Tuesday 24 August 2021

Bird Feeding Context
Yesterday (Day 235) was big enough to fuel our curiosity walks in the Lamington National Park. Today’s agenda was bird feeding and a relaxing shorter walk than yesterday.
But the morning saw weather with skies turned to grey, rain and wind, which kept us confined to relaxing and reading by the fireplace. Amidst this sloth, we got a text advising our internet at home was working (Day 233). Hooray!
However, by the afternoon, the sun came out, and an opportunity arose for walking. Moran’s Falls, 450 metres away, was a short walk. We would squeeze in the bird feeding of rosellas and king parrots, if there was still daylight after the walk.
On the path to Moran’s Falls, or should I say on the way back, rather than return the way we came, we followed the other path assuming it would take us back circuit fashion. It did do that. It was just a longer walk than we anticipated; try 4,550 metres more. In the meantime, it was unlikely we were going to make it to bird feeding. Nonetheless, we headed up to the guest house to try our luck.
I’d like to point out we did not rush to try and feed the birds; we went to purchase track pants for my husband because, somehow, he’d forgotten his. With the weather being a little colder, track pants were worth the “captive audience” price. So, bird feeding, a secondary thought, paid off.
Another thing, we are in Queensland when mask-wearing is mandatory indoors except when seated to eat. Wearing a mask outdoors is not needed, but social distancing is still stipulated. Because it was a windy day, we were also the only one’s bird feeding, and we got a few who hadn’t flown to roost yet.

Today's Cards

The Cards - Bird Feeding Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over from yesterday; Flowering moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views, Ordinariness moved from Feelings to Outcome.
Our home internet fixed, which broke on Day 233, is fixed in the Completion card, which has moved to the Distant Past; it, in turn, forms the Creativity of today’s Now, which The Master influences.
I’m taking Creativity to mean adapting to the changing weather patterns and working out what to do in a remote location with very patchy wi-fi. The Master’s presence simply implies that our Creativity did not come with any attachments.
Today’s Goal was Harmony but using a lack of technology access as an excuse brought about Laziness in the Recent Past. Harmony is simply enjoying being here at O’Reilly’s, and Laziness is indulging too much and neglecting to use the free time to write my blog.
Completion forms the basis for Creativity to exist, and Creativity inspires Change in Future Energy. When we returned from the walk, I was changed – in a good way. 😁
My Feelings on the day as we had an agenda, but it wasn’t set in concrete and therefore, our approach to fulfilling it wasn’t pragmatic but more relaxed, a Going with the Flow if you will.
This Going with the Flow was evident with the unintentional but enjoyable extended walk to Moran’s Falls. It was present by not rushing to the bird feeding activity and accepting the outcome regardless.
Flowering moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views showing its progress from possibility to an expression of reality.
I fear most that I’m suppressing (Suppression) something, which is why the Laziness card appeared. On the other hand, I hope the hidden has surfaced and cleared.
Yesterday’s feelings of Ordinariness have manifested as a possibility in the Outcome position. You can’t get any more ordinary a day than one spent Going with the Flow. It’s experiencing a day, moseying through a picturesque rainforest and ending it bird feeding, a natural state of bliss.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7