how you choose a renovator”!

In contrast, I hate shopping around, especially with selecting a renovator or tradesperson.  Fundamentally, you just want to trust someone to do the job right.  You hear the occasional horror story of a non-tradesperson trying to be a tradesperson, and it’s easy to lose faith.  Then there’s the whole, “will they, won’t they show up?” or “are they going to be too expensive and rip me off?”.  Astonishingly, people still renovate!

My Flawed Approaches

Usually, my approach on “how to” choose a renovator is to look at the list of names, chat to Andie and John, select the person or company based on the description and hope I hit it off immediately.  Then the choice is closely followed by a fervent hope that they’re honest.  

Alas, the problem with my approach is I tend to put all my eggs in one basket, perpetuating the risk I’m trying to avoid.  On top of that, if they turn out to be the wrong person or company, then I’ve wasted time.  And consequently, I need to start the process again.

Previously, and because I’m aware of my “eggs in one basket” approach, I thought I’d try to switch things up and invite three trades over to give me their quote.  The scatter-gun approach didn’t work too well either. 

All the trades wanted to rock up around the same time, so I staggered the visits for the same day.  Of course, I’d forgotten the golden rule of tradespersons, never show up on time!  That’s right; predictability would give the impression they weren’t busy!  After all, I didn’t want to spend days on end at home away from work.  So, you picked it, didn’t you?  I wish I’d remembered it.

Some tradies were early, others late, and others on time.  Yep, they were all there at the same time.  And the result was, no one quoted. 😟  The trick is going to be to find the happy medium. 


In summary, I’ve given you the “how to not” choose a renovator.  Following our lunchtime from hell, I vowed not to do that to the tradespersons or myself again.

Retrospectively, the sensible approach would seem to go to places like,  Alternatively, approach your local bathroom furniture and fittings, tile store or other and compile a list of three, maybe four company names. 

Once you have a list, contact each prospect and take John’s advice and have a chat.   During the conversation, determine if there’s a “fee for quote”, if you’re happy with the response, book a time and ensure you have plenty of time between visits.   

If you don’t like someone following the chat, make your way down the list (this was also John’s recommendation), not sure I’d go with his advice unless all of them proved unsatisfactory.  Oops!  There I go again, narrowing it down to one basket.

See if you can get an estimate during the site visits – it’s unlikely but worth a shot.  Also, try and determine when they’re available to do the work; it might not suit your timeframe.

In conclusion, there’s no easy way to choose a renovator unless they’re a competent and loving member of your family.  Now, all I have to do is put into practice the advice provided!

My Apology to Tradies

For the record, I’m being so cheeky right now and generalising.  It’s not that I don’t understand there are delays with the previous job or there was traffic, or something has come up, and I can’t make it.  Therefore, I apologise to the tradies who do show up on time. 

By the way, thank you to those tradies that do send a simple text message or make a call to say they’re “Unable to make it due to job/ traffic or blah” or even “Delayed.  Will be there in or at … time”.  Or “something’s come up, unable to make it today, call tomorrow/ next business day”.  Very much appreciated.

Today's Cards

Day 250. Renovator Choice. Cards in order of appearance: The Fool, Flowering, Politics, The Lovers, Completion, Possibilities, Understanding, The Master, The Rebel, Comparison, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Choose a Renovator Analysis

Carryover Cards

Four cards carried over from yesterday.  Firstly, Flowering moved from Feelings to Influence.  Secondly, Completion moved from Outcome to Recent Past.  Thirdly, Possibilities moved from Recent Past to Future Energy.  Finally, The Rebel moved from Now to Hopes & Fears.


In the Distant Past, I’ve worked with tradespeople who understood what I wanted to achieve; this kind of relationship shows as The Lovers card.

The recent Completion – selection and payment of products – means the idea is Flowering.  Under Flowering’s influence and the next step following Completion is The Fool.

If you want to choose a renovator, unfortunately, you need to play Politics.  It’s not a conscious Goal, but sometimes it’s necessary to show your best side.  If your selection works for you – sweet; you may need to get diplomatic if it doesn’t.

Once you’ve made your selection, Possibilities open up Future Energy.


Feelings of Understanding abound as I undertake the next phase of getting the bathroom renovated.

In Others’ Views, I’m The Master in control of my bathroom renovation.  Oh, dear!  Maybe I’m better at Politics than I think.

Hopes & Fears position.  The Rebel card says I hope to break free of my old habits of throwing my eggs into one basket.  On the other hand, choosing a renovator isn’t easy, and I fear old habits will return.

Finally, it’s Comparison in the Outcome position.  It’s the first time in a reading where Comparison might be a good thing.  The downside, of course, could be I’m comparing my selection method to those of others, and I should be focussing on what works for me.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Day 120 – Moving or Renovating Dilemma
  4. Day 244 – Bathroom Renovation Commitment 
End Day 250

Day 249 – Saying No to Charities

Monday, 6 September 2021

Day 249. Charities. Cards in order of appearance: The Rebel, Projections, Transformation, The Burden, Possibilities, Breakthrough, Flowering, Compromise, Slowing Down, Completion, Deck pile shuffle

No to Charities Context

One of the disadvantages of working from home is having charities rock up on your front door.  Every charity is a worthy cause, at least from the perspective of the campaigners.  Each campaigner is earnest, or appear so, therefore saying “no to charities” is always a struggle for me. 

A friend of mine considers charities leeches; she had a bad experience with them when her grandfather was dying.  The fundraising from the organisations persistently tried contacting him in his ailing state in the hope of having money left to them in his will.  Obviously, hounding the ill is morbid and crude.  Consequently, when she arrived on the scene, she monitored the hounding and didn’t struggle to say no to charities.

Fortunately, I’m at an advantage when I’m working from home.  Firstly, I’m not keen on being interrupted for a lengthy conversation that isn’t work-related – a delivery of “sign here” is about my tolerance level for exchange.  Secondly, if a meeting is in progress, I will forego conversations and move the charity along.  Thirdly, saying no to charities while I’m in work mode is more manageable.  Finally, I had recently committed to another charity, fulfilling my charity quota for the month. 

If the charities were hoping to catch me while busy and off-guard, as they did, my defensive stance comes to my rescue.  Having these advantages had the charity on the back foot before they started.  I’m unlikely to sign away financial information when a lot is going on.

Don’t get me wrong, I contribute substantially to charities, and even on Day 208, I was hoping to do a fundraising charity walk.  It’s just that when you have six charities on the go, there’s a limit.  I found my tolerance level today.

Today's Cards

Day 249. Charities. Cards in order of appearance: The Rebel, Projections, Transformation, The Burden, Possibilities, Breakthrough, Flowering, Compromise, Slowing Down, Completion, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - No to Charities Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


In the Distant Past, The Burden of not saying no to charities weighed on me. In the Recent Past, Possibilities for the investment made me realise that I’d like to draw the line somewhere. 

Other people’s Projections on what their expectations of me are also irked me.  These Projections influenced The Rebel in me to appear.  Strangely, I felt liberated in saying enough, and in a sense, this was a Breakthrough (Future Energy).  

Today, I felt projected upon; for instance, during the discussion with the campaigner, comments were made about my good character and what I like and don’t like – how would they know?  They don’t know me.  Sure we make impressions in next to no time before we even start a discourse. 

However, a discussion can reveal intent, and a person’s intentions is a critical deciding factor in my world.  Thus, an identifiable Breakthrough aligning nicely with the Goal on the topic, which was to have a Transformation.  A Transformation is about not being able to “unknow” something. 


When a seek breaks through its encasement into the world with a Breakthrough, you might feel empowered, or like you’re Flowering, much like I did today.

Others’ Views, and I’m going to call the campaigners, felt that we had made a Compromise.  A Compromise is like nobody wins. It’s a reasonable meeting of ends but unsatisfying. 

I didn’t feel that way, but they left empty-handed with a promise that I would seek out their website as a possibility to support the cause should I stop supporting one of the others I’m sponsoring.  By the way, I did visit the website.

Hopes & Fears has the Slowing Down card.  Ideally, I’d been hoping to slow down when it came to my charities and learning how to say no to charities.  The fear of not being able to say no to charities scared me.

Finally, there’s a sense of Completion in the Outcome position.  The Completion card echoes the Breakthrough card and fulfils, in part, the Goal of Transformation, all because I learnt to say no to charities.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
End Day 249

Day 248 – Stoic Animals & Heading Home

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Day 248. Stoic. Cards in order of appearance: The Master, Friendliness, Silence, Experiencing, Laziness, The Source, Playfulness, Beyond Illusion, Moment to Moment, Sharing, Standard Shuffle

Stoic Context

Animals are amazing and stoic.  At Ariel’s place, that’s Audrey’s mum – thought I’d give her a name today – they have a partially blind dachshund, Karl.  Karl has recently undergone surgery and isn’t allowed to lick himself.  Karl wore the cone of shame for a few days, but Ariel opted to leave it off and monitor him instead. 

Animal stoicism always impresses me; whether it’s a three-legged cat or a blind dog, they just get on with living.  At first, there are some teething issues to the new way of being, but the animals don’t give up or feel sorry for themselves.  It’s like the DH Lawrence quote, “I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.”

We had a lovely morning with our hosts, but since Ariel and Audrey were expecting family for lunch, we decided to clear out of the way early.  Saying goodbye to Audrey, Ariel, and stoic Karl, we headed home.

On the way home, we stopped at a beautiful lookout on the Cunningham Highway.  The spot was different to the usual with a view; this was a stop where you could park and go for a bushwalk if you were so inclined.  Unfortunately, there were no parking spots; we pulled aside and played babysitter to the car while the other stopped to use the convenience.

Once home, we greeted our cats, who made sure we knew they were glad we were home.  With the greetings out of the way, our cats then stoically proceeded to give us the cold shoulder to let us know they were not happy.

Today's Cards

Day 248. Stoic. Cards in order of appearance: The Master, Friendliness, Silence, Experiencing, Laziness, The Source, Playfulness, Beyond Illusion, Moment to Moment, Sharing, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Stoic Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; Beyond Illusion moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.


Experiencing in the Distant Past led to Recent Past Laziness, and with the influence of Friendliness, The Master emerges in the Now with compassionate detachment.  The Source seeks to identify its contents.

Experiencing friendship with Audrey has been fantastic.  The bushwalk alone was worth the trip, couple that with yesterday’s hot chocolate, and you have the ingredients for a good time.  The weekend’s catch-up has shown that I’ve been lazy when it comes to maintaining regular contact.  Yes, I know it takes two, and speaking of stoic – as in uncomplaining – I would like to reach out just a bit more. 

Being lucky enough to have stayed with Ariel and her friendly hospitality, I extended my appreciation and love for all in my sphere.  The entire weekend felt relaxed, and we felt welcomed the whole time.

Additionally, we were privileged to be part of someone’s home life and how her parent’s influence contributed to Audrey’s personality.  Consequently, it made me reflect on my upbringing (The Source) and how it made me.  And since today’s word is stoic, my response to my upbringing was not uncomplaining 😄.


It was easy to have Feelings of Playfulness because the environment was relaxed.

Beyond Illusion occupies Others’ Views.  Sadly, it’s unclear how to interpret the card because it has many aspects to form interpretations.  Usually, I say this is the chrysalis card, which would mean I’m transforming myself from caterpillar to butterfly.  Perhaps it’s simply seeing me as changed.

Hopes & Fears has the card of Moment to Moment.  My fervent wish is that others accept I was moving from Moment to Moment.  On the other hand, I fear that if others did see me in this light, it might have appeared as blasé or rude.

Ultimately, Sharing is in the Outcome position, and it’s how everyone interacted.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Updated August images to Tarot layouts
End Day 248

Day 247 – Wedding Anniversary & Granite Belt

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Anniversary. Day 247. Cards in order of appearance: The Rebel, The Creator, Inner Voice, Politics, Consciousness, Beyond Illusion, Courage, The Outsider, Adventure, Breakthrough, Standard Shuffle

Wedding Anniversary Context

We arrived at Audrey’s mum’s place in Stanthorpe last night.  It meant we woke up to the birds and sounds of the Granite Belt.  Trust me; it’s more beautiful than it sounds.  It was also our fifth wedding anniversary.  We’re very casual when it comes to our anniversary.  At least this year, we remembered before we left the bed to greet our hosts. 

I know some people stress about remembering and celebrating anniversaries.  And, of course, anniversaries are important milestones, but I celebrate every day my husband and I are married.  In earlier relationships, anniversaries were significant to me.  Unfortunately, the tension surrounding remembering, buying, doing and celebrating caused such anxiety it cancelled the affection the anniversary evoked.  I began to dislike anniversaries.  

We also regularly do small sweet things like going to parks (Day 245) to listen to audiobooks and enjoy the companionship.  Luckily, I’m in a relationship where anniversaries are acknowledged (most of the time 🙄).  

Serendipitously, we celebrated our anniversary by going for a bushwalk in Girraween National Park.  In a stunningly awe-inspiring and eerie walk, we beheld the great sites of the boulders for which the Granite Belt is renowned. 

On the way back, we stopped by Heavenly Chocolate for a European hot chocolate; the dark hot chocolate was amazing!   We weren’t the only ones blown away by the hot chocolate; check out the reviews on the link.

Dinner was pizza with Audrey’s mum, who welcomed us with open arms into her home.  It was such a great day!

Today's Cards

Anniversary. Day 247. Cards in order of appearance: The Rebel, The Creator, Inner Voice, Politics, Consciousness, Beyond Illusion, Courage, The Outsider, Adventure, Breakthrough, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Anniversary Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


In the Distant Past was Politics when it came to anniversaries, which led to The Rebel in me looking at them in a different light.  The Creator’s influence on The Rebel is about using the skills and lessons he’s learnt in the past to bring about a new way of being in a relationship.

Alternatively, in the Recent Past, Consciousness has been brought to bear by both of us to remember our anniversary.  The Goal this year was for me to listen to my Inner Voice, aka living my truth every waking moment.  If I need to remember the anniversary, I will remember; if other things draw our attention, so be it.

The chrysalis process represents the meaning of Beyond Illusion. In Beyond Illusion, it is about the butterfly provoking the longing in the caterpillar that it one day could be a butterfly. And whether this is in response to me learning more about the Granite Belt, my or other’s relationships, I don’t know.  Either way, the card encourages a change in perspective.


The Courage card might be about the bushwalk.  By exploring unknown areas with my ankle makes me feel courageous.   

Others’ Views are that I’m The Outsider.  Being viewed as The Outsider when you’re visiting someone in their home makes sense to me.  Audrey’s mum provided us with a bed when accommodation in Stanthorpe was unavailable on a weekend when she was expecting the grandkids to visit.

Hopes & Fears for the day were of Adventure.  I hoped to have an adventure for our anniversary, and it got fulfilled with the Girraween National Park walk.  While we didn’t feel we were imposing, I feared as the day headed toward evening, our welcome might cause tension.  Fortunately, we felt welcome the whole day, but my awareness of our impact was on watch for warning signs.

In conclusion, Breakthrough is in the Outcome position.  Honestly, although I’ve lived the day, I cannot recall a moment of Breakthrough.  Perhaps, when we remembered to wish each other a happy anniversary (?) 🤔.  But I don’t think that’s it. 

Sure, there were little enlightenment moments on a micro level where I felt things shift.  But sometimes, it’s too difficult to identify “what” has changed.  You just know “something” has changed.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
End Day 247

Day 246 – Life on Mars TV Series

Friday, 3 September 2021

Day 246. Life on Mars. Cards in order of appearance: Aloneness, Moment to Moment, Maturity, Abundance, The Burden, Going with the Flow, Understanding, Rebirth, Healing, Existence, Washing Machine

Life on Mars Context

It’s so exciting!  We are heading off to Stanthorpe, and we can because Mark doesn’t start back at work until Monday.  Audrey is visiting and chauffeuring her mother, who is recovering from hip surgery.   Since lockdown could happen at any moment, we took the opportunity to catch up with Audrey before heading back to her state.  Before we left, we did the housework thing and watched a reactionist critique the 2006 TV Series Season 1 of Life on Mars.

Before we left for Stanthorpe, we did basic household things like cleaning and cleaning 🧹. Furthermore, we sat around watching reactionists react, and today’s theme was about revisiting a TV series title “Life on Mars” followed by “Ashes to Ashes”.  In my mind, the series has an incredibly satisfying ending; others like Sean Lock also agree with me. 

Sean Lock & Life on Mars

As a perspective on why I’ve used Sean Lock’s tweet to support my argument for TV series with satisfying endings, “So many shows don’t really know how to wrap things up in a satisfying way, but #LifeOnMarsLive did it”.

To have you understand Sean’s attitude to “faking” his emotions or opinion on a topic if you haven’t watched any of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, a portion of his obituary written by Harry Hill sums up Sean’s integrity in this regard.

Professionally, he worked hard at being funny and woe betide anyone who didn't match his high standards. On 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown – which became a great platform for his brilliant mind and brought him to a wider audience – he'd laugh like a drain if he liked what you'd done, but occasionally I noticed that the camera would cut to him looking stony faced. I tackled him about it. "Why don't you just fake a laugh?" I asked him. "It would make you look better."
"I don't want to encourage them," he replied with a grin.

Both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes series work together beautifully.  Additionally, character arcs and the story were set in the planning before filming began.  At the time, Matthew Graham, co-producer of the show, said they wouldn’t make a third season unless they had something to say. Yay!! Low and behold, while writing this post, I discovered Graham had found something that will work, and it looks like a Season 3 is in the making.

Today's Cards

Life on Mars. Day 246. Cards in order of appearance: Aloneness, Moment to Moment, Maturity, Abundance, The Burden, Going with the Flow, Understanding, Rebirth, Healing, Existence, Washing Machine

The Cards - Life on Mars Analysis

Carryover Cards

Three cards carried over from yesterday; The Burden moved from Feelings to Recent Past, Understanding moved from Hopes & Fears to Feelings, Rebirth moved from Now to Others’ Views.


Abundance in the Distant Past created the Aloneness in the Now.  Having an Abundance of time at one stage, I had the privilege of watching Life on Mars. Furthermore, Moment to Moment’s influence is on Aloneness and the other cards in the layout, with perhaps, the exception of The Burden in the Recent Past.

Maturity as Goal comes from my growth as a person and the way I appreciate a TV series versus how I might have viewed them in the past.  It has been a goal of mine to develop my appreciation of good TV and film and, the finale can make or break its impact for me.  Few come close to the lasting feeling of Life on Mars.

Fortunately, The Burden of yesterday’s feelings on bathroom renovations has all but disappeared from my mind.  The removal of The Burden opens Future Energy up to Going with the Flow, which allows me time to pursue whatever opportunity comes along.


Feelings of Understanding triggered when I watched the reactionist’s response to Life on Mars; that Understanding is related to how I felt the impact of the series ending.  The only feelings to the series are fond ones.

Rebirth is Others’ Views, and since my husband was my only contact today, he would have seen a renewed interest in a TV series fondly remembered but not, until now, front of mind.

Hopes & Fears has the card of Healing.  Each moment influences the next, and strangely watching someone react to a show reawakens the memories.  I hope they’re fond and Healing ones versus fearful of clinging to the past feelings.

Finally, the Outcome is Existence.  And Existence echoes the Going with the Flow card but also embraces one’s uniqueness.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts
  3. Audrey (Day 065)
End Day 246

Day 245 – A Peaceful Park Adventure

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Day 245. A Peaceful Park. Cards in order of appearance: Rebirth, Intensity, The Outsider, Change, Adventure, Breakthrough, The Burden, The Creator, Understanding, Beyond Illusion, Standard Shuffle

Peaceful Park Context

Wow! We’re on day 245!  Every day I write, I’m amazed that I’m still writing.  At this point, my husband and I are still on vacation – and loving it.  Even though our holiday has returned to the house and its environs, the sun is out, and we take a moment to enjoy it by grabbing the picnic blanket, lunch and the Sony portable Bluetooth speakers to listen to an audiobook.  What can I say being out in nature apricating (Day 101)? Apart from that, it was terrific?  You don’t realise how peaceful parks can be when you’re vacationing and everyone else is at work! 

The peaceful park is the best way to describe where we were.  It was all about taking time out to smell the roses and apricate while enjoying each other’s company.

The rest of the day was quite dull if my memory served me correctly.  Perhaps something will evolve in the cards.

Today's Cards

Peaceful Park. Day 245. Cards in order of appearance: Rebirth, Intensity, The Outsider, Change, Adventure, Breakthrough, The Burden, The Creator, Understanding, Beyond Illusion, Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


A Change in the Distant Past, probably the acknowledgement that I’m not getting any younger, has prompted a Rebirth Now with great Intensity being an influence

In the process, we sought the opportunity in the Recent Past for Adventure.  Thus, creating The Outsider Goal.  Within the day’s context, it is us taking a moment to do something we’ve talked about but never found time to do; it was time to change it 😉. And the peaceful park was the perfect place.

Breakthrough is Future Energy.  Perhaps, taking the time out to enjoy the moment will inspire us to take the opportunity more often – I certainly hope so.


Meanwhile, The Burden played with my FeelingsThe Burden I’m talking about is the bathroom renovations committed to yesterday (Day 244) and the potential upcoming cost; it’s intermittently weighing on my mind.

Others’ Views is that of The Creator; his ability is to use his confidence in his experience to make a peaceful park rejuvenation work. 

I hope that the Understanding card in the Hopes & Fears position is about learning how much we needed to simply take an opportunity to “stop and smell the roses”, especially since we had the time to do it.  My fear is I will get so busy with my life that this moment becomes rare and precious, rather something regular.

Finally, the Outcome is Beyond Illusion, and like the Breakthrough, the card is positive concerning repeating this activity in a peaceful park.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
End Day

August’s Stats 2021

Statistics for August 2021

Brief August's Stats

The stats have been a while in coming, but the August stats are here (If you’re looking for July’s, I will have moved it to the publish date of 1 August for ease of reference).   August begins on Day 213 and finishes on Day 243.  The Silence card dominates August’s stats and appears eight times.  There’s a five-way tie, with seven appearances each, for second place, and the cards are The Master, Fighting, Thunderbolt, Morality, and Exhaustion.  Like July, three cards didn’t make an appearance; they were, Transformation, Celebration and Courage

By the way, head to the Tarot Layouts page to see all the images for the month (and previous months) in one spot.  By the way, there were 2,430 cards dealt as of 31 August 2021.

A Kind Glossary

It’s not a good glossary, but here are some terms that might help clarify things. 

The Cross is the first six cards, and the Base is the last four cards to the right of any layout.

Time-based positions are Distant Past, Recent Past, Future Energy.  Note, the “Feelings” spot can also be referred to as the Immediate Future.

It is not set in concrete for the Cross and Base to act as external and internal or physical and emotional; respectively, it is something I use as a rough guide.

These can wiggle a little when it comes to the types of cards that appear and, dare I say it, one’s intuition.  There is, of course, Others’ Views which is arguably “external”, but it’s our reaction to how Others’ Views that have internal meaning. 😁

The reason I focus mainly on the highest appearing cards is that they give me the best data.  If a card appears twice in the month, it’s intriguing to ponder its significance in a pool of many and is certainly something a discord might be enjoyable to have; quantitative data is initially more fun 🤔.

Distribution Across the Layout

Silence’s presence was evenly placed over the layout without a clear preference for its position, although it appeared twice in each Now and Outcome spot.

Exhaustion has an inward focus appearing in Future Energy and Feelings for the majority of its visitations.  Morality and Thunderbolt almost mirror each other when it comes to Cross versus Base.  Morality is in the former and Thunderbolt in the Feelings.

Some of the more exciting cards for August’s stats were the ones that had six appearances.  Breakthrough, for instance, appeared as Influence position four of its six appearances in the month and didn’t venture into the Base at all.  On the other hand, Intensity and Compromise occupied Hopes & Fears and Other’s Views, respectively.  However, these two cards did venture into the Cross side of the layout in no specific pattern. 

The only cards in noteworthy positions are perhaps Receptivity, whose five appearances exclusively appear in Influence and Others’ Views, three and two times, retrospectively.  Mind makes four out of five appearances in the Cross, and Politics focuses its energy on the time-based spots of the Cross; that is, Distant Past, Recent Past, and Future Energy.

Distribution Across the Month

Let’s see what the top cards do across the month.  As we’ve established, Silence is across the layout, but its appearances aren’t restricted to consecutive days either.  Likewise, The Master, Harmony, Fighting, Exhaustion, and Morality cards have spread evenly across August’s stats. 

It’s the next couple of cards where it becomes exciting.  Mind is even more fascinating because its layout distribution is concentrated in the Cross and only in the first six days, very intense!  

Success only appears after the 17th.  And Politics occupied the middle of the month between the 9th and 22nd.  While Harmony seemed to occupy the same layout positions as Politics but on other days.

August's Stats - By Day By Position

August's Stats Top 6 card appearances. Silence 8, The Master, Exhaustion, Morality, Fighting, Thunderbolt with 6 apiece

The Story of August

The month begins with a lot of confusion (Mind), then a Breakthrough happens to dispel the Politics that existed.  The Politics get replaced by liberation of spirit, and The Master and Success’ appearance exemplifies autonomy.  All the while, feelings of Exhaustion threatened the Hopes & Fears dichotomy, the fear of Compromise and hope of Intensity.

The cards that didn’t bother getting out of bed for August were:  Transformation, Celebration, and Courage.  This lack of appearance could indicate while Breakthrough was influential, it wasn’t something life-changing to need Transformation.  And I had encountered Success, but it did not require Celebration.  The Master‘s is imbued with Courage, making the card redundant.

Year-to-August 2021

From a year-to-date perspective, The Source holds the spotlight with 42 appearances, but it is no longer alone because Harmony’s six August appearances equal 42 for the year too.  

The cards with the fewest appearances in August’s stats are the same as July’s stats, Turning In, Going with the Flow and Success.  And the message with their absence is to meditate, which encourages reflection, finding time to just drift along with the current of life, and in doing so, Success might follow.

When it comes to first appearances in positions, basically has a card not showing up in a layout position?  If so, what positions are still vacant against which cards?  You can look for yourself in the First Appearances stats, but when it comes to a summary, 94% of positions used, leaving 6%, which is 43 spots still, to have the first appearance in some layout positions.

That’s August’s stats done.

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Only August's Stats - Highest to Lowest

August's Stats Only. Sorted Highest to Lowest

Day 244 – Bathroom Renovation Commitment

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Day 244. Renovation start. Cards in order of appearance: The Master, Traveling, Stress, Turning In, The Lovers, The Burden, Morality, The Dream, Letting Go, Understanding, Deck pile shuffle

Bathroom Renovation Context

Hi. Yep.  That’s all I got and a dad joke, or should that be a “bad” joke!  I’m just kidding.  Although on Day 219, I mentioned I would keep it short and sweet to 1 September.  I haven’t managed to catch up, and it’s looking more and more like a pipedream.   My notes are simply:  bathroom tiles, vanity and cabinet ordered.  Booked quote visit from bathroom renovator.  Booking is for two weeks!

Builders and trades are super busy at the moment because people can’t travel; they’re investing their money in renovating.  I suppose you’re in lockdown; you might as well fix up all those things you’ve meant to fix.

It’s got nothing to do with the bathroom renovation theme, but the dad joke aligns with Father’s Day on Sunday (in Australia, it’s the first Sunday in September).  Here goes:  every year, I buy my dad some comic themed shampoo, and this year he’s expressed a desire for batman shampoo; the shops were out of stock, so I bought him, Conditioner Gordon.  Groan!  🙈 🙉

On that last note, let’s move to the analysis.

Today's Cards

Renovation Start. Day 244. Cards in order of appearance: The Master, Traveling, Stress, Turning In, The Lovers, The Burden, Morality, The Dream, Letting Go, Understanding, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Bathroom Renovation Analysis

Carryover Cards

One card carried over from yesterday; The Master moved from Recent Past to Now.


Regular Turning In in the Distant Past paved the way for me to live in my truth, The Master who is in the Now position.  The Master is another way of describing the “lead by example’ except you’re “leading” by example.  In the Osho Zen book, I like the words, “The butterfly cannot prove that the caterpillar can become a butterfly; there is no logical way.  But the butterfly can provoke a longing in the caterpillar – that is possible” (p. 47). 

Travelling influences The Master, and it kind of does.  In the absence of any other notes, I’m taking the travel card to refer to the journey to the tile shop where we purchased the bathroom products.       

Not sure if anyone has had to make choices on colours and cabinets, and even though I went in with eyes wide open, I set myself up for the Stress.  So, Stress occupying the Goal does not come as a surprise.

Once my husband and I were at the store, we worked well together to select a mutually agreed aesthetic.  We have mutual respect for the other’s contribution, and since it happened recently, it’s in the Recent Past and reflected by The Lovers.

Alas, purchasing cabinets, vanity, tiles and putting down a deposit means that Future Energy will have The Burden.


So, what are my Feelings about this bathroom purchase?  It makes me feel prudish, and to some extent, I know I’m doing the right thing (Morality) for my visitors, if not directly for me/ us.

Others’ Views of the bathroom renovation or me with the renovation are deluding myself regarding what I hope to achieve with the change.  Alternatively, I’m finally making the change I’ve wanted to make.  Others might be concerned that the difference I’m more romantically attached to the idea than the reality will be, aka it’s The Dream.  This concern could be on the contractor selection.

Hopes & Fears is all about Letting Go.  The hope would be about Letting Go of the existing bathroom and look.  Just to be clear, I like the existing bathroom.  The only thing I haven’t enjoyed since we moved in is the squashy shower (written about on Day 085).  Of course, the fear is Letting Go of the money I’m going to spend and the existing bathroom – where’s that miser card when you think you need it 😉.

Finally, the Outcome has Understanding, which seems like an odd card to have given the other cards. The first words that confronted me were, “you are out of jail, out of the cage” (p. 63) and immediately, I knew what it meant.  Basically, it’s saying, “you’re out of the starting blocks when it comes to the bathroom renovation”.085


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7.  If you like the deck here is a link.  Neither Osho or the purchase site are sponsors.
  2. Day 120 Moving or Renovating Dilemma 
End Day 244
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