Saturday, 28 August 2021

Troubleshooting Sentences Context
Back on Day 219, I was hoping to keep my posts short, and as we keep discovering, I’m not very good at sticking to that kind of goal. Nonetheless, I need to do that because as much as I wish I’d had an additional 5-10 hours in a day, positive thoughts aside – it’s just not going to happen. Instead of writing, I spent it troubleshooting sentences.
Today, my focus was mainly on resolving an error message I’m getting in the SEO tool, saying that I have four consecutive sentences in my blog beginning with the same word. I don’t. It keeps reading the widget code and viewing it as my sentence structure – I’m not that clever! Not clever enough to write code, that is.
All that troubleshooting sentences takes time, even if you keep it to a minimum of reporting it. And being inquisitive, I like to spend time working out the error. Being told it’s not a priority affects my sense of impatience with computers but slaps my need for understanding in the face. Yet, knowing at one point in the future it will get a look-in is surprisingly sufficient.
When I wasn’t troubleshooting sentences, I was feeling mild effects from yesterday’s jab. I’ve continued to feel spacey and tearful; my belly button – of all places – has a weird light graze scab as if I’d fallen over and grazed my knee, but it’s my belly button. Oh, no! The conspiracy has “evidence” Probed! OMG! 😱. The other physical thing I noticed was that my pee stunk. Whoooweee! (pun intended). The Australian Health description of the Pfizer injection does not include the urine smell.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Troubleshooting Sentences Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Innocence moved from Distant Past to influence.
My thoughts are that being The Creator is about troubleshooting sentences. I suppressed something in the Distant Past, and it made its appearance in the Recent Past as The Miser. You see, I’ve worked on an IT help desk, and all those triage skills that had been hidden away (Suppression) and I’ve been reluctant to use (The Miser) have been dusted off to be used again (The Creator). However, The Creator in me can use the skills I’ve learnt to overcome them.
Deciding to attempt the troublesome sentences is a Goal that The Fool might embark on. It’s all under the influence or watchful eye of experienced and Innocence.
Future Energy breaks free of Conditioning, and I might even surprise myself by discovering that I know something. Go figure!
On the whole, I’m feeling surprising Zen, which might be why The Master is in this position.
Others’ Views of me are that I’m tearful, possibly from the fear I’d created for myself concerning the vaccination yesterday; this is the card of Ice-olation.
No-thingness is in the Hopes & Fears position. No-thingness supports resetting or starting my website all over again. The fear is I’ll lose everything I’ve managed to eke together and making me very sad.
Finally, the Outcome is about Experiencing both the troubleshooting sentence situation and the injection’s effects. From a purely scientific view, I and my reactions to both these situations are fascinating.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7