Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Last Minute Context
Have you ever heard of the saying, “nothing would ever get done it if weren’t for the last minute?” The day before a vacation or holiday is that proverbial last minute.
There’s work that has been sitting waiting for attention for months and sometimes years! But for some reason, when the countdown clock for recreation leave starts, it’s like you find another speed. Is that why things suddenly get done? Or is it something else?
I don’t mind what it is; it’s like spring cleaning. Love it!
Well, I’ve been thinking about this, and I think it’s because when we know we’re going on vacation, we push back on taking on new activities due while you’re away.
The time typically spent ramping up is then spent completing those immediate tasks. And once completed, you get to move to the backlog pile. For some reason, getting through that guilt backlog at the last minute is a good thing! Is that because you know when you get back, there’s going to be a backlog of work waiting for your anyway?
So, does this productivity mean that vacations are a good thing for our office and us? I’d say so because it creates that last-minute where everything happens!
Today's Cards

The Cards - Last Minute Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
The experience associated with the last minute comes from incidents in the past. And today’s Clinging to the Past suggests that I like hanging onto some work, just like Mel’s “guilt pile” from Day 075. But recently (Recent Past), I’ve had a Breakthrough, and my attitude to hanging onto work has changed.
Hanging onto work creates some of the stress associated with the last minute. However, previous experience has led to a place where Existence is influenced by the blank slate of opportunity for change, No-thingness.
Of course, when it comes to the final hours on the last day and trying to get things done, reality’s Goal is Compromise. Compromise, however bitter, will need to be made.
Following the last day of work is the first day of leave (Future Energy), and my break involves Travelling.
Thunderbolt has reflected my Feelings about the Breakthrough; it’s like lifting a load.
On the surface, Playfulness starts to peak through the stress as the sun begins to set on the “last minute” day – well, that’s Others’ Views.
When it comes to Hopes & Fears, I hope to transform my state of being from sluggish to dynamic, but I fear the break won’t be long enough for Beyond Illusion (altering conditions) to take place.
We arrive at Projections in the Outcome position, which says the idea of a break is so big that it may not meet my expectations.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7