Day: 23 Aug 2021

Day 235 – Curiosity and Wishing Tree

Monday, 23 August 2021

Curiosity. Day 235. Cards in order of appearance: The Fool, Compromise, Maturity, Silence, Fighting, Flowering, Ordinariness, Success, Postponement, Moment to Moment, Washing Machine

Curiosity Context

While Mark and I had visited O’Reilly’s in the past, it’s usually to do some Uni assignment or simply to just getaway.  The trips had been for weekends arriving on Saturday and departing Sunday.  Therefore, this extended-stay provided us with an opportunity to use our curiosity.  We could discover the Wishing Tree.

Since this was our first day, the walk we planned would be friendly and easy for us.  That meant we’d have to reign in the curiosity a little, but not too much.  So, first up was the Wishing Tree walk.  What is the Wishing Tree?  Why was it called the Wishing Tree?  Ooh, let’s take a look.

It was fantastic exploring the rainforest.  As it turns out, the Wishing Tree was a massive tree with a base about the size of a medium-small tepee.   Further along, the walk was a suspension bridge between trees (not very big) which is scary and fun at the same time! 

Along the loop, there was a sign to go to a flying fox; I love flying fox ziplines!  Although we suspected it would be closed, considering the lack of people we encountered on the walk, my curiosity wanted to see what was at the top of the loose-rocked climb. 😉 Disappointingly, as expected, it was closed.

With our curiosity sated and enough exercise to feel like we exercised, we walked back to the unit and relaxed in front of the fireplace.

Curiosity. View from Bower 33.
Curiosity. Fireplace O'Reilly's Bower 33

Today's Cards

Day 235. Cards in order of appearance: The Fool, Compromise, Maturity, Silence, Fighting, Flowering, Ordinariness, Success, Postponement, Moment to Moment, Washing Machine

The Cards - Curiosity Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


Silence in the Distant Past probably refers to previous visits.  The peace and relaxation from being at O’Reilly’s prompted an unconscious desire to embark on a trip with The Fool and allowed us to indulge our curiosity. 

The Fool today is influenced by Compromise.  That Compromise comes from the cancellation of a ski holiday to NZ (Day 204) and the desire to still go on a trip anywhere possible.

Having Maturity as the Goal enabled us to make that decision, although until we got to O’Reilly’s (Recent Past), I had been Fighting to keep my tension from last-minute packing stress under control.

In the end, Future Energy is Flowering and opening up my heart to the beauty of being in and amongst nature.


Today my Feelings were of Ordinariness.  Our curiosity took us exploring, but I think that’s just a natural part of our soul.  Sure, sometimes it gets us in trouble, but at others, it’s rewarding.  You know the saying: “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back”.  Curiosity is a double-edged sword.

Others’ views are of me having Success.  Now, what that Success is for isn’t clear, but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it was finally going for the bushwalk I’ve been promoting for weeks.  Maybe it just satisfies that curiosity on the Wishing Tree.

Postponement is in the Hopes & Fears position, and it’s been thirty-two days since its last appearance.  Hmmm, what am I postponing?  Writing?  It’s tough trying to blog when you’re in this beautiful place with your husband.  I hope there’s time to rest and play but fear this isn’t possible – Compromise (?).

The best thing about being on this kind of vacation?  It’s about being able to take it Moment by Moment, and this card fits in the Outcome position of the layout.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat 
End Day 235

July 2021 Stats

Statistics for July 2021

Brief July Stats 2021 Analysis

It’s July 2021 stats time!  July begins on Day 182 and finishes on Day 212, with ten cards per day; by the end of the month, the cards dealt was 2,120. 

During the 31 days, ten cards made seven appearances.  Three cards didn’t make an appearance at all.  The cards that didn’t appear in July were:  Participation, Guilt, and The Burden.  Where June lacked Success, July lacked socialisation, guilt, and the weightiness of being burdened.

Ten cards made appearances seven times, and they were: The Master, Sorrow, Compromise, The Dream, Ice-olation, Sharing, Projections, Aloneness, Fighting, Clinging to the Past

Distribution of the Ten

Cards like Sorrow and Compromise are predominantly in the Cross part of the layout.  That’s from positions one to six or Now to Future Energy.   

If I were reading this for somebody, the beginning of the month shows something external is affecting the Questioner.  The influence is either in the news, family, in the community, is dominating the general mood at work, or it could be all of them.  Sorrow appears again later in the month in the Outcome spot, implying more of the same.   I thought I would peak at the Sorrow card and discovered it was on the “inner” cards or in the Base positions, Hopes & Fears, Feelings, and Others’ Views from midway through the month. 

Suppose we apply the principle that we manifest our destiny from our decisions and feelings, whether we’re aware of them or not.  In that case, Sorrow is perhaps unconsciously becoming a determined Goal awakened by surroundings and influences triggering something in the Distant Past.  The Sorrow loops around to influence upcoming energy in the Future and the Outcome.

Just from typing up Sorrow’s story, I can see the resemblance to COVID’s presence.  The Coronavirus’s presence in New South Wales and the other Eastern states of Australia has weighed me down in July.  This month, we have had: a snap three-day lockdown and to cancel our trip to New Zealand, and my mother’s trip in October was becoming uncertain.

Ice-olation was at the beginning of July and received no appearances after Day 200.  The Ice-olation card that emerged from the Distant Past became an Influence or Block.  It was also how others saw me, sat in Hopes & Fears and became the Outcome on some occasions.

Distribution Across Month

The heaviest concentration for The Master is the centre of the month, and its highest concentration is in the Recent Past position.  Projections is also toward the middle of the month but is distributed evenly over the layout.  Other cards evenly distributed across the month are Clinging to the Past, Sharing, The Dream and Compromise.

Aloneness is evenly spread over the month but has avoided becoming anything tangible; it has been an Influence, Goal, Feelings, a Hope or Fear.

The main focus of Fighting’s presence is in the Base, or the “emotion” positions, in the latter part of the month.

Compromise happens across the entire month but has mostly confined itself to the Cross spots.

Year-to-July 2021

July Stats. Year-to-date number in layout positions. The Source, 2, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 9, 2 & Control: 4,1,5,4,4,5,3,6,5,1

From a year-to-date perspective, The Source is still in the lead on 38 appearances receiving five in July, followed by Control with 37, which received six.   The cards that are shying away from appearances are:  Success, Turning In and Going with the Flow.

So, can we read anything into the overall spread?  It appears that my inner search in identifying my soul’s makeup (The Source) is still weaving through the winter months.  Yes, it’s winter in Australia in July.  Control in the Osho Zen cards is about the impartial balance often used to describe the court or law and order system.  The strictness and impartiality lack warmth but is fundamentally fair, even if it sacrifices compassion. 

While Control is rarely in the Influence and Outcome positions (one appearance each), I don’t set out to Feel in Control (three), although it is undoubtedly the perception I emit in Others’ Views (six).

That’s it for another month.  Will The Source and Control hang in there, or will they be usurped?

July Stats - By Day By Position

Top ten highlighted
July 2021 Stats. By day by position

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Sorted By July's Stats - Highest to Lowest

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