Friday, 20 August 2021

Sloth-ing Context
It’s been a week of tension & emotion, very merry-go-sorry. However, I recovered from my “sloth-ing” yesterday; & I spent the day simply.
Back on Day 219, I said I was going to write notes simply. And I’ve said this before; I’m not very good at doing just simply transposing notes. On the other hand, I need to. While I have a couple of exciting days coming up in a few weeks, today’s notes are scant.
As you know, from the past couple of days, particularly yesterday, Day 231, I was suffering a headache from the comedown stress. Another part of the anatomy of going on leave is you overcompensate your energy by going to the other extreme, “sloth-ing”.
Another phrase for “sloth-ing” is the Scottish phrase from the 1800s “, hurkle-durkling”. According to Susie Dent’s “word of the day” in Twitter, it means “lying around in bed or lounging about after it’s time to get moving”.
Sloth-ing was what I did yesterday. It was the lounging, the relaxed, casual suaveness of one not having to go to work. Or should that be smugness? Anyway, today, I have renewed vigour and am ready to tackle the world, one household chore at a time.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Sloth-ing Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over from yesterday, We are the World moved from Hopes & Fears to Recent Past, and Exhaustion moved from Outcome to Future Energy.
Completion in the Distant Past seems to indicate work finishing and vacation or “sloth-ing” beginning. Guidance is about connecting to your inner guide; I am open to following Guidance because it is in the Now position and influenced Receptivity.
My trip to O’Reilly’s is ever closer, and it’s getting to a point where Travelling (the Goal) there is a viable possibility; COVID lockdowns are an ever-present threat.
It appears yesterday’s hope or fear in We Are the World has come to pass in the Recent Past, where communal help came to the fore – in this case, a neighbour feeding our cats. Did I mention I love our neighbours?!
On the cards for the Future Energy is Exhaustion. Perhaps I push myself too much, too soon.
The more I began to wind down, the greater my Feelings of Awareness that I needed this trip more than I would like to admit to myself.
By any stretch of the imagination, I cannot see how Past Lives might be what Others’ Views of me are. Maybe? Nup, nudda, nothing. It’s the tricky bit about reading this position for yourself; your objectivity gets lost.
So, the glass half full approach says, you get to see how the cards don’t always play nice. Going with the glass half empty, it’s a dull read. 🍷
Hopes & Fears has Playfulness. And Playfulness is what I’m hoping the holiday will be all about; nothing but fun, fun, fun! The fear is that a lockdown will prevent quality sloth-ing or quality Playfulness from taking place in the way I want it to occur.
Intensity is the Outcome of a dog let off the lead in the leash-free dog area! Relating this to my holiday, bring … it … on!
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
Merry-go-sorry, well, it sounds like a merry-go-round, but instead of one being on a static horse going up and down round and round, it’s your emotions. For a better definition, refer to Susie Dent’s Twitter page and look for word of the day.