Sunday, 1 August 2021

Snap Context
When you’re in lockdown, as most of you would know, life gets pretty dull. Although activities outside the home slowed, today still felt busy. What, with a family zoom catch-up and the snap decision by the AFL to send Sydney Swans flying to Victoria at a moment’s notice to play in Melbourne.
By the way, it was the biggest downer of my weekend since I had tickets to see them play at the Gabba Stadium (Brisbane, Queensland).
Instead, the team flew to Victoria to play at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (Melbourne, Victoria). Super bummed about that happening! Nonetheless, the game showed on the teev and gave me something to get my heart rate up!
Since Sunday is our regular shopping day, we ducked out for the essentials we have missed in yesterday’s (Day 212) dash to the store for groceries!
That’s the total of exciting events for the day. The godson, who went in for a kidney stone operation, seems to be recovering well. Things have finally gone his way.
Wonder what the cards had to say about today. Let’s take a look.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Snap Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
It’s always an interesting exercise to find Projections in the Goal position. How do you go about setting a Goal which is, “right, today I’m going to misread what other people are saying because I want them to be like me”? You’d think this was more of a subconscious choice.
I suppose with Mind in Now and Sharing as its influence, the sense of the Projections Goal could be made apparent. Let me explain if Mind is confusion and, more specifically, my confusion, and Sharing is, well, Sharing. If my thoughts are disoriented, I’m likely to misread other people’s cues. And by misreading what other people are conveying, there’s the likelihood that I could spread confusion – in a Sharing, caring kind of way. In turn, creating more work for everyone.
The mixed mental state comes from Schizophrenia in Distant Past when torn between wanting to travel to a locally played game of AFL or just stay at home. It was most likely the decision on whether to buy tickets to the Swans v Essendon game.
Recently, I’d discovered an inner acceptance of my uniqueness. I know, you’re asking, “you didn’t know that already?”. Well, yes. I knew I was unique – like everyone – but there’s a difference when you feel it – the moment of recognition displays by the Existence card appearing in the Recent Past spot.
Future Energy coming out of Mind’s confusion is getting back to The Source. Because the cards sometimes need to display continuity of a particular type of energy, The Source is an echo of Existence and is its continuation.
I think it’s fair to say the Cross component of the layout is all about the confusion generated by a snap lockdown and finding your weekend plans – or work plans, for that matter – upended.
Going with the Flow is in the Feelings position, and it further supports the flowing nature of Mind not fighting the day’s direction but sitting back and enjoying the drift.
Others’ Views are of me making Compromise. I don’t think this card needs any explanation. Going into the snap lockdown forced a bunch of Compromises.
Hopes & Fears has the card of Maturity. Maturity symbolises my hope that South-East Queenslanders, learning from what’s been happening around the country and world, exhibit the Maturity required to stay or “behave” while in this lockdown. I fear that one moment of someone’s carelessness will result in a stupid decision causing COVID-19 Delta to spread and force a longer lockdown.
Appropriately, Ice-olation appears for our isolation. For today, I’m going to simply read this off its face value that the lockdown saddens me. The concern over the snap lockdown is because they have a “mysterious” occurrence of Delta appearing in a sufferer. A mysterious case simply means the contact or connection is currently untraceable.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7